- I am a Full Stack Engineer currently working at Phygrid, an Ombori company 🚀
- I also have experience in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Data Engineering, Architecture & System Design, and DevOps ⚡
- Web 3.0 enthusiast 🌐
GitHub Stats | Commits Streak |
This script can tell you the sentiments of people regarding to any events happening in the world by analyzing tweets related to that event
A simple Chatbot for Facebook's personal profile that can chat with any of your friends in python using fbchat & dialogflow/Api.ai
Scrape images, tweets, captions, external links and hashtags with their frequency of occurrence related to any keyword from Instagram and Twitter.
Proxy server in Python that can handle HTTP/HTTPS requests , Caching, Websites and IP blocking. It also provides logging for debugging purpose.
A video conferencing system based on AWS Chime
Encrypt and Decrypt files using Python (AES CBC MODE)