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a Logseq plugin to create pages for Zotero items using custom page titles and properties


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Create a page for Zotero with a custom title and page properties


logseq-logtero-plugin v.1.0.0 demo


Additional help for installing the Better BibTeX plugin

  • Download the latest release of Better BibTeX from Github
  • Open Zotero → Select Tools in the menu bar → Add-ons
  • In the Add-ons Manager, select the gear icon at the top right corner → Select Install Add-on From File
  • Select the .xpi file downloaded from Github → Restart Zotero

(Optional): Customize the Better BibTeX Zotero plugin settings

  • Open Zotero → Select Zotero in the menu bar → Preferences → Select the Better BibTeX tab
  • For information about the setting sections, click here
    • Example: In the Citations keys tab, edit citation key format (click here for a list of available functions)
  • After adjusting the plugin settings:
    • Go to your library or specific collection(s) → Click on the first item → Select all items using the keyboard shortcut (Mac: cmd+a | Windows: ctrl+a)
    • Right-click on any item → Select Better BibTeX → Select Refresh Better BibTeX key → Check on the progress at the top right corner for BetterBibTeX JSON

Step 2: Export Zotero library in the BetterBibTeX JSON format

  • Open Zotero → Select File in the menu bar → Select Export Library
    • For the format, select BetterBibTeX JSON
    • For the translator options, select Export Notes and Keep updated → Select Ok → Rename file (e.g. zotero_BBT) and select Save
  • To confirm the export, go to the plugin settings (Open Zotero → Select Zotero in the menu bar → Preferences → Select the Better BibTeX tab)
    • Select the Automatic export tab → At the bottom, find Output file: and copy the file path to the BetterBibTeX JSON file (e.g. /Users/.../zotero_BBT.json)

Step 3: Install and configure the Logtero plugin in Logseq

Logtero configuration

  • After installing and locating the Logtero plugin, select the gear icon at the bottom left corner → Select Open settings
    • In the PathToBBT section, paste the file path to the BetterBibTeX JSON file
    • In the PageTitleTemplate, use any of the following placeholders:
      • {{authors}}
      • {{citekey}}
      • {{title}}
      • {{year}}
    • In the PagePropertiesTemplate, and CustomPagePropertiesTemplate sections, use any of the following placeholders:
      • {{abstractNote}}: the abstract of the item
      • {{authors}}: includes all authors, editors, contributors, etc associated with the item
      • {{collection}}: the Zotero collection the item is in
      • {{citekey}}: the citekey of the item
      • {{doi}}: the DOI of the item
      • {{filePath}}: the file path of the item
      • {{issue}}: the issue of the journal the item is in
      • {{itemType}}: the type of item it is (e.g. book, journal article, conference paper)
      • {{journal}}: the journal the item is in
      • {{keywords}}: the keywords associated with the item in Zotero
      • {{localLibrary}}: the local link to the item in your Zotero library (e.g. zotero://select/library/items/...)
      • {{pages}}: the total number of pages or the range of pages for the item
      • {{pdf}}: format - ![{{citekey}}]({{filePath}})
      • {{title}}: the title of the item
      • {{url}}: the original link to the item
      • {{volume}}: the volume of the journal the item is in
      • {{webLibrary}}: the web link to the item in your Zotero library (e.g. http://zotero.org/users/.../items/...)
      • {{year}}: the publication year of the item

      • Example templates
        • Page title: {{authors}} ({{year}}) {{title}}Allen (2001) Getting Things Done
        • Page properties: {{itemType}}itemType:: book
        • Custom page properties: category:: zotero, recommended; status:: to-read; rating::

Step 4: Using the Logtero plugin

Add a Zotero item in 3 ways:

  • To mirror the behavior of the native Zotero integration in Logseq (insert pdf in the block), use the slash command (type /logtero)
  • To open the page after selecting a Zotero item, use either:
    • Keyboard shortcut (can be configured in the settings)
    • Command palette
      • Activate it using the default keyboard shortcut (Mac: cmd+shift+p | Windows: ctrl+shift+p) → Type logtero)
        • The keyboard shortcut can be configured in Logseq:
          • Click the 3 dots in the righthand corner → Select Settings → At the bottom of the General tab, select Customize shortcuts
          • Scroll all the way down to the Others section → Find Toggle command palette → Click on the shortcut to change it → Click Save



  1. Click the 3 dots in the righthand corner → SettingsAdvanced → Enable Developer mode and Plug-in system
  2. Click the 3 dots in the righthand corner → Plugins – OR – Use keyboard shortcut Esc t p

Load plugin via the marketplace (not available yet)

Load plugin manually

  1. Download the latest release of the plugin (e.g logseq-logtero-plugin-v.1.0.0.zip) from Github
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Navigate to plugins (Click the 3 dots → Plugins – OR – Use keyboard shortcut Esc t p) → Load unpacked plugin → Select the folder of the unzipped file


  • Each time you make changes to the plugin settings, please refresh Logseq to ensure that all settings are updated
    logseq-logtero-plugin settings





a Logseq plugin to create pages for Zotero items using custom page titles and properties





