... Download as a PDF. by Alan Friedl , Greta Aeby , Russell Brainard , Athline Clark , Edward De... more ... Download as a PDF. by Alan Friedl , Greta Aeby , Russell Brainard , Athline Clark , Edward Demartini , Scott Godwin , Jean Kenyon , Y Kosaki , Jim Maragos , Peter Vroom , Elizabeth Keenan , Russell Moffitt , Don Palawski , Gregory Schorr , Allison Veit , Lee Ann Woodward. ...
New surveys help untangle the complex geologic history of the Hawaiian Archipelago and provide hi... more New surveys help untangle the complex geologic history of the Hawaiian Archipelago and provide hints about where to seek marine life.
'i marine technician group. The personnel list can be found in Section 6. Cruise mobilization sta... more 'i marine technician group. The personnel list can be found in Section 6. Cruise mobilization started on June 29, 2018, with the RV Kilo Moana alongside the University of Hawai'i Marine Facility in Honolulu, HI. Mobilization and dock-side testing were conducted on June 29 and June 30. An opening gravity tie was conducted on June 30 at ~1500 hr and the ship departed Honolulu, HI on July 1 at 1800Z (0800 HST). The ship proceeded past the Aloha Tower and out to sea, making 10.5 kts. on the transit to the Gulf of Alaska. A Built-In-Self Test (BIST) was conducted for the EM122 as the ship moved into deeper water, which the system passed with no faults (see Appendix G). As the ship transited to deeper water, an XBT was launched for training purposes and to confirm the validity of the XBT system against an XSV measurement.
1st CRED Mariana Archipelago RAMP (MARAMP) cruise 2nd MARAMP cruise Included mapping Included map... more 1st CRED Mariana Archipelago RAMP (MARAMP) cruise 2nd MARAMP cruise Included mapping Included mapping 3rd MARAMP cruise 4th MARAMP cruise *2009 data are not included in this document Added water-quality sampling Added coral-disease surveys Added sampling for carbonate chemistry Improved sh surveys: increased number, added strati ed random sampling design and expanded depth range to 0−30 m Executive order to protect reefs U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (CRTF) is formed CRTF creates National Action Plan to Conserve Coral Reefs Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (CRCA) NOAA creates Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) NOAA PIFSC forms Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) NOAA & CRTF produce National Coral Reef Action Strategy 1st Paci c RAMP cruises TIMELINE The mission of the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division is to provide highquality, scientific information about the status of coral reef ecosystems of the U.S. Pacific islands to the public, resource managers, and policymakers on local, regional, national, and international levels. National coral reef conservation efforts were formalized in 1998 with a presidential executive order to "preserve and protect the biodiversity, health, heritage, and social and economic value of U.S. coral reef ecosystems and the marine environment. " This executive order established the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (CRTF) and emphasized the need to undertake a comprehensive approach to research, mapping, and monitoring of all U.S. coral reef ecosystems. In 2000, the CRTF developed The National Action Plan to Conserve Coral Reefs (U.S. CRTF 2000), and the Coral Reef Conservation Act laid out a national framework to address the degradation of U.S. coral reef ecosystems and other coral reef conservation issues (Coral… 2000). The Coral Reef Conservation Act also led to the creation of the national Coral Reef Conservation Program under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce. This legislation requires NOAA to conduct scientific research, mitigation, and outreach activities that directly contribute to the conservation of coral reef ecosystems. NOAA, in cooperation with the CRTF, produced A National Coral Reef Action Strategy in 2002 with goals and objectives that included mapping, information management, research, and monitoring (NOAA 2002). In response to these mandates and with the support of NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program, the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center initiated the Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (Pacific RAMP) in early 2000 and established the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) in 2001. To fulfill its mission, the CRED conducts a comprehensive suite of integrated, interdisciplinary research activities, including habitat mapping, oceanographic studies, and long-term monitoring of multiple components of coral reef ecosystems in the U.S. Pacific islands (Fig. 1). The CRED conducts biennial Pacific RAMP Opposite page: Turbinaria coral polyps near the island of Asuncion. NOAA photo by Marie Ferguson PACIFIC ISLANDS FISHERIES SCIENCE CENTER CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEM DIVISION
Joyce Miller1,2, Jim Maragos3, Russell Brainard1, Jacob Asher1,2, Bernardo Vargas-Ángel1,2, Jean ... more Joyce Miller1,2, Jim Maragos3, Russell Brainard1, Jacob Asher1,2, Bernardo Vargas-Ángel1,2, Jean Kenyon1,2, Robert Schroeder1,2, Ben-jamin Richards1,2, Marc Nadon1,2, Peter Vroom1,2, Amy Hall1,2, Elizabeth Keenan4, Molly Timmers1,2, Jamison ...
From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and ... more From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and the National Science Foundation, supported 72 days of mapping surveys on two cruises using R/V Falkor in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) located within the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). PMNM is one of the largest marine protected areas in the world. Approximately 127,000 km2, 35% of the PMNM, were surveyed using dual multibeam systems from less than 30 to >5000 meters water depth, and thus covering the habitat depth ranges for shallow living corals, mesophotic corals, drowned reefs, to deep-sea corals and sponge communities. A total of 18 seamounts, guyots, banks, or atoll flanks (e.g., Midway and Kure) were mapped in the upper northwestern section of the monument, including the generically named Bank 9 Seamount, which appears to be a composite of a younger Hawaiian seamount and an older Cretaceous guyot. The middle segment of the PMNM consists mostly of ...
0 500 1,000 km Land Water <20 m Water <40 m Deep Water EEZ Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Line Isl... more 0 500 1,000 km Land Water <20 m Water <40 m Deep Water EEZ Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Line Island Christmas Atoll Washington Island Fanning Atoll Phoenix Island
From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and ... more From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and the National Science Foundation, supported 72 days of mapping surveys on two cruises using R/V Falkor in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) located within the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). PMNM is one of the largest marine protected areas in the world. Approximately 127,000 km2, 35% of the PMNM, were surveyed using dual multibeam systems from less than 30 to >5000 meters water depth, and thus covering the habitat depth ranges for shallow living corals, mesophotic corals, drowned reefs, to deep-sea corals and sponge communities. A total of 18 seamounts, guyots, banks, or atoll flanks (e.g., Midway and Kure) were mapped in the upper northwestern section of the monument, including the generically named Bank 9 Seamount, which appears to be a composite of a younger Hawaiian seamount and an older Cretaceous guyot. The middle segment of the PMNM consists mostly of ...
... David Burdick1, Valerie Brown2,4, Jacob Asher3,4, Mike Gawel5, Lee Goldman6, Amy Hall3,4, Jea... more ... David Burdick1, Valerie Brown2,4, Jacob Asher3,4, Mike Gawel5, Lee Goldman6, Amy Hall3,4, Jean Kenyon3,4, Trina Leberer7, Emily ... the anticipated impacts of global climate change, such as the increased incidence and severity of bleaching events (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999 ...
... Download as a PDF. by Alan Friedl , Greta Aeby , Russell Brainard , Athline Clark , Edward De... more ... Download as a PDF. by Alan Friedl , Greta Aeby , Russell Brainard , Athline Clark , Edward Demartini , Scott Godwin , Jean Kenyon , Y Kosaki , Jim Maragos , Peter Vroom , Elizabeth Keenan , Russell Moffitt , Don Palawski , Gregory Schorr , Allison Veit , Lee Ann Woodward. ...
New surveys help untangle the complex geologic history of the Hawaiian Archipelago and provide hi... more New surveys help untangle the complex geologic history of the Hawaiian Archipelago and provide hints about where to seek marine life.
'i marine technician group. The personnel list can be found in Section 6. Cruise mobilization sta... more 'i marine technician group. The personnel list can be found in Section 6. Cruise mobilization started on June 29, 2018, with the RV Kilo Moana alongside the University of Hawai'i Marine Facility in Honolulu, HI. Mobilization and dock-side testing were conducted on June 29 and June 30. An opening gravity tie was conducted on June 30 at ~1500 hr and the ship departed Honolulu, HI on July 1 at 1800Z (0800 HST). The ship proceeded past the Aloha Tower and out to sea, making 10.5 kts. on the transit to the Gulf of Alaska. A Built-In-Self Test (BIST) was conducted for the EM122 as the ship moved into deeper water, which the system passed with no faults (see Appendix G). As the ship transited to deeper water, an XBT was launched for training purposes and to confirm the validity of the XBT system against an XSV measurement.
1st CRED Mariana Archipelago RAMP (MARAMP) cruise 2nd MARAMP cruise Included mapping Included map... more 1st CRED Mariana Archipelago RAMP (MARAMP) cruise 2nd MARAMP cruise Included mapping Included mapping 3rd MARAMP cruise 4th MARAMP cruise *2009 data are not included in this document Added water-quality sampling Added coral-disease surveys Added sampling for carbonate chemistry Improved sh surveys: increased number, added strati ed random sampling design and expanded depth range to 0−30 m Executive order to protect reefs U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (CRTF) is formed CRTF creates National Action Plan to Conserve Coral Reefs Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (CRCA) NOAA creates Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) NOAA PIFSC forms Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) NOAA & CRTF produce National Coral Reef Action Strategy 1st Paci c RAMP cruises TIMELINE The mission of the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division is to provide highquality, scientific information about the status of coral reef ecosystems of the U.S. Pacific islands to the public, resource managers, and policymakers on local, regional, national, and international levels. National coral reef conservation efforts were formalized in 1998 with a presidential executive order to "preserve and protect the biodiversity, health, heritage, and social and economic value of U.S. coral reef ecosystems and the marine environment. " This executive order established the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (CRTF) and emphasized the need to undertake a comprehensive approach to research, mapping, and monitoring of all U.S. coral reef ecosystems. In 2000, the CRTF developed The National Action Plan to Conserve Coral Reefs (U.S. CRTF 2000), and the Coral Reef Conservation Act laid out a national framework to address the degradation of U.S. coral reef ecosystems and other coral reef conservation issues (Coral… 2000). The Coral Reef Conservation Act also led to the creation of the national Coral Reef Conservation Program under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce. This legislation requires NOAA to conduct scientific research, mitigation, and outreach activities that directly contribute to the conservation of coral reef ecosystems. NOAA, in cooperation with the CRTF, produced A National Coral Reef Action Strategy in 2002 with goals and objectives that included mapping, information management, research, and monitoring (NOAA 2002). In response to these mandates and with the support of NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program, the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center initiated the Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (Pacific RAMP) in early 2000 and established the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) in 2001. To fulfill its mission, the CRED conducts a comprehensive suite of integrated, interdisciplinary research activities, including habitat mapping, oceanographic studies, and long-term monitoring of multiple components of coral reef ecosystems in the U.S. Pacific islands (Fig. 1). The CRED conducts biennial Pacific RAMP Opposite page: Turbinaria coral polyps near the island of Asuncion. NOAA photo by Marie Ferguson PACIFIC ISLANDS FISHERIES SCIENCE CENTER CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEM DIVISION
Joyce Miller1,2, Jim Maragos3, Russell Brainard1, Jacob Asher1,2, Bernardo Vargas-Ángel1,2, Jean ... more Joyce Miller1,2, Jim Maragos3, Russell Brainard1, Jacob Asher1,2, Bernardo Vargas-Ángel1,2, Jean Kenyon1,2, Robert Schroeder1,2, Ben-jamin Richards1,2, Marc Nadon1,2, Peter Vroom1,2, Amy Hall1,2, Elizabeth Keenan4, Molly Timmers1,2, Jamison ...
From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and ... more From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and the National Science Foundation, supported 72 days of mapping surveys on two cruises using R/V Falkor in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) located within the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). PMNM is one of the largest marine protected areas in the world. Approximately 127,000 km2, 35% of the PMNM, were surveyed using dual multibeam systems from less than 30 to >5000 meters water depth, and thus covering the habitat depth ranges for shallow living corals, mesophotic corals, drowned reefs, to deep-sea corals and sponge communities. A total of 18 seamounts, guyots, banks, or atoll flanks (e.g., Midway and Kure) were mapped in the upper northwestern section of the monument, including the generically named Bank 9 Seamount, which appears to be a composite of a younger Hawaiian seamount and an older Cretaceous guyot. The middle segment of the PMNM consists mostly of ...
0 500 1,000 km Land Water <20 m Water <40 m Deep Water EEZ Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Line Isl... more 0 500 1,000 km Land Water <20 m Water <40 m Deep Water EEZ Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Line Island Christmas Atoll Washington Island Fanning Atoll Phoenix Island
From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and ... more From March to June 2014, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, along with National Marine Sanctuaries and the National Science Foundation, supported 72 days of mapping surveys on two cruises using R/V Falkor in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) located within the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). PMNM is one of the largest marine protected areas in the world. Approximately 127,000 km2, 35% of the PMNM, were surveyed using dual multibeam systems from less than 30 to >5000 meters water depth, and thus covering the habitat depth ranges for shallow living corals, mesophotic corals, drowned reefs, to deep-sea corals and sponge communities. A total of 18 seamounts, guyots, banks, or atoll flanks (e.g., Midway and Kure) were mapped in the upper northwestern section of the monument, including the generically named Bank 9 Seamount, which appears to be a composite of a younger Hawaiian seamount and an older Cretaceous guyot. The middle segment of the PMNM consists mostly of ...
... David Burdick1, Valerie Brown2,4, Jacob Asher3,4, Mike Gawel5, Lee Goldman6, Amy Hall3,4, Jea... more ... David Burdick1, Valerie Brown2,4, Jacob Asher3,4, Mike Gawel5, Lee Goldman6, Amy Hall3,4, Jean Kenyon3,4, Trina Leberer7, Emily ... the anticipated impacts of global climate change, such as the increased incidence and severity of bleaching events (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999 ...
Papers by Joyce Miller