8000 GitHub - vitor-mariano/react-fission: Start a New ReactJS Project
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A powerful starting project for ReactJS.

Build Status Gitter

Powerful Features

React Fission follows the best practices and use powerful libraries for ReactJS, as listed below.


You must install the CLI

NPM Yarn
npm install -g react-fission-cli yarn global add react-fission-cli

and start a new React Fission project.

fission new your-project-name

Open your new project folder

cd your-project-name

and start the development server.

NPM Yarn
npm run dev -- --open yarn dev --open

The application will be available at localhost:8000.

The parameter --open is optional. It makes your navigator open a new tab with localhost:8000.

Building the app

Run the command

NPM Yarn
npm run build yarn build

The files will be compiled inside public folder. This is your app folder and you must use this to publish your app in production.

Available commands

NPM Yarn
npm run command yarn command
Command Description
build Build the app using webpack.
dev Start the webpack development server.
fixcode Fix basic linter issues.
lint List all linter issues.
test Run tests.


React Fission is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.