Repository for activities related to the project of the discipline "Banco de Dados 2".
Ewerson Vieira Nascimento (
Willian Vaneli (
Dimension Crime
- id: identifier provided by technical key on Pentaho.
- crime_code: indicates the crime committed according to the LA crime code system.
- crime_description: defines the crime code provided.
Dimension Date
- id: identifier provided by technical key on Pentaho.
- date: dates from 2010 to 2019 in the format yyyy-MM-dd.
Dimension Location
- id: identifier provided by technical key on Pentaho.
- latitude: latitude of the crime scene.
- longitude: longitude of the crime scene.
- address: address of the crime scene.
- area_name: name of the area where the crime occurred, according to the LA determined areas.
- premise_code: code of the premise where the crime occurred.
- premise_description: description of the premise where the crime occurred (hotel, family dwelling, department store, etc.).
Dimension Time
- id: identifier provided by technical key on Pentaho.
- time: string containing the hour and minute the crime was reported (0700, 2200, 2045, etc.).
Dimension Victim
- id: identifier provided by technical key on Pentaho.
- victim_age: age of the victim of the crime.
- victim_sex: sex of the victim of the crime (M/F).
- victim_descent: ethnicity of the victim of the crime.
Dimension Weapon
- id: identifier provided by technical key on Pentaho.
- weapon_code: code of the weapon used on the crime.
- weapon_description: description of the weapon used on the crime.
Fact Occurrence
- dr_number: Division of Records Number. Official file number made up of a 2 digit year, area ID, and 5 digits.