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The article describes the historical development of the Uzbek family in the Middle Ages, economy, lifestyle and culture, the specific functions of the family, the system of governance, economic relations. It analyzes the peculiarities of... more
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      Anthropology of FoodHistory of Cooking and Food Culture
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    • History of Cooking and Food Culture
This short article discusses traditional foods, the impact of the environment, nature and climate on food, the importance of human health, and its relevance today.
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      Environmental SustainabilityHistory of Cooking and Food Culture
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O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI OLIY TA’LIM, FAN VA INNOVATSIYALAR VAZIRLIGI TOSHKENT KIMYO XALQARO UNIVERSITEI Tarix ta’limida raqamli texnologiyalar: xalqaro tajriba va istiqbollar xalqaro ilmiy - amaliy anjuman maqolalari (2023 yil 13-14... more
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Ushbu maqolada turmush tarzi chorvachilik bo‘lgan aholi va asosiy mashg‘uloti dehqonchilik bo‘lgan Farg‘ona vodiysining o‘troq aholisi orasida o‘zaro madaniy aloqalar asrlar davomida jadal kechganligi ko‘rsatilgan. Bu ikki komponent uzoq... more
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