dotfiles are used to personalize your system and applications. These are mine.
- Linux or Mac OS X
- When using Vim, vim-plug is installed.
: awesome terminal emulatorbspwm
: tiling window manager, additional dependenciessxhkd
: shortcut daemonpolybar
: desktop barpicom
: compositordunst
: notification daemonpasystray
: PulseAudio tray iconxss-lock
: X screensaver lockscreenslock
: X lockscreenmaim
: screenshotterrofi
: interactive selectorplayerctl
: MPRIS media controls
: tiling window manager, additional dependenciesawesome
: window manager itselfawesome-extra
: additional libraries used in my configurationi3lock-color-git
: [link] fancy and customizable lock screenxautolock
: lock screen when inactivelibnotify-bin
: notification handling
nightly: for proper language completion in Vim, throughrustup
(Linux): to bind Caps Lock to Esc.keychain
: for SSH key managementfish
: as better shellstarship
: as better shell promptthefuck
: for handy incorrect command fixeshighlight
: for syntax highlighting in ranger
An installation script is included to easily install the dotfiles on your system.
On Linux or Mac OS X, use:
# Clone the repository
git clone ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
# Install
sudo chmod a+x ./install
Vim plugins should be installed automatically, the :PlugInstall
command may be
used to force.
This configuration recommends alacritty
as default terminal.
First, install it as stated on it's GitHub page.
Then configure it as default terminal using:
# Add alacritty to the terminal list
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator x-terminal-emulator $(which alacritty) 0
# Select the default terminal
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
This repository includes my ErgoDox keyboard layout configuration, located in the ergodox directory.
This repository includes my personal hosts banlist.
The up-to-date raw file can be accessed via
This project is released under the GNU GPL-3.0 license. Check out the LICENSE file for more information.