A python client for Intel OWT Server
You can install using pip
pip install owt
from owt import ConferenceClient
# create a client
client = ConferenceClient()
# join the conference using token created by owt-server
# or if your owt-server is using the demo, the package provide an
# api to request token from the server directly. (It should not be permit in product environment)
# from owt.utils import create_token_from_owt_demo
# token = await create_token_from_owt_demo(url, user_name, role, room=room)
conference = await client.join(token)
# To publish, you need a LocalStream.
# To create a localStream, you need a MediaStreamTrack
# which is the class of package aiortc.
# So you can find document of how to create a MediaStreamTrack
# from https://github.com/aiortc/aiortc.
# Here I provide a simple way to create it:
stream = create_local_tracks('file', Path.join(Path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures/video.mp4'))
# You can add some custom attribute to the stream. After published,
# another endpoint will accept it and using it to distinguish the stream.
stream.attributes = {
'tag': 'test-video',
'origin': stream.id,
# now publish it.
pub = await client.publish(stream)
# Though after the method publish returned, the publication is completed.
# you may not accept the new remote stream
# (Of course you can subscribe the stream you published)
# immediately. Here I provide an api to wait it.
remote_stream = await client.wait_for_stream(lambda st: st.attributes.get('origin') == local_stream.id, timeout=10)
# now you can subscribe the video you just published
sub = await client.subscribe(remote_stream)
# You can read the video stream from sub.video_track()
# or audio stream from sub.audio_track()
track = sub.video_track()
# We know we just publish a video, so the video track should not be None
assert track
while True:
# What's is frame is? Please see the document of [aiortc](https://github.com/aiortc/aiortc), Of course, you can convert it to numpy array.
frame = await track.recv()
# do something about the frame
await sub.close()
await pub.close()
await client.leave()
This package is based on aiortc because it need the support of webrtc tec. And aiortc is based on pyav. So I suggest you read the document of them too.
Here is another useful api:
from owt import ConferenceClient
client = ConferenceClient()
await client.join(token)
async def consume_stream(stream: RemoteStream):
# first filter the stream
if ...:
# then subscribe it
sub = await client.subscribe(stream)
track = sub.video_track()
# then process it
while True:
frame = await track.recv()
# The method consume_streams will consume all the remote streams
# (Someone published, here someone include yourselvies.),
# including the stream exist and coming in in future.
# Here timeout mean the method will wait 10 second until all the
# consume_stream callbacks have done and no new remote streams found.
handle = client.consume_streams(consume_stream, timeout=10)
# The handle will return only when all your consume_stream callbacks
# have done and no new remote streams found for 10 seconds.
await handle.wait()
# leave the conference will automatically close all the
# related publications and subscribations
await client.leave()