- Ankara, Turkiye
- http://www.zekiguven.com
Classes to handle MLLP connections and IHE transactions.
Open source code base for enabling software innovation in medical imaging
Weasis is a DICOM viewer available as a desktop application or as a web-based application.
Starviewer, a cross-platform open source medical imaging software
Quick development library (AutoMapper, LinQ, IOC Dependency Injection, MemoryCache, Scheduled tasks, Json and Yml Config and Options pattern, Serializers, etc) with crossplatform support for Delphi…
DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for WEB API in Delphi. Supports RESTful and JSON-RPC WEB APIs development.
🔒 OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA
Babelfish for PostgreSQL provides the capability for PostgreSQL to work with applications written for Microsoft SQL Server. Babelfish understands the SQL Server wire-protocol and T-SQL, the Microso…
Docker image for Babelfish for PostgreSQL.
LockBox is a Delphi and C++Builder library for cryptography.
An attempt at building a Delphi implementation of the W3C WebDriver, so it can be embedded in a Delphi project
Delphi classes the wrap the MS UIAutomation library
DevExpress VCL Components Automatic Installer
logo.us retrieval and scenario based chatbot library
İstihza Python Belgeleri, en kapsamlı Türkçe Python belgelendirmesi
Code for the second edition Web Scraping with Python book by Packt Publications
Alcinoe Component Library For Delphi. Full opengl video player, WebRTC delphi wrapper, native ios/android TEdit, Improuved firemonkey controls, Firebase cloud messaging, Android/ios facebook sdk lo…
Foundation classes used by other Grijjy repositories
zekiguven / GrijjyFoundation
Forked from grijjy/GrijjyFoundationFoundation classes used by other Grijjy repositories
Documentation tool for ObjectPascal (Free Pascal, Lazarus, Delphi) source code