A socks4/5 relay server, works as downstream of csocks.
NOTE: Not fully compatible with the standard SOCKS5 protocol.
Current status: pre-Alpha.
Linux, Windows are supported, OSX, iOS, Android, OpenWRT support are still in progress.
Configuration options worker-count, io-threads are not currently supported.
- boost (>=1.42, boost-system, boost-filesystem, boost-program_options, boost-asio, boost-bind, boost-pool)
- libcrypto++
- stage
- Qt (>=5.5, with QtQuick2, QML)
and cmake (>=2.8)
$ git clone https://github.com/wumch/sockc.git sockc
$ mkdir sockc-build
$ cd !$
$ cmake ../sockc
$ make
$ cd sockc-build
$ cp -r ../sockc/etc ./ # then you can edit etc/sockc.conf before run.
$ sudo touch /var/run/sockc.pid
$ sudo chown
$ ./sockc --help