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is GNU Emacs interface to wonderful
GrammarBot service.
interface is similar to ispell
There is only one command M-x grammarbot RET to check
either buffer or active region.
You can customize grammarbot.el
with M-x customize-group RET grammarbot RET using Emacs Easy Customization Interface
Or just tweak following user options in your init.el
- User Option:
Language to use. Default value: “en-US”
Please note that only English is supported at the moment (“en-US” or “en-GB”).
- User Option:
, default: tNon-nil to show statistics for all found issues after check.
Stats are shown in echo area with message like:
Grammarbot issues: 2, ignored: 1, replaced: 1
- User Option:
Your API Key obtained from
- User Option:
List of rules for issues to automatically accept single choice replacement.
Consider we are checking next sentence with
:However it is wise to automatically accept single replacements
While checking,
*Grammarbot Choices*
buffer pops up for the issue:Did you forget a comma after a conjunctive/linking adverb? Rule: (:id "SENT_START_CONJUNCTIVE_LINKING_ADVERB_COMMA" :subId "1" :description "Commas after conjunctive/linking adverbs in front of a new sentence." :issueType "typographical" :urls [(:value "")] :category (:id "PUNCTUATION" :name "Punctuation")) (0) However,
As you can see, issue has single replacement - “However,”. For single replacement issues corresponding issue rule is shown.
You can customize
to automatically accept such issue and do the auto-replacement. To do so, add:(add-to-list 'grammarbot-accept-single-choice-rules '(:issueType "typographical" :category (:id "PUNCTUATION"))) 5892
- User Option:
List of rules for issues to automatically ignore single choice replacement.
Elements of the list are in same format as fors
.By default “Whitespace repetition” and “Sentence starts with an uppercase letter” issues are ignored.