Papers by Gert De Saegher

The Laryngoscope, 1990
The functional and anatomical results of a series of 181 consecutive allograft tympanoplasties fo... more The functional and anatomical results of a series of 181 consecutive allograft tympanoplasties for ears with drum perforation and an intact ossicular chain were retrospectively reviewed and related to preoperative factors. Drum closure was realized in 92% (166 of 181 cases evaluated 1 year after surgery), and 96.6% of the reconstructed drums were still intact 3 years after surgery (118 cases evaluated). An air-bone gap of less than 21 dB was reached in 79.6% (of a total of 162 cases) 1 year after surgery, and in 78% (of a total of 118 cases) 3 years after surgery. Age, contralateral pathology, the wet or dry status of the ear preoperatively, and the preoperative air-bone gap had no influence on anatomical results. The preoperative air-bone gap did not predict the postoperative air-bone gap. The influence of age and existence of contralateral pathology on hearing gain was only visible in some of the strictly defined patient groups. The wet preoperative status of the ear generally predicted lower functional gain.
Cochlear Implants International, 2006
The A §E® is a set of suprathreshold tests for the auditory evaluation of the hearing impaired. A... more The A §E® is a set of suprathreshold tests for the auditory evaluation of the hearing impaired. A particular population of interest is the hearing-impaired preverbal child. This paper reports on normative data of the A §E® discrimination test in children aged 10 months and of the A §E® identification tests in children aged 2 to 4 years. Normally hearing children of these ages were tested and pass criteria were defined in such a way that 95% of the hearing infants would pass the tests. With these criteria, the A §E® discrimination test is feasible at 10 months of age and the A §E® identification test from 30 months of age. Moore JM (1995) Behavioural assessment procedures based on conditioned head-turn responses for auditory detection and discrimination with low functioning children. Scandinavian Audiology 24(Suppl 41): 36-42.

Cochlear Implants International, 2006
Th,s paper describes a. set of supra*weshold tests, availnble as a software parkage (A$E@) , for ... more Th,s paper describes a. set of supra*weshold tests, availnble as a software parkage (A$E@) , for the auàitory eualuation of the hearing nnpaired. h uses isol"ated speech somÀs es test mnterial for a discriminntion, id.entification and de.tection test, ca'td is specifically suited to test preuerbal chilàren. AII tests allow suict annlytical interpretation. The test material anÀ procedures are described. Their clinical use is illustrated. The authors claim thnt supratLweshold tests are feasibln in the preuerbal chilà, allowing analytical eualuation of thz. auditory capacities. These tests me complementary to the routinely used detection te.sts und aàÁ" sipificantly to the heming eualuation in preuerbal children. The authors recommenÀ the phoneme discrunination test for selection of cochlear impl"ant cutdi.dates andfor the eualuntion andfitting of cochhcu implnnts. Copyright@ 2006lohn Wiley E Sons, Ltd.
Papers by Gert De Saegher