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民數記 3:46
平行經文 (Parallel Verses)
現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional)

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified)

聖經新譯本 (CNV Traditional)

圣经新译本 (CNV Simplified)

繁體中文和合本 (CUV Traditional)
以 色 列 人 中 頭 生 的 男 子 比 利 未 人 多 二 百 七 十 三 個 , 必 當 將 他 們 贖 出 來 。

简体中文和合本 (CUV Simplified)
以 色 列 人 中 头 生 的 男 子 比 利 未 人 多 二 百 七 十 三 个 , 必 当 将 他 们 赎 出 来 。

Numbers 3:46 King James Bible
And for those that are to be redeemed of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are more than the Levites;

Numbers 3:46 English Revised Version
And for the redemption of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are over and above the number of the Levites,
聖經寶庫 (Treasury of Scripture)


民數記 18:15

出埃及記 13:13

the two hundred.

22,000, and the first-born males of the Israelites were

22,273, there were therefore

372 more of the latter than of the former, which are here ordered to be redeemed. The price of redemption is fixed at five shekels, or about

15s. each, in ver

民數記 3:47

. This money, amounting to

1365 shekels, equal to F204.

15s. English, was taken of the first-born. There is some difficulty, however, in determining which of the first-born should be redeemed by paying this sum, and which should be exchanged for the Levites; for every Israelite, no doubt, would rather have his first-born redeemed by a Levite, than pay five shekels; and yet some of them must have incurred this expense. Rabbi Solomon Jarchi says, to prevent contention, Moses took

22,000 slips of parchment, and wrote on each a son of Levi, and

273 more, on which he wrote five shekels; then putting them in an urn, and shaking them together, he ordered every one of the first-born to draw out a slip. If he drew out one with the first inscription, he said to him, a Levite hath redeemed thee; but if he drew out one of the latter, he said, pay the price. This is pronounced by Dr. A. Clarke to be a stupid, silly tale; but when we know that the determination by lot was used among the Israelites, it does not seem improbable that it was now resorted to, though we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the detail. This species of redeeming men is referred to by Peter in his

1st Epistle,

民數記 1:18,19


which are

民數記 3:39-43

鏈接 (Links)
民數記 3:46 雙語聖經 (Interlinear)民數記 3:46 多種語言 (Multilingual)Números 3:46 西班牙人 (Spanish)Nombres 3:46 法國人 (French)4 Mose 3:46 德語 (German)民數記 3:46 中國語文 (Chinese)Numbers 3:46 英語 (English)

中文標準譯本 (CSB Traditional) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

中文标准译本 (CSB Simplified) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified) ©2011 Asia Bible Society.

聖經新譯本 (CNV Traditional) ©2010 Worldwide Bible Society.

圣经新译本 (CNV Simplified) ©2010 Worldwide Bible Society.

背景 (Context)
45「你揀選利未人代替以色列人所有頭生的,也取利未人的牲畜代替以色列人的牲畜。利未人要歸我。我是耶和華。 46以色列人中頭生的男子比利未人多二百七十三個,必當將他們贖出來。 47你要按人丁,照聖所的平,每人取贖銀五舍客勒(一舍客勒是二十季拉),…
交叉引用 (Cross Ref)
出埃及記 13:13

出埃及記 13:15

民數記 18:15

民數記 18:16

民數記 3:45
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