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Campus Representative Login

STEP 1: Review the Student Pre-application and Profile

The student Pre-application and Profile are intended to provide you with sufficient background information on a student to “start a conversation” about a Goldwater application. You should notify the student that you have received their Pre-application and Profile as soon as possible after you receive these materials. Read more

STEP 2: Accept the Student’s Pre-application and Assist the Student with Identifying Appropriate References

When you determine the student should move forward with a Goldwater application, “accept” the student’s Pre-application on your Goldwater Dashboard. When you take this action, you give the student access to the full Goldwater application. Read more

STEP 3: Use the tiles on your dashboard to monitor the student’s progress

While you should not write any of the student’s materials, you are encouraged to monitor the student’s progress and to give them constructive guidance throughout the process. In part, we view the Goldwater application process as a learning opportunity for students, knowledge they will need when they apply for graduate school and graduate fellowship applications.

STEP 4: Collect Student Transcripts

It is the student’s responsibility to provide you with their transcripts. Transcripts must reflect all courses students will use to compute their Grade Point Averages (GPAs). If courses and grades from schools the student previously attended are on the student’s current transcript, separate transcripts are not needed. Read more

STEP 5: Complete the Campus Rep Form

You must complete the Campus Representative questions that verify the nominee’s eligibility and academic status and submit it using your Dashboard. You may also provide an optional narrative statement. Read more

STEP 6: “Select” the Nomination Students Before the Deadline

Submitting the Campus Rep Form is NOT the final step in the nomination process. To nominate a student, you must choose SELECTED from the status dropdown on your dashboard by the student’s name. You will only be able to display SELECTED next to a student’s name if all criteria on the student’s Checklist are satisfied. Read more