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Our impact
We believe in empowerment through craft.

GLDN Giving Program

We’re proud to donate 10% of total profits—plus more from special collections—to empowering organizations that help defend rights and freedoms, expand access to education, aid in community building, support the arts and more crucial causes. Because purpose must go beyond profit, and true success is measured by positive impact.

Our Giving Program Recipients

Bright Friday: Our Answer to Black Friday Jewelry Deals

Every year, in lieu of a sale on Black Friday, we donate $5 from each order to First Nations Development Institute. Their work focuses on improving economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance and training, and advocacy and policy. When armed with the appropriate resources, Native Peoples hold the capacity and ingenuity to ensure the sustainable, economic, spiritual and cultural well-being of their communities. 

Learn more about FNDI

Empowering Pieces That Donate More

How can we support your fundraising efforts?

Contact us about receiving an in-kind donation for your nonprofit! We’ve worked with over 70 organizations over the years (and we’d love for you to be on that list).