Is there a way to remove 'shipped' apps?


try removing shipped apps is forbitten in my nextcloud 29.0.4. Is there a force option or a config.php setting to modify this?


Can you give an example and post the corresponding error?

Of course…


I have tested it on my test system. I can disable but not uninstall it. I think Nextcloud does not work without the app Photos. If you do not need the app you can disable it. This is of course a pity, as the app requires around 50 MB in total. But of course it could be that apps like Nextcloud Files access it. Maybe someone knows more.

Thank you, seems so.

You cannot remove shipped apps because it would be impossible to re-install them. Most of them can be disabled though: server/core/shipped.json at master · nextcloud/server · GitHub

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On my test system i have deleted “photos” from shippedApps in shipped.json. Then i can delete the app Photos and Nextcloud works. The app is gone but i can see pictures in Nextcloud Files.

I advise against this approach. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to see how important the dependency really is.

Another disadvantage is that I can’t reinstall the app because it doesn’t appear in the app list, find-function, etc.