This API returns quotes using 3 different providers:
- Random quotes found on the internet
- Inspirational quotes by inspirobot
- Famous quotes from the tv show kaamelott
This API can easily be deployed as a Cloudflare Worker.
deno install --global npm:wrangler
# ✅ Successfully installed wrangler
# test
deno test --allow-net
# ok | 3 passed (9 steps) | 0 failed (1s)
# dev
wrangler dev
# ⎔ Starting local server...
# Ready on
# deploy
deno run deploy --allow-net
# Total Upload: 1.96 KiB / gzip: 0.89 KiB
# Uploaded i18n-quotes (8.39 sec)
All endpoints return a list of quotes with the same type
type Quotes = {
author: string
content: string
Returns 20 random english quotes
GET /classic
"author": "Joseph Campbell",
"content": "Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain."
"author": "Theodore Roosevelt",
"content": "With self-discipline most anything is possible."
// ...
Returns 20 random quotes from a specified language
GET /classic/:lang
"author": "Socrate",
"content": "Tout ce que je sais, c'est que je ne sais rien."
"content": "L’enthousiasme a toujours engendré la certitude.",
"author": "Alfred Espinas"
// ...
Returns 20 quotes from Inspirobot
GET /inspirobot
"author": "Inspirobot",
"content": "Depressions can become memorable."
"author": "Inspirobot",
"content": "Notice how your left nostril is connecting to your heart."
// ...
Returns 20 quotes from a list of kaamelott quotes shamelessly stolen from sin0light/api-kaamelott.
GET /kaamelott
"author": "Le Roi Burgonde",
"content": "Arthour !… Pas changer assiette pour fromage !"
"author": "Perceval",
"content": "Là, vous faites sirop de vingt-et-un et vous dites: beau sirop, mi-sirop, siroté,
gagne-sirop, sirop-grelot, passe-montagne, sirop au bon goût."
// ...
Returns 20 quotes from a list of The Office quotes shamelessly stolen from AkashRajpurohit/the-office-api.
GET /office
"author": "Dwight Schrute",
"content": "When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life."
"author": "Michael Scott",
"content": "An office is not for dying. An office is a place for living life to the fullest, to the max, to… an office is a place where dreams come true."
// ...