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HTTPArchive DOM Explorer command line tool.

Run on Repl.it


This utility lets you filter and sort data exported from the HTTPArchive crawl of 9,669,416 websites. Enter a search term, an optional matching type, an optional sorting order, and an output format.

Note: Current data in data/html-data-aug-2019.json is from August 2019


You can use hade with Node or Deno, the options are the same. To search for <accordion> tag usage, you can use either node index.js or deno index.js, followed by the term you wish to search, accordion, and any additional options you want to specify. In this case we will search for exact matches to accordion, to we can add -t exact or --type exact:

node index.js accordion -t exact

By default the output will look like this:

$ node index.js accordion -t exact

<accordion> [mobile] 0.01% (375/5297442)
<accordion> [desktop] 0% (216/4371974)

This shows us that <accordion> is used on 0.01% of mobile websites observed, and 0% of desktop websites surveyed. The actual numbers are 375 mobile websites and 216 desktop sites in total.

To get the same information in a different format we can specify -o json or --output json for JSON output:

$ node index.js accordion -t exact -o json

    "client": "mobile",
    "element": "accordion",
    "pages": 375,
    "totalPages": "5297442",
    "pct": 0.01
    "client": "desktop",
    "element": "accordion",
    "pages": 216,
    "totalPages": "4371974",
    "pct": 0

And to output the results as CSV you can use -o csv or --output csv:

$ node index.js accordion --t exact -o csv

Tag Name, Data set, Percentage, Pages Seen, Pages Crawled


-m or --mobile

Use this option to exclude mobile data from the output

-d or --desktop

Use this option to exclude desktop data from the output.

-t or --type

Use this option to specify which type of string matching to use. Available options are:

  • regex: use search term as a regular expression to match tag name
  • startsWith: use search term to match start of tag name to match
  • endsWith: use search term to match end of tag name to match
  • includes: search term must appear somewhere in tag name to match
  • exact: search term must match tag name exactly (case sensitive)
  • loose: search term must loosely match tag name (case insensitive)

-s or --sort

Use this option to specify which sorting option you would like. Available options are:

  • mostUsed: Show most-used tags at the top of the results, moving toward least-used
  • leastUsed: Show least-used tags at the top of the results, moving toward most-used
  • alphabetical: Show tags in alphabetical order
  • resverse: Show tags in reverse alphabetical order
  • mobile: Show mobile tags first
  • desktop: Show desktop tags first

-o or --output

You can use this option to specify the format of the output. By default it will display information in a format for reading on the command-line. Available options are:

  • json for JSON-formatted data
  • csv for Comma Separated Value formatting for use as a spreadsheet

-h or --help

Display help text in the console.


To display stats for <body> tag usage:

$ node hade.js body -t exact

To find all tag names starting with modal-

$ deno hade.js 'modal-' -t startsWith

To find all tag names ending with -modal sorted alphabetically

$ node hade.js '-modal' -t endsWith -s alphabetical

To display JSON output

$ deno hade.js noscript -t exact -o json

To display all HTML tags in order of use

$ node hade.js "^(a|abbr|acronym|address|applet|area|article|aside|audio|b|base|basefont|bdi|bdo|bgsound|big|blockquote|body|br|button|canvas|caption|center|cite|code|col|colgroup|command|content|data|datalist|dd|del|details|dfn|dir|dialog|div|dl|dt|em|embed|fieldset|figcaption|figure|font|footer|form|frame|frameset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|head|header|hgroup|hr|html|i|iframe|image|img|input|ins|kbd|keygen|label|layer|legend|li|link|listing|main|map|mark|marquee|menu|meta|meter|nav|nobr|noembed|noframes|nolayer|object|ol|optgroup|option|output|shadow|p|param|picture|plaintext|portal|pre|progress|q|rb|rp|rt|rtc|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|slot|small|source|span|strike|strong|style|sub|summary|sup|table|tbody|td|template|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|time|title|tr|track|tt|u|ul|var|video|wbr|xmp|noscript)\\$"


HTTPArchive DOM Explorer CLI tool







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