A powershell module for PDQ Deploy and Inventory administration and querying.
It can be utilised for querying the PDQ Sqlite db's directly without needing to load, or install the PDQ Deploy and Inventory client software.
Cmdlets are also included for starting computer or collection scans, as well as deploying named packages from within Powershell. (Please note, these cmdlets will require PDQ Deploy and Inventory to be installed locally as client or server)
git clone https://github.com/sysgoblin/PSPDQ
Import-Module .\PSPDQ.psm1
If you don't have PDQ Deploy/Inventory installed you may also need to install sqlite3. https://www.sqlite.org/download.html
The first cmdlet you should run is: Set-PSPDQConfig
to configure the PDQ Deploy and Inventory server information.
Set-PSPDQConfig -PDQDeployServer PDQSERVER1 -PDQInventoryServer PDQSERVER2 -PDQDeployDBPath "C:\ProgramData\PDQ Deploy\Database.db" -PDQInventoryDBPath "C:\ProgramData\PDQ Inventory\Database.db"
Database paths should be LOCAL to the server
Get the last 10 deployments and their status:
Get-PDQDeployment -Range 10
Get the basic computer details of each computer the last 10 deployments went to:
Get-PDQDeployment -Range 10 | Get-PDQComputer
Get basic details on a computer and see if it's online:
Get-PDQComputer -Computer WK01 -Properties IsOnline
Get the applications installed on some computers:
Get-PDQComputerApplications -Computer WK01, WK02
Or maybe get the computers from the past 100 deployments and then get the patches for each that were installed in the past 3 days because why not?
Get-PDQDeployment -Range 100 | Get-PDQHotFix | ? InstalledOn -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-3)