Log full of FilesMetadataException

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In order to help you as quickly as possible, before clicking Create Topic please provide as much of the below as you can. Feel free to use a pastebin service for logs, otherwise either indent short log examples with four spaces:


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Nextcloud version (eg, 29.0.5): replace me
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 24.04): replace me
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): replace me
PHP version (eg, 8.3): replace me

The issue you are facing:
I’m having hundreds of the same error message in the log, the error is : “FilesMetadataException you do not have enough rights to update ‘files-live-photo’ on this node”
The error seem to originate from webdav according to the log and i’m getting them by batch (today about 50 at 19h36 and about 50 at 10h30)

I’m also getting the following error :
Exception HMAC does not match. Could not decrypt or decode encrypted session data

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): N (It happen hundred times a day)

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Do nothing

The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:08	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:08	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:08	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:07	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:03	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:03	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:03	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:03	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:02	

Erreur	no app in context	
HMAC does not match.
Could not decrypt or decode encrypted session data

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:01	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:01	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:01	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

21 juil. 2024, 10:30:01	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

20 juil. 2024, 23:41:16	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

20 juil. 2024, 23:41:16	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

20 juil. 2024, 23:41:16	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

20 juil. 2024, 23:41:16	

Erreur	no app in context	
Did expect one result but found none when executing: query "SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*files_versions` WHERE (`file_id` = :dcValue1) AND (`timestamp` = :dcValue2)";
Exception thrown: OCP\AppFramework\Db\DoesNotExistException

14 juil. 2024, 15:00:55	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_pX9nwT-.jpg): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_O6usaR-.jpg): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_xsIZ5R): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_P6GJdS-.jpg): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_tH1hUS-.jpg): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_tH1hUS-.jpg): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_P6GJdS-.jpg): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	PHP	
unlink(/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp/oc_tmp_ZUlWpV): No such file or directory at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Helper.php#200

9 juil. 2024, 15:50:14	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:41	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:39	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:37	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:36	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:33	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:33	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:28	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:28	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:22	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:22	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:18	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:17	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:17	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:17	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:13	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:13	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:10	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:10	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:07	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:06	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:06	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:06	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:05	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:05	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:02	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:02	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:59:00	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:59	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:57	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:57	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:55	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:55	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:51	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:51	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:46	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:45	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:43	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:43	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:42	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:42	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:37	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:37	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:37	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:37	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:36	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:36	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:30	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:30	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:29	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:29	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:25	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:25	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:24	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:24	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:24	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:23	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:17	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:17	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:14	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:14	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:14	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:14	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:09	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:09	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:07	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:06	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:04	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:58:04	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:59	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:59	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:58	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:57	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:54	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:54	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:51	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:50	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:50	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:50	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:46	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:46	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:44	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:43	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:39	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:38	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:37	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:37	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:32	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:32	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:29	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:28	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:25	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:25	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:24	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:23	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:20	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:19	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:19	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:18	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:12	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:12	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:11	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:10	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:06	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:05	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:04	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:04	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:04	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:04	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:02	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:57:01	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:55	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:54	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:54	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:53	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:48	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:47	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:35	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:34	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:34	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:34	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:28	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:28	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:26	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:24	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:24	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:20	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:19	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:19	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:18	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:13	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:13	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:13	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:13	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:07	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:07	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:02	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:56:01	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:56	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:56	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:49	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:49	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:49	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:49	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:47	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:46	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:43	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:43	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:42	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:42	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:41	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:40	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:35	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:35	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:34	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:33	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:31	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:31	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:27	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:21	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:21	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:20	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:19	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:17	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:17	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:14	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:13	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:07	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:07	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:06	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:06	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:01	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:55:00	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:52	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:46	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:45	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:45	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:40	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:40	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:39	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:39	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:39	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:38	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:33	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:33	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:33	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:33	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:29	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:29	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:22	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:22	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:22	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:22	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:18	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:18	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:18	

Erreur	webdav	
you do not have enough rights to update 'files-live-photo' on this node

9 juil. 2024, 14:54:17

The output of your config.php file in /path/to/nextcloud (make sure you remove any identifiable information!):

$CONFIG = array (
  'passwordsalt' => 'HIDDEN',
  'secret' => 'HIDDEN',
  'trusted_domains' =>
  array (
    0 => 'localhost',
    7 => 'nextcloudpi',
    5 => 'nextcloudpi.local',
    8 => 'nextcloudpi.lan',
    3 => 'nextcloudpi',
    11 => '2001:861:3002:7d40:b5f9:77d4:3f9a:4105',
    1 => '',
    14 => 'nextcloudpi',
    2 => 'HIDDEN',
  'datadirectory' => '/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://nextcloudpi/',
  'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,
  'dbuser' => 'ncadmin',
  'dbpassword' => 'HIDDEN',
  'installed' => true,
  'instanceid' => 'oc762j65auio',
  'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
  'memcache.locking' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis',
  'redis' =>
  array (
    'host' => '/var/run/redis/redis.sock',
    'port' => 0,
    'timeout' => 0.0,
    'password' => 'HIDDEN',
  'tempdirectory' => '/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/tmp',
  'mail_smtpmode' => 'sendmail',
  'mail_smtpauthtype' => 'LOGIN',
  'mail_from_address' => 'HIDDEN',
  'mail_domain' => 'gmail.com',
  'preview_max_x' => '2048',
  'preview_max_y' => '2048',
  'jpeg_quality' => '60',
  'overwriteprotocol' => 'https',
  'maintenance' => false,
  'logfile' => '/media/Moncloud/ncdatadir/data/nextcloud.log',
  'trusted_proxies' =>
  array (
    11 => '',
    12 => '::1',
    14 => '',
  'maintenance_window_start' => 2,
  'default_phone_region' => 'FR',
  'mail_sendmailmode' => 'smtp',

The output of your Apache/nginx/system log in /var/log/____:

I think this is the apache log

  GNU nano 5.4                                                                                                                            error.log                                                                                                                                     [Mon Jul 22 00:00:01.653539 2024] [ssl:warn] [pid 980:tid 980] AH01909: localhost:4443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Jul 22 00:00:01.666484 2024] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 980:tid 980] AH00489: Apache/2.4.61 (Debian) OpenSSL/1.1.1w configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Jul 22 00:00:01.666533 2024] [core:notice] [pid 980:tid 980] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
[Mon Jul 22 18:17:07.701001 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 99253:tid 99282] [remote] AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header
[Mon Jul 22 18:17:07.703936 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 99253:tid 99282] (104)Connection reset by peer: [remote] AH01075: Error dispatching request to :4443:
[Mon Jul 22 18:19:56.090467 2024] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 980:tid 980] AH00492: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully
[Mon Jul 22 18:19:59.453158 2024] [core:warn] [pid 980:tid 980] AH00045: child process 99253 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Mon Jul 22 18:20:01.455561 2024] [core:warn] [pid 980:tid 980] AH00045: child process 99253 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Mon Jul 22 18:20:03.457737 2024] [core:warn] [pid 980:tid 980] AH00045: child process 99253 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Mon Jul 22 18:20:05.459904 2024] [core:error] [pid 980:tid 980] AH00046: child process 99253 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL
[Mon Jul 22 18:20:13.953738 2024] [ssl:warn] [pid 609:tid 609] AH01909: localhost:4443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Jul 22 18:20:14.029448 2024] [ssl:warn] [pid 995:tid 995] AH01909: localhost:4443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Jul 22 18:20:14.036064 2024] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 995:tid 995] AH00489: Apache/2.4.61 (Debian) OpenSSL/1.1.1w configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Jul 22 18:20:14.036186 2024] [core:notice] [pid 995:tid 995] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'

Output errors in nextcloud.log in /var/www/ or as admin user in top right menu, filtering for errors. Use a pastebin service if necessary.