matro / Matt

IT guy, artist, head atop a torso with limbs.

There are four people in matro’s collective.

Huffduffed (239)

  1. Caplan on the Myth of the Rational Voter - EconTalk

    Bryan Caplan, of George Mason University and blogger at EconLog, talks about his book, The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies. Caplan argues that democracies work well in giving voters what they want but unfortunately, what voters want isn't particularly wise, especially when it comes to economic policy. He outlines a series of systematic biases we often have on economic topics and explains why we have little or no incentive to improve our understanding of the world and vote wisely. So, it's not special interests that are messing things up but the very incentives that lie at the heart of a vote-based system. This is a disturbing and provocative lens for viewing political outcomes.

    —Huffduffed by matro

  2. 5by5 | The Frequency #7: Cash Rock Benjamin

    5by5 - The Frequency #7: Cash Rock Benjamin

    "Today Dan and Haddie begrudgingly accept the release of Skype 6.0, Apple releasing Lightning to HDMI and VGA adapters, Windows imminent overtake by Android in the mobile world, Apple iPad Mini supply shortage, iPad resales surge over 700%, women being the target audience for the iPad Mini, the FBI is spying on anarchists, a realistic Popeye and a chat about self-sufficiency with Tweetie and now Letterpress game creator, Loren Brichter. Also, did you know your phone is covered in poop?"

    —Huffduffed by matro

  3. Nosek on Truth, Science, and Academic Incentives

    "Brian Nosek of the University of Virginia talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about how incentives in academic life create a tension between truth-seeking and professional advancement. Nosek argues that these incentives create a subconscious bias toward making research decisions in favor of novel results that may not be true, particularly in empirical and experimental work in the social sciences. In the second half of the conversation, Nosek details some practical innovations occurring in the field of psychology, to replicate established results and to publicize unpublished results that are not sufficiently exciting to merit publication but that nevertheless advance understanding and knowledge. These include the Open Science Framework and PsychFileDrawer." —

    —Huffduffed by matro

  4. The Digital Human: Conceal

    What is the biggest threat to our privacy: governments, corporate entities or our friends? And do people have different attitudes towards privacy depending on their culture?

    Aleks Krotoski charts how digital culture is moulding modern living. Each week join technology journalist Aleks Krotoski as she goes beyond the latest gadget or web innovation to understand what sort of world we'€™re creating with our '€˜always on'€™ lives.

    —Huffduffed by matro

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