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Solving higher order polynomials (order n, with n zero points and with less than n zero points) which can be achieved by using 2nd order polynomials. Each zero point is approached by means of a parabola. Solving higher order polynomial... more
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Looking at moving objects, this paper tries to make it clear that space, time, mass and energy are conserved and act as if it is all the same. That space and time are also a form of energy. On speeding p or under gravitational situations,... more
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As discussed in the conservation law of Space, Time. Energy and Matter, it was found that there seems to be a very strict conservation law in action, governed by the gamma factor. Increasing speed, and thus energy and mass, seems to go at... more
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      RelativityQuantum Mechanics
For long it has been stated that 2 whole numbers or integers a and b in a division a/b, with b is non zero, cannot be an irrational number like √2 or π or any other irrational number. But is this so ?. How are irrational numbers... more
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    • Applied Mathematics
Abstract: Spooky action at a distance – “spukhafte Fernwirkung” -, better known today as entanglement has by now been a verified phenomenon. It turns out that by splitting a particle in 2 the remaining particles can be entangled. By means... more
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    • Quantum Mechanics
In a recent paper it was suggested that when a particle passes thru one of the slits after it has been observed and thus ends up in either 2 positions, is regarded merely an interaction of that particle with a macroscopic object... more
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    • Quantum Mechanics
Abstract: Gravitation and " dark matter " is basically a very simple consequence of the waviness of particles. Now what we see happening at a tsunami can best picture, in spite of how horrible these types of events really are, what... more
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The universe can best be described as a spring on high tension. This results in basically 2 phenomena which are known to science. The first is the very existence of particles in all kinds of flavours and time. The second is the... more
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Since big bodies exert a great gravitation and smaller bodies smaller gravitation, there must be a long sought relationship with the bodies number of particles/wave functions which we know as atoms. Logic dictates that this must be found... more
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      Quantum GravityGravity(classical and Quantum)
The postulation of the theory that gravitation is nothing more than the adding up of wave function of material particles of course requires a mathematical backup. That is pictured here. As slightly position shifted wave functions are... more
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    • Quantum Gravity
Abstract: The principle is simple; extreme heavy black holes may be capable, to generate such compressive forces in the swirling around material from their neighborhood that it compresses material into neutron stars and more black holes.... more
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Abstract: We know that energy is conserved Ebefore = Eafter. But that must automatically lead to the conclusion that also Space, Time And Mass are mutually conserved due to their relationship with Energy. Hence the Space, Time, Energy And... more
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Abstract: Life as we know it is unique. Life has only been observed in this entire universe on our own home planet earth. There is a big question roaming around in the science world to find life elsewhere in the universe, but will we find... more
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Abstract: In 2012 it was stated, by author (1), that there is a 4th law of thermodynamics. In general it says: random energy input to system will lead to destruction or be neutral at best; Random energy input with intelligence or an... more
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Life as we know it is unique. Life has only been observed in this entire universe on our own home planet earth. There is a big question roaming around in the science world to find life elsewhere in the universe, but will we find it ?... more
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In 1974 Steven Hawking published his works on what we know as Hawking radiation. The question is, is that theoretical process realistic and thus valid. This paper shows that it is not a valid process. The simple reason for it is that it... more
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Recently a paper was published [1] pertaining to generating a gravitational field by accelerating up charged particles. Accomplishing this technically requires stored energy to be transformed into potential energy accelerating the charged... more
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Ever since my fellow country man Hendrik Casimir (1) has theorized the effect that carries his name has been verified we know that virtual particles are real. But there is more: Since less particles pop into and out of existence between 2... more
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Spooky action at a distance – “spukhafte Fernwirkung” -, better known today as entanglement has by now been a verified phenomenon. It turns out that by splitting a particle in 2 the remaining particles can be entangled. By means of... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum MechanicsQuantum entanglement
Many people, including very smart scientist people, have accepted that life emerged and developed from chemicals via a hypothetical process known as abiogenesis and later on evolution. Here it is shown, purely mathematically with respect... more
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