October 2003, Volume 6, Issue 4-6
- 295-296 Section 2. A brief introduction to building and using scenarios
by Angela Wilkinson & Esther Eidinow - 297-334 Section 3. Riskworld scenarios
by Angela Wilkinson & Shirin Elahi & Esther Eidinow - 335-340 Section 4. Comparison and implications
by Angela Wilkinson & Shirin Elahi & Esther Eidinow - 341-342 Section 5. Summary and reflections
by Angela Wilkinson & Shirin Elahi & Esther Eidinow - 343-364 Section 1. Description of the Riskworld project process
by Angela Wilkinson & Shirin Elahi - 365-401 Section 2. Background and dynamics of the scenarios
by Angela Wilkinson & Shirin Elahi & Esther Eidinow
July 2003, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 187-211 Distal factors in risk perception
by Lennart Sjöberg - 213-231 Risk-based regulation of technical risks: lessons learnt from case studies in Switzerland
by Thomas Flüeler & Hansjörg Seiler - 233-251 Closed circuit television systems: a failure in risk communication?
by John Hood - 253-266 Risk in the redwoods: contending for normalcy in timber country
by Debra J. Davidson - 267-283 Public perception of scientific uncertainty in relation to food hazards
by Susan Miles & Lynn J. Frewer - 285-288 Review essay: Organizational accidents and human error
by David M. Clarke
March 2003, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 95-112 Methodological development in medical technology assessment: the prospective approach
by Claus Møldrup & Janine Morgall Traulsen & Jonathan Peck - 113-124 The role of Expected Value illustrated in decision-making under risk: single-play vs multiple-play
by Shu Li - 125-144 Local environmental concerns among communities in North-East England and South Hessen, Germany: the influence of proximity to industry
by Suzanne Moffatt & Birgitt Hoeldke & Tanja Pless-Mulloli - 145-162 Trust and community building in the Doñana (Spain) toxic spill disaster
by David Sauri & Virgínia Domingo & Ana Romero - 163-177 A statistical review of the risk associated with offshore support vessel/platform encounters in UK waters
by How Sing Sii & Jin Wang & Tom Ruxton
January 2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Ragnar Löfstedt - 3-21 Improving the incentives for toxicity testing
by Sven Ove Hansson & Christina Rudén - 23-43 Risk ratings that do not measure probabilities
by W. Kip Viscusi & Jahn Hakes - 45-60 Perception of gene technology, and food risks: results of a survey in Switzerland
by Michael Siegrist - 61-74 Risk management under wraps: self-regulation and the case of food contact plastics
by Henry Rothstein - 75-85 The views of scientific experts on how the public conceptualize uncertainty
by Lynn Frewer & Steve Hunt & Mary Brennan & Sharron Kuznesof & Mitchell Ness & Chris Ritson
October 2002, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 287-299 Five charges against the precautionary principle
by Per Sandin & Martin Peterson & Sven Ove Hansson & Christina Rudén & André Juthe - 301-316 The precautionary principle and the rhetoric behind it
by Mags D. Adams - 317-349 Comparing precaution in the United States and Europe
by Jonathan B. Wiener & Michael D. Rogers - 351-369 The influence of the precautionary principle on science-based decision-making: questionable applications to risks of radiofrequency fields
by Quirino Balzano & Asher R. Sheppard - 391-417 Risk-based decision analysis in support of precautionary policies
by Michael L. Dekay & Mitchell J. Small & Paul S. Fischbeck & R. Scott Farrow & Alison Cullen & Joseph B. Kadane & Lester B. Lave & M. Granger Morgan & Kazuhisa Takemura
July 2002, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 191-194 French general practitioners didn't fear the millennium bug
by Esther Lukasiewicz & Claude Fischler & Michel Setbon & Antoine Flahault - 195-209 Comparing carcinogenicity and acute toxicity for ingestion of the promoting agent okadaic acid
by Douglas J. Crawford-Brown & S. Cordier & M. Creppy & D. Parent-Massin & C. Marcaillou-Lebaut - 211-224 Public involvement in flood risk management in Hungary
by Anna Vari - 225-248 'New security' risks and public educating: the significance of recent evolutionary brain science
by Christopher Williams - 249-263 When should expenditure per life saved vary?
by Joakim Ramsberg - 265-279 Environmental concern and environmental behaviour among the Norwegian public
by Hilde Iversen & TorbjØrn Rundmo
April 2002, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 105-117 The influence of indoor air on personal exposure to volatile organic compounds and its risk estimation
by Yuko Soma & Hideko Sone & Akiko Takahagi & Kazuhiro Onizawa & Toyotoshi Ueda & Satoshi Kobayashi - 119-135 Associations between affect and risk perception
by TorbjØrn Rundmo - 137-145 Individual psychology of risk-taking behaviours in non-adherence
by Serge Sultan & Catherine Bungener & Anne Andronikof - 147-165 Cultural theory and risk perception: a proposal for a better measurement
by Susanne Rippl - 167-176 Adolescents' perceptions of the costs and benefits of food additives and their presence in different foods
by J. Richard Eiser & Neil S. Coulson & Christine Eiser - 177-186 The role of translations of verbal into numerical probability expressions in risk management: a meta-analysis
by Michael Theil
January 2002, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Ragnar Löfstedt - 23-33 Management decision-making relating to occupational risks: the role of 'grey data'
by Liz Falconer - 35-47 The role of expertise in risk communication: laypeople's and expert's perception of the millennium bug risk in The Netherlands
by Jan M. Gutteling & MargÔt Kuttschreuter - 49-68 Occupation, driving experience, and risk and accident perception
by Dongo Rémi Kouabenan - 83-95 A report of TRUSTNET on risk governance--lessons learned
by Gilles Heriard Dubreuil & G. Bengtsson & P. H. Bourrelier & R. Foster & S. Gadbois & G. N. Kelly
October 2001, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 307-308 GUEST EDITORIAL: Risk Communication in the workplace: factors influencing efficacy
by Glynis M. Breakwell - 309-322 A Communication--Human Information Processing (C--HIP) approach to warning effectiveness in the workplace
by Vincent C. Conzola & Michael S. Wogalter - 323-340 The roles of contextual moderation and personality in relation to the knowledge--risk link in the workplace
by Eamonn Ferguson - 341-351 Mental models and social representations of hazards: the significance of identity processes
by Glynis M. Breakwell - 353-375 Perceptions of PCE use by dry cleaners and dry cleaning customers
by Daniel C. Kovacs & Baruch Fischhoff & Mitchell J. Small - 377-392 Sharing 'worlds of risk'; improving communication with crew resource management
by Kathryn Mearns & Rhona Flin & Paul O'Connor - 393-404 Employee images of risk
by TorbjØrn Rundmo - 405-410 Dealing with risks and safety of technical systems -- need for a new commission?
by Wolfgang Kröger - 411-430 Communication and information in France's underground laboratory siting process: clarity of procedure, ambivalence of effects
by Yannick Barthe & Claire Mays - 431-445 Review Essay: Can there be a unified science of fear?
by Perri
July 2001, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 291-301 An experimental approach to the effectiveness of an incentive system against moral hazard in the insurance market
by Atsushi Takao & Mahito Okura
April 2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 127-141 Decision-analytic refinements of the precautionary principle
by John D. Graham - 175-189 More Faust than Frankenstein: the European debate about the precautionary principle and risk regulation for genetically modified crops
by Joyce Tait - 191-202 Appraising the precautionary principle -- a decision analysis perspective
by Ralph L. Keeney & Detlof Von Winterfeldt
January 2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-15 Scientific and technological uncertainty, the precautionary principle, scenarios and risk management
by Michael D. Rogers - 17-29 Risk perception by industrial radiographers: Hungary and the UK compared
by B.R. Orton & L. Sjöberg & J. Jung & D. ürge-Vorsatz & M. Tamássyné-Bíró - 31-47 General risk constraints
by Love Ekenberg & Magnus Boman & Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer - 49-62 Fitting a second-order parametric distribution conditioned on an explanatory variable using maximum likelihood estimation
by David E. Burmaster & Kimberly M. Thompson - 63-73 Societal risks as seen by Chinese students living in Macao
by Felix Neto & Etienne Mullet - 75-101 Fairness, risk and risk tolerance in the siting of a nuclear waste repository
by Lennart Sjöberg & Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg
October 2000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 297-299 Commentary: The morality of managing risk Perri 6
by Tim O'Riordan - 301-304 Commentary: Morality and workability a rejoinder to O'Riordan
by Perri - 305-320 Sensitivity of willingness to pay to the magnitude of risk reduction: a TaiwanUnited States comparison
by James K Hammitt & Jin-Tan Liu & Wen-Ching KLin - 321-332 Risk perception in Korea: a comparison with Japan and the United States
by Yong-Jin Cha - 333-352 Communication of risk assessment information to risk managers
by Kimberly M Thompson & Diane L Bloom - 353-367 Perceived risk and tampering with nature
by Lennart Sjöberg - 368-373 Review Essay: Crowd Risks at Sporting Events — Accountability in Theory and Practice
by Andrew Dixon
July 2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 187-188 Guest Editorial
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr - 189-208 Genetically modified crops in the European Union: regulatory conflicts as precautionary opportunities
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr & David Wield - 209-217 Austria: precautionary blockage of agricultural biotechnology
by HelgeFranz Torgersen, & Franz Seifert - 219-226 Germany: ‘élite precaution’ alongside continued public opposition
by MarionBernhard Dreyer & Bernhard Gill - 227-235 Denmark: potential polarization or consensus?
by Jesper Toft - 237-245 Spain: commercialization drives public debate and precaution
by Oliver Todt & José Luis Luj - 247-254 France: broadening precautionary expertise?
by Alexis Roy & Pierre-Benoit Joly - 255-260 Ireland: contested precaution and challenged institutions
by Brian Motherway - 261-270 UK: precautionary commercialization?
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr - 271-272 GM crops -- opportunities for environmental and consumer benefits
by Patricia Ahl Goy - 273-275 GM crops -- civic science through partnership?
by Tim O'Riordan - 277-282 Between risk and precaution -- reassessing the future of GM crops
by Sheila Jasanoff - 283-285 GMOs -- civil society will decide
by Gill Lacroix - 287-295 Consequences matter, ‘risk’ is marginal
by Lennart Sjoberg
2000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 93-94 GUEST EDITORIAL: The citation wars
by The Editors - 95-109 Regulation of food safety risks: the case of food irradiation in Japan
by Susan E Pickett & Tatsujiro Suzuki - 111-120 Manifest anxiety, general self-efficacy and locus of control as determinants of personal and general risk perception
by Hakan Kallmen - 121-134 Risk and adventure education
by Geoff Nichols - 135-165 The morality of managing risk: paternalism, prevention and precaution, and the limits of proceduralism
by Perri - 167-179 Research Note: Extending the application of the psychometric approach for assessing public perceptions of food risk: some methodological considerations
by Chris Fife-Schaw & Gene Rowe - 180-186 Book Reviews
by The Editors
January 2000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-17 Forms of talk in policy dialogue: distinguishing between adversarial and collaborative discourse
by Seth Tuler - 19-30 Risk management strategies - before Hominization and after
by Ulrich Muller-Herold - 31-50 Risk perception and the media
by Anders A F Wahlberg & Lennart Sjoberg - 51-67 Automobile risk perceptions and insurance-purchasing decisions in Japan and the United States
by Hiroshi Hayakawa & Paul S Fischbeck & Baruch Fischhoff - 69-92 Risk informed decision making in land use planning
by Ioannis A Papazoglou & Gerasimos Bonanos & Helen Briassoulis
October 1999, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 281-288 Are trivial risks the greatest risks of all?
by Paul Slovic - 289-294 Perceived risk and the earthquake insurance purchase decision: a commentary on a paper by Lennart Sjöberg
by Risa Palm - 295-306 The responsibilities of a probabilistic safety analyst
by John F. Ahearne - 307-324 Regulating biotechnological risk, straining Britain's consultative style
by Les Levidow & Susan Carr & David Wield & Susan Carr & David Wield - 325-354 Exploring dimensionality in the origins of hazard-related trust
by Branden B. Johnson - 355-367 Listening to the vocal citizens: how do politically active individuals choose between lifesaving programmes?
by Joakim Ramsberg
July 1999, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 187-200 Perceived risk, health and consumer behaviour
by TorbjØrn Rundmo - 201-218 Risk management and sustainable development: mutual lessons from approaches to the use of indicators
by P.C.R. Gray & P. M. Wiedemann - 219-241 Risk perception in China and Australia: an exploratory crosscultural study
by Bernd Rohrmann & Huichang Chen - 243-261 Diverse conceptions of risk prioritization
by David J Ball & Laurence Golob - 263-275 Perceived risk and value of workplace safety in a developing country
by Jin-Tan Liu & James K Hammitt
1999, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 95-99 Viewpoint: A new approach to managing risk?
by The Editors - 101-113 A commentary on the evolution of environmental health risk management: A US perspective
by Robyn Fairman - 115-128 Human error in high hazard systems: Do we treat the problem in an appropriate way?
by Stefan Einarsson - 129-149 Consequences of perceived risk: Demand for mitigation
by Lennart Sjoberg - 151-166 Risk assessment of the flavonoids, quercetin as an endocrine modifier
by Hideko Sone & Ciharu Tohyama & Yasunobu Aoki & Junzo Yonemoto - 167-180 Public trust in sources of information about radiation risks in the UK
by Stephen Hunt & Lynn J. Frewer - 181-183 Book Review
by The Editors - 185-186 Europe Section News
by The Editors
January 1999, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 Comments on 'Lay views on uncertainty in environmental health risk assessment'
by Jerry Ravetz - 3-10 The evolution of environmental health risk management: a US perspective
by Gail Charnley - 11-29 Prioritizing stakeholder concerns in environmental risk management
by Roberto Accorsi & George Apostolakis & Enrico Zio - 31-53 Perceptions of ecological risk from natural hazards
by Lawrence J Axelrod & Timothy Mcdaniels & Paul Slovic - 55-71 The craft and theory of public participation: a dialectical process
by Thomas Webler - 73-83 Relating risk experience, venturesomeness and risk perception
by Clare L Twigger-Ross & Glynis M Breakwell
October 1998, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 255-255 Editorial
by Ragnar E. Lofstedt
July 1998, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 189-190 GUEST EDITORIAL: Cutting corners in chemical risk limitation
by Gunnar Bengtsson - 191-195 The rise of risk: risk related bills submitted to the Swedish parliament in 1964-65 and 1993-95
by Lennart Sjoberg & Anders Af Wahlberg & Per Nilla Kvist - 197-207 How information about likely accomplishments affects willingness to sacrifice to reduce global warming
by Robert E O'Connor & Richard J Bord & Ann Fisher - 209-220 Shift of the short-term temperature mortality relationship by a climate factor - some evidence necessary to take account of in estimating the health effect of global warming
by Yasushi Honda & Masaji Ono & Akihiko Sasaki & Iwao Uchiyama - 221-235 Understanding public attitudes to technology
by Lynn J Frewer & Chaya Howard & Richard Shepherd - 237-244 Research Note: Adolescents' perceptions of food chemical risks
by J. Richard Eiser & Neil S Coulson & Christine Eiser
April 1998, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 95-95 GUEST EDITORIAL: Risk analysis as the mirror of society
by Arne Jernelov & Uno Svedin - 97-109 Risk at a turning point?
by Andrew Stirling - 111-115 Comments on commentary by Ravetz and Funtowicz: 'Old-fashioned hypertext'
by Eugene A. Rosa - 117-133 Expert judgement and lethal toxicity of inhaled chemicals
by L.H.J. Goossens & R.M. Cooke & F Woudenberg & P Van Der Torn - 135-163 Comparative studies of risk perception: a review of twenty years of research
by Asa Boholm - 165-185 Imaginable surprise in global change science
by Stephen H Schneider & B. L. Turner & Holly Morehouse Garriga
January 1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 EDITORIAL: First Issue - Journal of Risk Research
by Ragnar E. Lofstedt - 3-6 GUEST EDITORIAL: The future of risk research
by Jim Mcquaid - 7-12 GUEST EDITORIAL: Chemical risk management and practices in Japan - towards a new management perspective
by Saburo Ikeda - 13-14 Viewpoint
by Frederick Warner - 15-44 Metatheoretical foundations for post-normal risk
by Eugene A. Rosa - 45-48 Commentary
by Jerry Ravetz & Silvio Funtowicz - 49-71 Three decades of risk research: accomplishments and new challenges
by Ortwin Renn - 73-76 Comments on 'Three decades of risk research'
by D. Warner North - 77-86 From risk analysis in Europe to European risk analysis: the first ten years of SRA-E (1987-97)
by Marc Poumadore