Nuxt JS (Vue JS) + Vuetify 2 SPA hybrid demo app built using Apache Cordova, formally known as PhoneGap.
Use this template to get you up and running with a Nuxt JS + Vuetify and Cordova project.
- Cordova
= 8.0.0
- Xcode
>= 10.3
- Android Studio
>= 3.4
- Node JS
>= 10.13.0
>= 6.10.0
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# navigate to the cordova/ directory
$ cd cordova && cordova prepare
# Install required packages to run emulator
$ cd cordova/platforms/ios/cordova && npm install ios-sim ios-deploy
Note: if cordova prepare
fails, check that the cordova/www directory exists, if it doesn't create it.
Run all installation commands from the root project.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build, compile and launch on simulator
$ npm run cordova-ios
# build, compile and launch on simulator
$ n
pm run cordova-android