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~hedy's home

Hi, I'm ~hedy (she/her). You have stumbled upon my little corner of the internet.

# Start exploring

Welcome. Do come in, make yourself comfortable. This is a digital garden curated by a living, breathing human just like you. Here are some of the things of interest it features.

  • Find out how to best get in touch on my /about page, as well as other places on the internet you can find me.

  • Read about why this place exists, how it’s made and how it evolved through its history on the /meta page.

  • Below you will find a selection of my blog posts, the full list can also be found in my /posts if you’re willing to binge-it-all. Point your feed reader at my RSS or Atom feed to subscribe to updates.

  • Take a look at my /bookmarks for some internet content I’ve been enjoying lately.

  • Looking for similar places like this? The list of webrings below is all you need to continue your exploration. I also have a curated list of other people’s blogs I appreciate on my /blogroll.

  • Before you leave, you can leave a trace of your presence by writing a message and leaving a book recommendation on my /guestbook.

Curious to explore places beyond the realms of the web? Learn about the Gemini protocol, Gopher, and the rest of the “small internet”. When you’re ready to dive in, check out my Gemini presence at gmi.hedy.dev.

# Posts

These are my long-form musings. Expect posts no less frequent than yearly but never more frequent than daily.

Comments can be sent via email directly to me, or by interacting on the various places a post has been syndicated to. Syndications (if any) and reply-via-email links are included at the bottom of each post. Webmentions are also supported.

You can subscribe using your favorite feed reader via RSS or Atom.

# Webrings

A webring is a collection of websites made by like-minded folks, usually centered around a topic, aesthetic, or common interest.

— from the safonts webring

Here are the webrings my personal website is part of. Click on the arrows to visit my neighbor sites on each ring. Some webrings also lets you visit a random site part of the ring. Pick a ring and you’ll be off!

My Gemini capsule is part of a few other webrings, also known as “orbits” in Geminispace.

Member sites & badges are listed on my meta page.

# Guestbook

Like what you see? Leave a public note by signing my guestbook. Write a message and leave an optional book recommendation for both the curator of this web garden, and the next visitor like you.

View all guestbook entries here.