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Isomorphic MERN Stack Boilerplate with SSR, HMR, Redux, Routing, Lazy loading, i18n, Styled-components, Postcss, Cssnext, Webpack and many more


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isomorphic MERN stack boilerplate (still in development)


To build and run this app locally you will need a few things:

Getting started

  • Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/zakariaharti/tercelx.git
  • Install dependencies
cd tercelx
npm install
  • Configure your mongoDB server
# create the db directory
mkdir -p /data/db
  • Start your mongoDB server (you'll probably want another command prompt)
  • Build and run the project
npm run build
npm start

Project Structure

The full folder structure of this app is explained below:

Note! Make sure you have already built the app using npm run build

Name Description
dist Contains the distributable (or output) from your TypeScript build. This is the code you ship
node_modules Contains all your npm dependencies
src Contains your source code that will be compiled to the dist dir
src/config Passport authentication strategies and login middleware. Add other complex config code here
src/controllers Controllers define functions that respond to various http requests
src/models Models define Mongoose schemas that will be used in storing and retrieving data from MongoDB
src/public Static assets that will be used client side
src/types Holds .d.ts files not found on DefinitelyTyped. Covered more in this section
src/server.ts Entry point to your express app
test Contains your tests. Seperate from source because there is a different build process.
views Views define how your app renders on the client. In this case we're using pug
.env.example API keys, tokens, passwords, database URI. Clone this, but don't check it in to public repos.
.travis.yml Used to configure Travis CI build
.copyStaticAssets.ts Build script that copies images, fonts, and JS libs to the dist folder
jest.config.js Used to configure Jest
package.json File that contains npm dependencies as well as build scripts
tsconfig.json Config settings for compiling server code written in TypeScript
tsconfig.tests.json Config settings for compiling tests written in TypeScript
tslint.json Config settings for TSLint code style checking

Running the build

Below is a list of all the scripts this template has available:

Npm Script Description
start Does the same as 'npm run serve'. Can be invoked with npm start
build Full build. Runs ALL build tasks (build-sass, build-ts, tslint, copy-static-assets)
serve Runs node on dist/server.js which is the apps entry point
watch-node Runs node with nodemon so the process restarts if it crashes. Used in the main watch task
watch Runs all watch tasks (TypeScript, Sass, Node). Use this if you're not touching static assets.
test Runs tests using Jest test runner
watch-test Runs tests in watch mode
build-ts Compiles all source .ts files to .js files in the dist folder
watch-ts Same as build-ts but continuously watches .ts files and re-compiles when needed
build-sass Compiles all .scss files to .css files
watch-sass Same as build-sass but continuously watches .scss files and re-compiles when needed
tslint Runs TSLint on project files


Dependencies are managed through package.json. In that file you'll find two sections:


Package Description
async Utility library that provides asynchronous control flow.
bcrypt-nodejs Library for hashing and salting user passwords.
bluebird Promise library
body-parser Express 4 middleware.
compression Express 4 middleware.
connect-mongo MongoDB session store for Express.
dotenv Loads environment variables from .env file.
errorhandler Express 4 middleware.
express Node.js web framework.
express-flash Provides flash messages for Express.
express-session Express 4 middleware.
express-validator Easy form validation for Express.
fbgraph Facebook Graph API library.
lodash General utility library.
lusca CSRF middleware.
mongoose MongoDB ODM.
nodemailer Node.js library for sending emails.
passport Simple and elegant authentication library for node.js
passport-facebook Sign-in with Facebook plugin.
passport-local Sign-in with Username and Password plugin.
pug (jade) Template engine for Express.
request Simplified HTTP request library.
request-promise Promisified HTTP request library. Let's us use async/await
winston Logging library


Package Description
@types Dependencies in this folder are .d.ts files used to provide types
chai Testing utility library that makes it easier to write tests
concurrently Utility that manages multiple concurrent tasks. Used with npm scripts
jest Testing library for JavaScript.
node-sass Allows to compile .scss files to .css
nodemon Utility that automatically restarts node process when it crashes
supertest HTTP assertion library.
ts-jest A preprocessor with sourcemap support to help use TypeScript wit Jest.
ts-node Enables directly running TS files. Used to run copy-static-assets.ts
tslint Linter (similar to ESLint) for TypeScript files
typescript JavaScript compiler/type checker that boosts JavaScript productivity

To install or update these dependencies you can use npm install or npm update.


Isomorphic MERN Stack Boilerplate with SSR, HMR, Redux, Routing, Lazy loading, i18n, Styled-components, Postcss, Cssnext, Webpack and many more







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