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  • finished Love at Goon Park, a loose biography on cloth mother enthusiast Harry Harlow. converting images to avif. new years was sparse

    it's good to see that 2024 is going to be the end-of-season finale for humanity. late night episode of abarembo shogun, must've been 15 years since I last saw it. on another show the enshittification of twitter was translated into "sewerification." reasonably sure that I'm done with the schooling page. remembered when the italian-looking tourist shot a dirty look at her son curiously fondling the anime keystraps on my backpack

    things are bad. I need a project. finished a second kimono

    walked 2 hours to higashimurayama. teaching the new guy english. Apparently he was voluntold into sysad. It's been a wild month of news, all of them entertaining and none of them good. Every "Ashihara Hinako dead" tweet has thousands of verified urdu accounts replying with the thumbs up emoji

    It's been a while that I've seen surgery footage on the TV that makes your hands weak. A staggering saturday segment on che guevara's life headed by ozawa yukiyoshi and shingomama. If this aired in the states thousands would start attacking their smart TVs. It seems like after SMAP disbanded (minus that one member) they're going full throttle on whatever they want. shin hissatsu shiokinin, The ED sounds like something from a blaxploitation film.

    snow. Windshield wipers left standing, people walking their dogs in the blizzard. Reading some old man bearbait manga, the author has likely never smelled a hi-lite-smoking late 30's japanese salaryman . Another great オモウマ with the ridiculously shy grocery store owner who feels a thrill from caressing the line between profit and insolvency, handing out free boxes of fruit to customers and marking things down 50% before opening. It must be like those bedtime daydreams about going back in time to feed people. Rap is the bgm for this 400-year old sake brewery commercial. I can't believe Tommy Lee Jones is still doing those Boss coffee ads. A brilliant late-night special on Ainu opposition to dam projects in nibutani.

    penis reveal at 1 million

    Listening to Anita Baker recently. Another trip to nippori. Tomato was dry but the button shop had fish buttons and another had rust brown linen for 1300 yen/m. If i was worldbuilding human civilization keyrings would be a status symbol. Gilded keyrings, codpiece keychains, keyring dowries,

    conversations on the etymology of corn. Another profoundly chaotic food review segment on かりそめ天国. One of the introduced traditional sweets shops is headed by a serious-looking lanky spectacled man who spent 19 years training. He immediately jumps into making dirty jokes with the 2 comedians. He is later graciously given the nickname "arctic seal with an erotic beard"

    up and downs. new houseplant, hop bush. the majority of my caloric intake is from peanuts and caramel, I must be gregnant. finally lapped in nominal GDP by g*rmany, more headlines puffing up how well the stock market is doing and the growing popularity of foreign index funds. American articles talking about tourism here are sounding more like Thailand or Vietnam 10 years ago. a wild news segment on the unification church's tentacles into textbook reform, sex education, portrayals of nuclear energy, and their overall worldmap from internal documents that ends with converting the emperor and establishing itself as the state religion. State surveillance of the church was suspended after abe became PM and the last 6 education ministers have had church ties. Many are pointing out that soka gakkai have already elevated themselves to level 4 of the roadmap.

    Have a routine with retinol and toners and sunscreen and everything now. I've looked about 30 for the last 15 years but this gifted face cream is shocking, fully convinced me. Like any trifling hobby or buttstuff what was previously a binary sensation is sharpened into multipolar perceptions, the wool over your eyes gone. The news is reporting that there's a dire shortage of volunteers in Ishikawa (2700 vs 620,000 during the Hanshin earthquakes) Covid is one given reason but more interestingly media criticism of volunteers is another. Initial very prominent media voices told people to stay home because (supposedly half-assed self-interested) volunteers would suck up local resources for food and board. On some shows it was spun into praise for the JSDF because they're self-sufficient. All of it speaks to the professionalization of aid that local cities are pushing and the hostile heirarchy it fosters, nurses and elderly care workers versus just volunteers. apparently outdoor retailer montbell is distributing clothing and setting up toilets, defying orders from ishikawa prefecture to stay out

    PM's approval rating is 14% which is frankly impressive. Been watching thru hiking videos. Reflecting back on the boyscout handbooks I grew up with the changes are pretty sigificant. external frame packs, distrust of tourniquets, complete lack of water filters, 10 lb welted boots, many things have changed.

    today was productive. reading history of the world in 7 cheap things, mcmafia, secret commandos. bought some leather for a panamka chinstrap. there was some beautiful half-meter batik fabric but it was cotton.

    can't believe I missed auctions listing strawberry panic storyboards. it's so over.

    strange day. oiled my boots and did my taxes. walked back to higashikurume in the rain where I found a PS1 copy of angelique heaven's requiem for 110 yen. I need to buy a PS2 again. watched Onibaba. all the actors have ethnically ambiguous faces, Satō Kei wouldn't look out of place eating lu pulu beside a group of tongan rugby players. My great-grandparents tricked into emigrating to hawaii probably cut sugarcane next to faces like Yoshimura Jitsuko. rewatched woman in the dunes, the villagers' costume design is so good

    can't find the twitter post about the greengreen production employee explaining their job to their parents who then started crying after seeing the OP full of naked women. read second-hand time by svetlana alexievich. wartime, perestroika, august coup, Abkhaz-Georgian conflict, Armenia-Azerbijan conflict, it tells hundreds of individual ground-level recollections about living through history that would otherwise be lost. it's fantastic and some of the anecdotes, if believed, are beyond fiction. The line "life is better now, but more repulsive" echoes the Japanese pre-bubble phrase "our wallets have become richer but our souls impoverished." Today they're firmly paupers in both. The stereotypes are true, russians love books. I should've become an arabist. I need to learn russian and korean.

    rewatching mariasama, I couldn't have remembered it more differently. probably skipped season 1 all those years back. thoroughly srs with not one laugh thrown in, it's like talking with a german. It's structured remarkably like a conventional drama in terms of pacing. There's also male characters, which is just unnecessary.

    remembered that we were at a club cookout and the 9th graders were begging me to eat because I was only grilling. I was having fun grilling. My school jacket smelled like smoke for the next 2 weeks because it rained continuously and they were still installing dryers at the dorms. centipedes longer than unsharpened pencils everywhere. I wore that jacket to the prefectural playoffs a few days after the boston bombings and the cafeteria lady that everyone had a crush on was there.

    I bought a PS2. boys over flowers on the k-drama channel. it's fascinating. the wiki page claims it saw success among zambian audiences. watching cherrymaho. it's fascinating.

    wow mariasama rockets from 0 to 100 in episode 11. weaving your hair into each other under the rain is the gayest thing i've ever seen

    making a 4th kimono. Hino Ashihei and Nakamura Tetsu are actually related, it's like if vaisravana and jesus were brothers. back to kakumei zengo, vertical text is easier to read while walking. Curious as to how autobiographical it is and how much hino tries to wash his hands of responsiblity. twitter thinks i'm argentinian

    making compost in my room, I am the precautionary tale that landlords tell while trembling. just learned that tunas are warm-blooded. Tadahito Iguchi on tv looks like an indigenous peruvian

    rather exciting find, a 1989 seiko color tv/alarm the size of a tasteless genetically modified grapefruit. importantly it has composite in. can pair it to the DC-2, can loop pigmhall animations on it off the ps2, need a 2.5mm to RCA cable. saw a a boxed sega pico which blasted me back into 2004. was searching for amusingly awful-looking games like ザ・コンビニ, a management sim where you're a convenience store owner or マイホームをつくろう! a housebuilder that looks a few steps up from toying with sketchup. perfect games for drunkenly playing on a huge tv with friends. There was also a jacketless copy of dokodemo issho but I didn't know it requires a pocketstation. niconico playthrough of ouran host club (ps2 in the background while I embroider, you can occasionally hear the uploader get weak at the knees, her voice quaking just a little bit

    the river by higashikurume is beautiful. I want to be around for a little bit more. I bought a cow

    my stack of books is growing stronger. I can hear but not see the mosquitos gangstalking me

    someone in hokkaido brought in a knee mortar round to the city office. everyone is melting down in envy over the taiwanese government's adequate aid to earthquake evacuees while ishikawa residents 4 months in live out of cardboard boxes eating instant meals

    I got gifted this jarred guacamole made in germany and the first ingredient is yogurt. When I bought a 200 yen MOE GUIDE TO THE JAPANESE SELF-DEFENSE FORCES the previous owner's instax print of a lapphund fell out of it. I should've bought that 25lb bronze bust of tito in 2015

    attracting mosquitos to my room for my wolf spider roommate

    a pilgrimage to cloth shops in nippori and nakano broadway on the way back. It's near unrecognizable with used luxury watch stores proliferating like tumors. tacoshe is probably my favorite place on this earth, eyeing hopelessly specific artbooks and zines shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers. a toddler shouted that my kimono was the same color as her tricycle, trailing mom looking slightly embarrassed

    made a neckstrap for the dc-2. working with leather is tough. bought another 3kg bag of EVA glue. just saw a picture of im@s characters prepping seedbeds

    gorgeous day. reunited with the notorious moth-centric photobook MOTHPHILIA. projections to be overtaken in GDP by india by 2025, a country that is actively deindustrializing. 2 in one year is quite impressive.

    this shit is beyond parody. found a 6" crt and it's very broken`

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    that guestbook comment is so good. this 68 yen oshi no ko energy drink is disgusting. found the ultraman tiga movie that I grew up watching on the internet archive. immensely grateful for gran posting me VHSs over the pacific when I was a smaller collection of cells. I need to thank her. I remember the bi-weekly international calls on the bright red phone with the mushy translucent buttons that always faintly smelled of saliva. the original 60's ultraman shows are actually quite new wave and psychedelic. very surpised I haven't been influenced by footage of a man in a vinyl suit getting battered or covered in caustic foam or crucified.

    slammed my head into the door and I gained lucidity

    off to gran's. weeded the garden, pruned the lavender bush, mingled with the pillbugs and swallowtails. fixed the stairs and I hammered extra nails into the studs like my grandad had done 40 years earlier. bought the 1980 childrens DIY book I grew up with that was lost in a move. the page with suggested prices for craft materials like aluminium sheeting and PVC piping is more or less still applicable today, this country is cooked. all the pictured children are now in their late 40's. like still unsure what to do around the monitor. adding to pages, it's been a while. quite happy with "facial paralysis enthusiast Simon Cowell"

    bought some cursed buttons, made in the US. some more leather for camera straps. every time I go to nippori I like to count the static wifeguys who have come to japan only to be dragged along to a fabric store. got accosted on the street by a tv crew for an interview. ikebukuro was the same as always. The nitori instead of tokyu hands is still unconvincing. probably got covid. finally

    maladaptive habits, I need to change my life.

    went to the best bakery attatched to a home improvement store I've ever been to. the cherry pastry was like climbing into bed after being up for 2 days, the kind of meal that you will keep reflecting back on like a childhood crush. got gifted some yakult y1000, it tastes like yakult. A few years back TV advertising regulations on therapeutic health benefits got relaxed and it's one among many that are now claiming their product calms the nerves, lowers LDL cholestrol, and boosts defense spending.

    rocket launcher found in north kyushu again, the same riverbed where an RPG-26 and Tokarevs were discovered in 2012. making zuni/hopi masks, the sort of thing you get in trouble for. Every time I wear the grey suit I feel like I'm off to unleash gift card scams onto milwaukee housewives while on public wifi. Thanked gran for sending me VHSs, "that guy from alabama" included. As always she shot me stories from 80 years ago and tales of her unbreakable stubbornness. Apparently grandad got taken out by the stress of the bubble recession.

    Had a walk. it was nice. Overheard "execution by being buried alive" while walking past 2 kids in the sandbox. Was surreal to see the suburbs suddenly transition into several acres of farmland, smelling of rooibos and manure. I need to find some skirt steak again. I creamed my dadjorts grilling the first time around. watching a canadian man lay in the grass while telling you about his favorite perennial plants. A woman with gastrointestinal issues inherited her brother's acne and her boyfriend's depression after a DIY poop transplant. Really we're all just glorified apes controlled by flesh and bacteria.

    A manchild ate 3 pounds of salted mixed nuts in 2 days. This is what happened to his bowel movements. made yogurt again, buying more photobooks hoo hoo. when gran sees bamboo shoots on a plate she makes a face like she's seen a bed made of centipedes. Watching TV and "yeah your great uncle died alpining that mountain," chuckling. A finger-wagging segment on tourists lighting fireworks in storefronts or leaving trash everywhere. shibuya isn't a place for human habitation anyway so it's +-0. that was immediately followed by a solemn mongolian sheperd in tohoku with an angular face like a river stone with his meaningful cultural practices and reverence for the world

    just saw a pt cruiser. everyone is complaining that the $3m projection mapping project in tokyo looks like gaudy 90's pachinko graphics. browsing gorgeous opium smoking paraphenelia. dreamed that I was shooting the shit with lauren and mike after graduating. dreamed that I was changing my son's diaper at a hotel. reading Life Beside Itself: Imagining Care in the Canadian Arctic. Still looking for the anecdote about First Nations women getting rid of abusive partners by pushing them into the sea

    saw a byd and sink garbage disposal commercial for the first time. knowing the market resistance instead of a confident stream of specshitting the byd ad is more of a "this is also acceptable" message. Finally started reading the classic Silent Spring, the malicious hitpiece against enveloping your child in DDT. There's a wild story about the Rocky Mountain Arsenal discharging so many different compounds in open pools it spontaneously produced the herbacide 2,4-D. Hopefully Rachel Carson can be reanimated to write a contemporary sequel, a good title would be "I love collecting 3M products in my organs"

    rainy season. eventful junk shop trip, bought a convalescence kimono and ash tray. when I wear the kimono I can cosplay as nacchan. Saw a copy of azumanga donjara daioh for the PS1, a bandai game that looks like mahjong. It looks awful but I probably should've bought it. One user uploading his playthrough is repeating "the source material is more interesting guys" presumably through a stream of tears. Also saw a defense intelligence HQ mug. the logo looks like something lazily whipped up by interns for a passing shot in a movie. years ago fans were commenting how official kancolle x JSDF merch looked suitably lo-fi. just found out there's licensed itasha scale model kits, this might be dangerous.

    pruned the lavender bush, visits from hornets with thumb-sized abdomens. bought tomato plants again. I need to collect chinese stamps. got some plates for free. I think i'm genetically incapable of figuring out RSS feeds

    dude unloaded into his suspenders

    reading through Kiuchi Nobuo's illustrated recollections at a POW camp in Donetsk. Reminds me of grandpa stories about how they were always critical of upbeat shanty depictions on TV, saying the actors need to sing with more anguish. Or how their normal walking pace became blazing fast after repatriation.

    No bugs yet but I've been making incense with lavender stems and tangerine peel. Looking for silver in sheets because I want to start making kiserus. I've started carrying around a bag of unsalted peanuts for the crows. I wonder how much the fine is for feeding wild animals. I think there's something to be said for how crazy average heights dropping among children is from india to the UK and japan. A generation of shorter adults is probably much more eye-catching than upward-facing graphs about poverty on the tv. I need to become a furry

    some heinous shit. haven't made anything recently. currently on my appreciating my family arc. nothing has really changed but my outlook is much more positive and frankly honest than it was a year or a month ago.

    i'm in my collapsible 2-in-1 sofa, listening to múm and cibo matto that makes you want to sway like an engorged stalk of chlormequat-blessed grain, reading the baffler. nothing could be better other than a furious DIY project or busting.

    bugs. oh god the bugs. almost got flattened by a car again, I'm very runoverable.

    eyeing yugioh again, it's very endearing. The first few volumes before the card game are actually rather violent with baddies and weapons and such. Losing a game means being the victim of a Saw trap, the sort of thing news watchers regularly fantasize about. The tamagotchi references and plotline about getting robbed of expensive sneakers firmly places it in the late 90's. You see bits and pieces of character designs that would eventually end up as trading card art. I'm not knowledgeable about MTG (which was a big influence) but the vignettes with with characters using parasite or magician or S&M themed card decks seems novel. You can also tell Takahashi was deeply into games, every last 3-4 pages are some original rules and graduated maps for the viewers to play. My favorite artwork from his was the one where dark magician girl remarks that life has become harder under the current government and yugi tells you to go vote.

    slay he confused me thoroughly as a child like Fujiwara-no-Sai or Kurama

    listening to Well There's Your Problem, the amount of off-topic trivia everyone has remembered is ridiculous. making buttons. a pile of 100 yen kokeshis and nipopos in the junk box. also turned around and bought the little cellphone-sized camera, a machpower svx. you transform into a visual acuity test subject when looking through the viewfinder. As always I voted for the frumpy substitute teacher-looking candidate instead of one dying to sell you life insurance. It's a surefire benchmark for distinguishing people who radiate evil, like how you turn orange after eating too many carrots.

    i'm filled with cherry tomatoes. new page to instantly destroy your well-being. I like the trivia about JR avoiding train otaku when hiring conductors.

    dreamed that I was chugging my aftershave. C-2's are remarkably quiet. Edamame still on the branch at the unmanned vegetable stand for 100 yen. also found malt vinegar chips, I've got the shakes for potato chips. "What a very japanese opinion (derogatory)"

    new spider video dropped. I miss my buddy's dog, whenever I'd come over a wave of calm would overtake him but he would try to lick the suncreen off my face. been messing around with a pc-98 emulator. some of the in-game sound effects are so rudimentary it sounds like paper rubbing together. you can tell some projects are bursting at the seams with technological limitations, you can taste the artistic compromise.

    reading eyewitness accounts of the thirty years war 1618-48. Chest pain on my left side woke me up, I was visualizing the blood clot from my thigh migrating into my lungs. if it takes me out it takes me out. After my first interview years ago I was so sleep deprived that I stood blankly in the elevator for a few minutes until I remembered to press a floor button. Later I went to get a chest x-ray and I started taking off my pants until the nurse said that wouldn't be necessary

    never eaten healthier in my life. balance is important so I need to start binge drinking. there's nothing better than getting the eternally stonefaced guy to laugh. tomato plant is pulling through and fruiting again. also found some gorgeous bowls. Jang-geum on the TV, Call me squeamish but 15 years later I still remember the horrific scene where her mom is dying and so young Jang-geum chews food for her, shoving bits of berry in the poor actress' mouth. another NHK special has Kagawa Teruyuki in a praying mantis costume looking for insects in costa rica. The way he handles caught butterflies is like an experienced rancher wrangling a calf. With annual insect biomass declines of 2.5% entomologist will be one of those jobs that won't exist in 20 years like ghostwriter or defense lawyer. The hot professions are going to be well drilling technician, locust exterminator, demining slave, that sort of thing.

    finally finished reading into the wild. watched a prehistoric NHK special on the American PR war during the Bosnian conflict. another on the khmer rouge. it's hard to read faces sometimes with foreign interviews. germans are a stone slab. indians often sound accusatory. for cambodians it's easy. back then news lacked the speculative mastication analogous today, authoritative, unambiguous, with the fieldwork and first-hand interviews to back it up.

    NHK special on the 1997 post-war retrospective during a meeting between senior vietnamese and american officials. numbers boy McNamara echoing "life is cheap in the orient" westmoreland asks if they even cared about casualties which Nguyen Co Thach replies they did, garnishing with "thank you for giving us more understanding of your country." The show goes even further with a separate interview afterwards and Co says he was shaking in anger.

    "I picked this kimono color because i think it's sexy" "for sure bro"

    finished reading pain is weakness leaving the body. dreamed that I was working in a kitchen cooking chitlins during katrina. learned hank green is half-circumsized. probably a memory that displaces remembering a relative's name or something. actually bought a drawing tablet, going to transform into a single-celled organism when it comes to what to draw (trains) I even got the drawing fetish gloves and everything

    finished reading liberation of the camps. consultant thought I was half-japanese again. messing about with the f100 in 38 degree weather. Not fully attached to it.cooked up some garden stall bitter melon. satisfactory. it's not ridiculously nutritious, you'd expect something like it to be. found a mami nendoroid at bookoff. telling myself I don't need it (poorly)

    first for binbows

    narrow yuno

    reading The Virtual Community - Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. bought a bunch of modeling clay. there's a think tank called responsible statecraft lol. an inevitable paradox like how people who show up to parties wearing helmets always come home with head injuries. in college a girl a few seats away snapped a picture of me but her flash was on. do you think she's changed my race in photoshop yet?

    oh my god spotted the commercial i've looking for on commercial chaos. the gross looking sundae is exactly as I remembered 15 years later

    pretty sure I just inhaled some aerosolized paraquat. who sprays the ladders and scrap lumber outside their house? fc2 diary is still running and looks absolutely prehistoric compared to their blog service. The last system announcement was in 2006. just saw "please don't ingest lily of the valley" on twitter

    reading Sweetness and Power. watching the 2004 experimental archaeology show Colonial House. it's fantastic. excited at finding an ancient roll of fuji industrial for 100 yen. an explosion of dating sim ps2 games dumped at book-off, a yumejoshi got her wings. saw a lunatic jogging with the full getup, iridescent sunglasses, water bladder in a vest, but in flip flops???

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    re-watching the Miyazaki Hayao documentary from 2015, makes you want to start chainsmoking. it's like a gas station dick pill for your creativity. Another on the sonderkommando. Another on the repatriation of Zainichi Koreans to North Korea. Another on the Women's State Defense Association. Another on F-16C pilot Jeff Tice's imprisonment by the Iraqis. One of the bedouins starts blushing after the reporter starts asking about money.

    yakushima estuko is narrating this nhk documentary on the emergence of capitalism. wild. at the store peddling junk helping an old guy choose a monitor and power supply for his broken laptop, he offered me money afterwards. Instead xenu rewarded me with a cheap third-party lens to bash around. sent off 4 rolls of film, 2 of which I found already exposed rolling around at bookoff. found a brick pattern kimono for 300 yen, smells like gran covered in old books. as an american I carry a latent compulsion to accumulate objects I don't need, like how my bones accumulate lead from passively ingested paint chips.

    I don't look good in hats. Today's shoes say "I destroyed by knees with boots," torso says "I collect folk clothing that never gets worn," bush hat says "my harkis approve of enhanced interrogation"


    castella and milk for dinner, shoutout to the portuguese. on TV ariyoshi is laughing nihilistically watching b-roll of obscure italian cooking traditions. for him and matsuko deluxe there's a degree of familiarity with italian but chinese cuisine with all its regions is endlessly deep, shouting into a chasm and waiting fruitlessly for the echo. Documentary on Raul Castro, former station chiefs from the CIA and KGB meet and talk to each other in Spanish.

    reading the chemical weapons taboo. tiny fried crabs for dinner. due to shortages i haven't eaten rice for about 2 months, must be a nightmare for resturaunts. Last time I went to get my credit card renewed one of the forms asked "are you a relative of a politician or high-income earner." I love Abiotic Factor, it's definitely someone's arrestingly straightforward childhood daydream. The sentence "what if Sven Coop was more than just running through levels?"

    reading the ethics of destruction and burma - the curse of independence. found an old picture of me and mom, barely discernable after sitting around undeveloped for 15 years. you can just make out that I'm triumphantly holding Bionicle set #8811 Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo (214 pieces) still wondering what to do with the found film negatives. I only know the general region one of them was from, the other was in a camera bought online. I could pay to use some very scary facial recognition software that scrapes all photos online or entertain some city employee at the regional office.

    conventional trip to tkrzw. wore the kimono and people were staring at me like I was wearing a patchwork jacket made of eyelids. no doubt due to rabid envy of my 2012 hidamari sketch totebag. the english section of their book-off is always insane, between indestructable ABC books for babbies are titles like "Differential Diagnosis of Soft Tissues and Bone Tumors." At the gacha section looking for chiikawa shot glasses but no luck. at muji saw indoor slippers that look like zori, still ruminating on the idea of adding a rubber or leather outsole for outdoor use. the deluxe version of the ps2 lucky star game includes a sailor outfit in the box. I'd buy it for the joke but pretty sure I'd split the thing down the middle

    the discounted okra is so fibrous it feels like i'm an early hominid with 3 ruminant stomachs. dreamed about a mass karaoke singing sambomaster.

    there's a certain resignation among morning commuters like they're participants of a death march. once they fall to their knees they get shot in the back of the head by a man who will later be elected west german chancellor. sleep deprivation again rendering the button choices paralyzing on a 2-floor elevator. the young couples playfully arguing are drinking flourescent green drinks with their sushi, the high chairs are waving goodbye to kerfus. saw a sonic poster, I often forget that he exists outside questionable depictions on the internet

    when I'm walking on a stroad at night I like to carry my backpack in my arms as an ersatz baby so cars slow down. usually works

    the one day I don't bring a phone or camera I see a poster about gangstalking. bought a piece of fuck scanner from 24 years ago for $1. my feed is full of owls

    that's a nice guestbook message. I wonder how "glistening Ken doll cum tribute lookalike" sounds like when translated into Korean

    "you gave me a bowlcut" "all the boys out there have bowlcuts"

    dreamed that I was forcibly anesthetized like it's august 2000 and my son is in the navy. off to the library i've never been to. The invasive plants catalog smells like when you crush ants, the red data book on threatened species grows larger with every issue. The books on DIY bespoke clothing include anatomical skeleton diagrams. When I told the librarian there was a skink running around she went off and caught it with her bare hands.

    watching Odoru Daisousasen, a series I've always ignored for no particular reason. you can tell it's from the 90's because of the unreasonably short policewoman skirts, back then production studios were headed by overt perverts instead of clandestine ones. It really has nothing to do with policing, it's an office drama. Zany policemen, office politics, z-list departments that are a punishment if transferred to, unlike daytime crime shows that wrap up in 23 minutes it doesn't beat you over the head with the suggestion that murder is bad. all the baddies are the kind of chiselled sticks of testosterone that were pumped out in industrial quantities back then. Yanagiba Toshiro should be making dad jokes on 80's romcoms where the actresses look borderline greek with vantablack eyebrows, not acting all serious as a detective.

    Tachi Hiroshi on an old episode of tunnels, he's a bit reptilian looking like Tamaki Hiroshi. the kind of earnest vintage actor perenially pulled along by comedians, unable to keep up - on the "guess the food phobia" show he's somehow less put together than his teenage opponent(kutsuna shiori). definitely the sort of dilfhunter bait that sets parts on fire.

    new PM. I'm proud to live somewhere with stable institutions unlike Mogadishu or the UK. A democracy where voters have the choice of old man(cult member) or old woman(cult member) - a country where people throw pipebombs at the PM and forget 2 months later.

    glancing view of a show about raising captive polar cubs to adulthood. there's a scene where the vet is holding this apex predator in one hand, picking the poo off and it looks fake, like a poorly made animatronic. makes an awful noise but when it purrs it sounds like an idling motorcycle engine. I dropped out of playing instruments in high school but I've been wanting to get a folk instrument, something like a balalaika or a mandolin. Saw a stack of taisho-gotos at irresponsible prices so here we are. on niconico there's a guy who attaches servos to one and it looks like they're strumming an IED

    until now i've been conflating mauritius with mauritania. I was 21 when I realized typhus and typhoid were not the same.

    wow maplestory ads all over ikebukuro. Sugamo is an odd place. undoubtedly a tourist spot, has been for decades, but still stinks of local shops instead of cash4gold stalls or used watch stores. reading Dancing Bears: True Stories of People Nostalgic for Life Under Tyranny. expected it to be ussr nostalgia but 40% is about actual bears. the part about estonian russians who are essentially stateless is wild. paranoid albanians built bunkers all over the place but the most use they saw were people losing their virginity in them

    250lb bomb buried underneath the tarmac at miyazaki airport ceased to be unexploded. NHK special on propaganda and the public's reception. I think I remember that exact clip of Brian Williams announcing the death of Tokyo Rose in 2006. There's a staggering bit about a 1946 film correcting obfuscations and selective editing of wartime IJN propoganda. Its distribution then gets suppressed by PM Yoshida Shigeru.

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