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    • Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire
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Page 1. Looking at the French Revolution through Ottoman eyes: Ebubekir Ratib Efendi's observations Fatih YesËil Hacettepe University Abstract Received wisdom has always held that the Ottomans ...
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    • Multidisciplinary
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Using the biography of Ebubekir Ratib Efendi, this article aims to scrutinize the typical 18th century “Ottoman” in the service of the Sublime Porte. The military defeats taken in the Balkans and Black Sea had a great impact in the... more
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    • Ottoman History
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman Studies
The eighteenth century witnessed the transformation of the artillery from a professional guild into a major branch of the army that dominated the battlefield. The attempts to create more mobile and effective cannon in Europe was closely... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Ottoman HistoryOttoman Studies
Abstract: The aim of this article is to present the process of the Ottoman discovery of technological developments in Europe. To reach this end, initially the communication canals enabling the Ottomans to contact with the West since... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of TechnologyOttoman-Turkish WesternizationHistory of Ottoman Science
"The endeavors to the creation of demanded behaviors in society rooted in the late Ottoman history, in other words in the emergency of the Turkish journalism. It can not be rejected the fact that since “Takvim-i Vekayi”, newspapers... more
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      History of Turkish pressModern Turkish History
ABSTRACT The developed countries, also known as the West, reaching the rank, “developed”, they get through a long and grueling process. The developed countries brought forth the phenomenon of westernization-modernization, and passed it... more
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      European HistoryWorld HistoryModernization
SUMMARY This article is the study of a micro history focusing on a book and its writer, namely Mösyö Elektrik written by Faik Sabri Duran, also known as Ahmet Faik. In the second half of the 1902, censors of Abdülhamid II had examined... more
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      Ottoman-Turkish WesternizationHistory of Turkish press19. and early 20. century Ottoman modernizationHistory of the Ottoman press
Abstract: Ziya Gökalp, who lived within the decline of Ottoman Empire and tried to do something important for it, found the salvation in strengthening the society, He formalized the process of strengthening under the titles of... more
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      History of ScienceModernizationTechnology transferOttoman-Turkish Westernization
As Neil Postman pointed out, “children are the messages sent to the time which we will never see”. Mösyö Elektrik, an endeavor adding the idea of utilization of modern technology to the messages alive, is a story that was caught by the... more
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      CensorshipOttoman HistoryLiterature And ScienceHistory of Turkish press
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      History of ScienceScience and ReligionIslam in TurkeyHistory of Turkish press
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      Osmanlı TarihiOsmanlı DevletiOsmanlı Diplomasi TarihiPsikiyatri Tarihi
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of Turkish pressOrtaçağ TarihiOsmanlı Tarihi
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      History of ScienceRoman EmpireHistorical Methodology
Süreli yayın marifetiyle toplum üzerinde istendik davranış oluşturma çabası Osmanlı Devleti’nin son dönemlerine, başka bir deyişle Türk basınının ortaya çıkışına dayanmaktadır. Takvim-i Vekayi’den itibaren, Türkçe yayımlanan gazetelerin... more
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      History of ScienceModernizationOttoman-Turkish WesternizationHistory of Turkish press