Add a happyapi.edn
file at project root, similar to this:
{:google {:deps [:clj-http :cheshire]
:fns {:run-server web.happyapi/start}
:client_id "" ;; oauth2 client_id of your app
:client_secret "YYYY"
:redirect_uri "http://localhost:8080/redirect"
:scopes [] ;; optional default scopes
:keywordize-keys true}}
Start the server
clj -M:dev dev
Then go to http://localhost:8080
- Code generation approach
- documentation
- completion
- Optional dependencies!
I want to use my own client with the generated libraries
- It statically calls
- I can put something here, but then can I use
as well? - Perhaps: can I pass in a client in the generated code? Or a map with a client
Fns and deps in config are perfect when there is no default. For storage, there seems to be a sensible default implementation using the file system.
Perhaps fns for higher level stuff, and protocols for lower level?
I want to easily vary the middleware
- Default middleware in a var, like in clj-http?
- There are a few places where it really wants me to choose a web server, even though I'm not using it.
I set a nonsense function in happyapi.edn
, because I don't use Jetty:
:fns {:run-server web.happyapi/start} ;; don't want to run this!
I added a context to the arguments so that I could save the token to the DB.
I wanted a function to load the config with its functions, so I could look at it in the REPL and put it in the context map
Seems like having its own config loading may not be what I want.
is aero or a config loading library an optional dependency?
is component, mount, integrant, or Biff-style 'modules' an optinal thign? Should take a context map?
Biff reloads code using tools.ns. This means a few files that aren't supposed to be compiled, are compiled.
Problems reloading:
- happyapi.deps.jetty
- content_v2.1.clj
- (syntax error)
maybe it's the ones with the dots? Plus androidpublisher, which seems to have a syntax error
- I'm planning to use Temporal for this.
- But I guess you could use a resilience library for it