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Artisan weaving the guard (II) Read more on the element
© Tais Estrada, 2022

The nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage took place in Asunción, Republic of Paraguay from Monday 2 to Friday 6 December 2024. The session was chaired by H.E. Ms Nancy Ovelar de Gorostiaga, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Paraguay to UNESCO.

Following the work of its Evaluation Body, the Committee inscribed two elements on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and 58 elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (including 5 inscriptions on an extended basis); three elements were transferred from the Urgent Safeguarding List to the Representative List, recognizing their improved viability since their initial inscription.

Decisions: English|French
List of registered participants

The Committee also selected three programmes for the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices. For the first time, Brunei Darussalam, Ghana, Myanmar, Rwanda and Somalia celebrated their first inscriptions. Furthermore, the session was marked by the inscription of 16 multinational elements involving 62 countries, serving as inspiring examples of international cooperation. There were 14 inscriptions involving countries from the Africa region and 4 inscriptions by Small Island Developing States (SIDS). In view of the next cycle in 2025, the Committee also established a new Evaluation Body.

At the session, 18 reports on the current status of elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List were examined. The Committee also took note of safeguarding trends, challenges and opportunities highlighted in the reports submitted by all 44 States Parties in Africa. Marking a significant achievement for the Convention, the 100% submission rate of periodic reporting of the States Parties in Africa was commended, reflecting the involvement and efforts of all stakeholders involved in the safeguarding of living heritage.

Concerning the management of the listing mechanisms of the Convention, an overview of the files submitted for the 2024 and 2025 cycles was presented and the Committee decided on a way forward for the 2026 and 2027 cycles. Furthermore, the Committee welcomed progress made in the ongoing reflection on a broader implementation of Article 18 of the Convention, with a focus on the establishment of the online platform for sharing good safeguarding experiences.

Additionally, the Committee reaffirmed the important role of intangible cultural heritage for inclusive social, economic and environmental development, and welcomed the progress made in the implementation of the thematic initiatives on the economic dimensions of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and climate change, and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in urban contexts. The Guidance Note on climate action for living heritage was presented to the Committee.

The ICH NGO Forum presented its report, describing its activities that have the potential to strengthen the advisory role of accredited non-governmental organizations to the Committee. The Committee encouraged efforts aimed at increasing the number of non-governmental organizations based in underrepresented regions.

Finally, it was decided that the twentieth session of the Intergovernmental Committee would be held in New Delhi, India, from 8 to 13 December 2025.

Committee Members

Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Barbados, Burkina Faso, China, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Haiti, India, Malaysia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Paraguay, Slovakia, Spain, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam and Zambia

Bureau of the Committee

Composition & meetings

Agenda and documents

 Item of the agendaDocumentsRecordings*
1Opening LHE/24/19.COM/INF.1 Rev.: English|French
General Information  
2024-12-02 13:32: English|French|VO(Video)
2Adoption of the agenda


LHE/24/19.COM/2: English|French
Adoption of the agenda
LHE/24/19.COM/INF.2.1 Rev.4: English|French
Provisional timetable
LHE/24/19.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.5: English|French
Provisional list of documents  
2024-12-02 14:45: English|French|VO(Video)


LHE/24/19.COM/3 Rev.: English|French
2024-12-02 14:47: English|French|VO(Video)
4Adoption of the summary records of the eighteenth session of the Committee


LHE/24/19.COM/4: English|French
2024-12-02 14:51: English|French|VO(Video)
5Report by the Secretariat on its activities (January to June 2024)


LHE/24/19.COM/5: English|French
2024-12-02 15:02: English|French|VO(Video)
2024-12-02 18:05: English|French|VO(Video)
6.aExamination of the reports by States Parties on the current status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding LHE/24/19.COM/6.a: English|French
See the 18 reports 
2024-12-02 20:44: English|French|VO(Video)
2024-12-03 13:52: English|French|VO(Video)
6.bExamination of the reports of the regional cycle of periodic reporting on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by States Parties in Africa


LHE/24/19.COM/6.b: English|French
See the 44 reports 
2024-12-03 13:58: English|French|VO(Video)
6.cUpdate on the regional cycles of the Convention’s periodic reporting


LHE/24/19.COM/6.c: English|French

LHE/24/19.COM/INF.6.c: English|French
Analytical Report of the first cycle of periodic reporting on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by States Parties in the Arab States 
2024-12-03 14:29: English|French|VO(Video)
7Report of the Evaluation Body on its work in 2024


LHE/24/19.COM/7: English|French

Certificate Ceremony / Ceremonie des Certificats: English/French
(Indicative - 5 December 2024)
Order of files / Ordre des dossiers: English|French
(Indicative - 5 December 2024) 
2024-12-03 14:52: English|French|VO(Video)
2024-12-05 19:04: English|French|VO(Video)
7.aExamination of nominations for inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding LHE/24/19.COM/7.a: English|French
See the 2 nominations 
2024-12-03 17:40: English|French|VO(Video)
7.bExamination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity LHE/24/19.COM/7.b: English|French
See the 58 nominations and extensions  
2024-12-03 18:00: English|French|VO(Video)
2024-12-04 13:38: English|French|VO(Video)
2024-12-04 18:33: English|French|VO(Video)
2024-12-05 13:48: English|French|VO(Video)
7.cExamination of requests for transfer of elements from one list to the other LHE/24/19.COM/7.c: English|French
See the 3 requests 
2024-12-05 16:10: English|French|VO(Video)
7.dExamination of proposals to the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices LHE/24/19.COM/7.d: English|French
See the 3 proposals 
2024-12-05 18:40: English|French|VO(Video)
8Follow-up on elements inscribed on the Lists of the Convention


LHE/24/19.COM/8: English|French
2024-12-05 20:19: English|French|VO(Video)
9Report on International Assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund


LHE/24/19.COM/9: English|French
2024-12-05 20:24: English|French|VO(Video)
10Broader implementation of Article 18 of the Convention


LHE/24/19.COM/10: English|French
2024-12-06 13:48: English|French|VO(Video)
11Thematic initiatives on living heritage and sustainable development


LHE/24/19.COM/11: English|French
2024-12-06 14:40: English|French|VO(Video)
12Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund: voluntary supplementary contributions and other issues


LHE/24/19.COM/12 Rev.: English|French
2024-12-06 15:16: English|French|VO(Video)
13Report of the non-governmental organizations forum


LHE/24/19.COM/13: English|French
2024-12-06 15:46: English|French|VO(Video)
14Establishment of the Evaluation Body for the 2025 cycle


LHE/24/19.COM/14 Rev.2: English|French
2024-12-06 15:27: English|French|VO(Video)
2024-12-06 18:40: English|French|VO(Video)
15Number of files submitted for the 2024 and 2025 cycles and number of files that can be treated in the 2026 and 2027 cycles


LHE/24/19.COM/15: English|French
2024-12-06 18:53: English|French|VO(Video)
16Date and place of the twentieth session of the Committee


LHE/24/19.COM/16: English|French
2024-12-06 19:37: English|French|VO(Video)
17Election of the members of the Bureau of the twentieth session of the Committee


LHE/24/19.COM/17: English|French
2024-12-06 19:46: English|French|VO(Video)
18Other business  2024-12-06 19:56: English|French|VO(Video)
19Adoption of the list of decisions  2024-12-06 19:57: English|French|VO(Video)
20Closure  2024-12-06 20:00: English|French|VO(Video)

*The interpretation of proceedings serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of the proceedings. Only the original speech is authentic.
