📱 Ionic(Angular) start theme (v2.0.0) with: Angular 15, @ionic/angular 6, Capacitor 4, Swiper 8 and more.
Dec 22, 2023 - TypeScript
Ionic framework is a UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile apps, desktop apps, and progressive web apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based on either Angular, React or Vue.
📱 Ionic(Angular) start theme (v2.0.0) with: Angular 15, @ionic/angular 6, Capacitor 4, Swiper 8 and more.
Ionic 4 To Do List App. FREE Ionic 4 example app. Learn how to start using Ionic 4 to create a simple app with lists, forms and navigation.
Ionic 4 firebase CRUD tutorial to learn how to create a firebase application to perform Authentication and all CRUD operations in an ionic 4 application. You can use this FREE Ionic Firebase Starter App as a base to create your Ionic App with Firebase backend :)
this a basic application for Ionic 2.0.rc5 with AngularFire2 with ngrx/store & ngrx/effects to manage state
This repository is part of an ionic tutorial about Maps! In this tutorial we merged Google maps, Geolocation and Google Places. This ionic tutorial includes a working example you can reuse for your needs!
BearsFeed is an all new way for you to connect with your school community.
Instagram- Hybrid app template built with vue, ionic, and capacitor.
An example of crud with Firebase and Ionic
Star Wars Trivia 👾 is an Ionic PWA to compete on the Ionic Hackathon.
A Simple Ionic Image Cache for all types of images with preview modal
A basic example of integration between Ionic and Google Maps
This repo demonstrate how to use ionic native plugin AdMob Free in ionic 2 apps.
playing with pocketbase ionic and nuxt
Simple Ionic2 App Using Ionic.io Auth And Mobx To Manage Authentication State
Advanced ion-back-button component.
An Ionic 4 project which shows back (and forth) navigation between tabs and 'global' pages.
ionic-datepicker-extention An extension of the ionic-datepicker made by Ignacio Chiazzo.