Louise's author can be reached by email at ep2216@ic.ac.uk. Please use this email to ask for any help you might need with using Louise.
Louise is still new and, should you choose to use it, you will most probably encounter errors and bugs. The author has no way to know of what bugs and errors you encounter unless you report them. Please use the author's email to contact the author regarding bugs and errors. Alternatively, you are welcome to open a github Issue or send a pull request.
Learning logic programs with Louise
Learning with metarules
Learning metarules with TOIL
Pretty-printing metarules
Controlling the Vanilla meta-interpreter
Debugging training data
Debugging learning attempts
Experiment scripts
Further documentation
Citing Louise
Louise (Patsantzis & Muggleton 2021) is a machine learning system that learns Prolog programs.
Louise is a Meta-Interpretive Learning (MIL) system. MIL (Muggleton et al. 2014), (Muggleton et al. 2015), is a new setting for Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) (Muggleton, 1991). ILP is a form of weakly-supervised machine learning of logic programs from examples of program behaviour (meaning examples of the inputs and outputs of the programs to be learned). Unlike conventional, statistical machine learning algorithms, ILP approaches do not need to see examples of programs to learn new programs and instead rely on background knowledge, a library of pre-existing logic programs that they reuse to compose new programs. In MIL, the background knowledge is a higher-order logic program that includes both first- and second-order clauses, the latter called metarul 10000 es. MIL systems like Louise learn by specialising their metarules by SLD-resolution. Examples and background knowledge, including metarules, are provided by the user, but Louise can learn its own background knowledge, including metarules.
Louise is based on a MIL meta-interpreter based on a Prolog "vanilla" meta-interpreter. Accordingly, the MIL meta-interpreter in Louise is called Vanilla. Vanilla can be used to implement MIL algorithms like the original MIL algorithm in Metagol, and Louise's signature MIL algorithm, called Top Program Construction (TPC), that runs in polynomial time. TPC avoids an expensive search of the program search space and instead learns by construcing a unique object that is a correct hypothesis, consistent with the training examples.
In this manual we show simple examples where Louise is trained on small, "toy" problems, designed to demonstrate its use. Louise is still new and actively being worked on and so has not yet been used in large-scale real-world applications. Published work on Louise has so far focused on describing the working principles behind Louise's underlying TPC algorithm rather than demonstrating its full potential as a learning system. Louise is maintained by a single PhD student, currently writing her PhD thesis. New developments should be expected to come at a leisurely pace.
Here are some of the things that Louise can do.
Louise can learn recursive programs, including left-recursive programs:
?- learn(ancestor/2). ancestor(A,B):-parent(A,B). ancestor(A,B):-ancestor(A,C),ancestor(C,B). true.
for theancestor
example (and other simple, toy examples of learning kinship relations, ideal for first time use).See the section Learning logic programs with Louise for more information on learning logic programs with Louise.
Louise can learn recursive programs one-shot:
% Single example given: ?- experiment_file:positive_example(list_last/2, E). E = list_last([a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h|...], i). ?- learn(list_last/2). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),list_last(C,B). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),empty(C),head(A,B). true.
In the example above, the learned program consists of a recursive clause and a "base-case" that terminates the recursion. Both clauses were learned from the single provided example that neither clause suffices to prove on its own.
Note that this is true one-shot learning, from a single example of inputs and outputs of the target program, not examples of programs, and without pre-training on billions of examples or anything silly like that. Note also that the single positive example given is an example of the inductive case of the recursion. Louise must learn the "base-case" on its own.
for thelist_last/2
one-shot recursion learning example.The above experiment was proposed by Andrew Cropper, maintainer of Metagol.
Louise can simultaneously learn multiple dependent programs, including mutuallly recursive programs (this is called multi-predicate learning):
?- learn([even/1,odd/1]). even(0). even(A):-predecessor(A,B),odd(B). odd(A):-predecessor(A,B),even(B). true.
In the example above,
are "dependent" on each other in the sense thateven/1
is defined in terms ofodd/1
is defined in terms ofeven/1
. Neither definition was given by the user prior to training and so neither program could be learned independently.See
for theodd/1
multi-predicate learning example. -
Louise can discover relevant background knowledge. In the
example above, each predicate is only explicitly givenpredecessor/2
as a background predicate. The following are the background knowledge declarations foreven/1
:background_knowledge(even/1, [predecessor/2]). background_knowledge(odd/1, [predecessor/2]).
Louise figures out that
is necessary to learneven/1
and vice-versa on its own. Aaw. Isn't it smart? -
Louise can perform predicate invention to increase its background knowledge with new predicates that are necessary for learning. In the following example Louise learns a grammar of the context-free a^nb^n language in Prolog's Definite Clause Grammars form. In the learned program the predicate
is an invented predicate. That means that'$1'/2
was not given by the user as background knowledge, nor did the user provide examples of'$1'/2
, rather Louise invented it independently in the process of learning the target predicate,s/2
:% Learning a grammar of the a^nb^n context-free language ?- experiment_file:positive_example(s/2,E). E = s([a, a, b, b], []). ?- experiment_file:negative_example(s/2,E). E = s([a, a], []) ; E = s([b, b], []) ; E = s([a, a, b], []) ; E = s([a, b, b], []). ?- experiment_file:background_knowledge(s/2,BK). BK = [a/2, b/2]. ?- experiment_file:metarules(s/2,MS), print_metarules(MS). (Chain) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y) MS = [chain]. ?- learn(s/2). '$1'(A,B):-a(A,C),a(C,B). '$1'(A,B):-a(A,C),s(C,B). '$1'(A,B):-b(A,C),b(C,B). '$1'(A,B):-s(A,C),b(C,B). s(A,B):-'$1'(A,C),'$1'(C,B). s(A,B):-'$1'(A,C),b(C,B). s(A,B):-a(A,C),'$1'(C,B). s(A,B):-a(A,C),b(C,B). true.
With predicate invention Louise can shift its inductive bias to learn programs that are not possible to learn from its initial set of background knowledge and metarules.
for thes/2
example and discussion of predicate invention in Louise. -
Louise can learn new metarules from examples of a target predicate. In the following example, Louise learns a new metarule from examples of the predicate
(as in item 5, above):?- learn_metarules(s/2). (Meta-dyadic-1) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y) true.
The new metarule, Meta-dyadic-1 corresponds to the common Chain metarule that we saw used in item 5 above to learn a grammar of the a^nb^n language.
Louise can learn new metarules by specialising the most-general metarule in each language class. In the example above, the language class is H(2,2), the language of metarules having exactly three literals of arity 2. The most general metarule in H(2,2) is Meta-dyadic:
?- print_metarules(meta_dyadic). (Meta-dyadic) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z,u,v,w: P(x,y)← Q(z,u),R(v,w) true.
Louise can also learn new metarules given only an upper and lower bound on their numbers of literals as a third order metarule. In the example of learning Chain above, instead of specifying Meta-dyadic, we can instead give an upper and lower bound of 3, with a declaration of
:?- print_metarules(higher_order(3,3)). (TOM-3) ∃.P,Q,R: P ← Q,R true.
?- learn_metarules(s/2). (Hom-1) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y) true.
See the section Learning metarules with TOIL for more information on learning metarules with Louise.
Louise can unfold programs to eliminate invented predicates. In the query listed below, Louise learns the same program as in the a^nb^n example in item 5 above, but this time the invented predicate
is eliminated by unfolding:?- learn(s/2). s(A,B):-a(A,C),b(C,B). s(A,B):-a(A,C),s(C,D),b(D,B). true.
Eliminating invented predicates can sometimes improve comprehensibility of the learned program.
Louise can fold over-specialised programs to introduce recursion. In the following example, the learning problem is set up so as to force Louise to learn an over-specialised program that finds the last element of a list of length up to 3:
?- learn(list_last/2). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),empty(C),head(A,B). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),tail(C,D),empty(D),head(C,B). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),tail(C,D),tail(D,E),empty(E),head(D,B). true.
We can observe that some clauses in the program above include sequences of body literals that match the body literals in other clauses. The predicate
can be used to replace body literals in a clause with an equivalent recursive call:?- learn(list_last/2, _Ps), fold_recursive(_Ps, _Fs), maplist(print_clauses,['%Learned:','\n%Folded:'], [_Ps,_Fs]). %Learned: list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),empty(C),head(A,B). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),tail(C,D),empty(D),head(C,B). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),tail(C,D),tail(D,E),empty(E),head(D,B). %Folded: list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),empty(C),head(A,B). list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),list_last(C,B). true.
Note the new clause
replacing the second and third clause in the original program. The new, recursive hypothesis is now a correct solution for lists of arbitrary length.The
example above was taken from Inductive Logic Programming at 30 (Cropper et al., Machine Learning 2021, to appear). Seedata/examples/recursive_folding.pl
for the complete example source code. -
Louise can invent new examples. In the listing below a number of examples of
are invented. The background knowledge for this MIL problem consists of 6edge/2
ground facts that determine the structure of a graph and a few facts ofnot_edge/2
that represent nodes not connected by edges.path(a,f)
is the single example given by the user. The target theory (the program we wish the system to learn) for this problem is a recursive definition ofpath/2
that includes a "base case" for which no example is given. Louise can invent examples of the base-case and so learn a correct hypothesis that represents the full path from node 'a' to node 'f', without crossing any non-edges.% Try learning with the single given example: ?- learn(path/2). path(a,f). true. % List invented examples: ?- examples_invention(path/2). m(path,a,b). m(path,a,c). m(path,a,d). m(path,a,e). m(path,a,f). m(path,b,c). m(path,b,d). m(path,b,e). m(path,b,f). m(path,c,d). m(path,c,e). m(path,c,f). m(path,d,e). m(path,d,f). m(path,e,f). true. % Invent examples and try again: ?- learn_with_examples_invention(path/2). path(A,B):-edge(A,B). path(A,B):-edge(A,C),path(C,B). true.
for thepath/2
example. -
Louise can learn large programs efficiently. Below, note the output of
, counting the clauses in the learned program:?- time(learn(move/2,_Ps)), length(_Ps,N). % 15,952,615 inferences, 4.531 CPU in 4.596 seconds (99% CPU, 3520577 Lips) N = 2101.
In the example above, we train Louise on a grid-world navigation task set up so that the size of the search space of hypotheses (Hypothesis Space) grows exponentially with the size of the target theory. The target theory in turn grows linearly with the number of training examples. Louise completes the learning task and learns a theory of more than 2000 clauses in under 5 seconds (although running time will depend on the system; for the example above, we trained Louise on a six-year old laptop with an i7 processor clocked at 2.6 GHz and 16 GB of RAM).
The target theory for the
learning problem is around 600 clauses so the hypothesis learned by Louise has much redundancy, although it is a correct hypothesis that is consistent with the examples. The reason for the redundancy is that there are multiple "versions" of the target theory and the Top Program learned by Louise includes each of them as a subset. Louise can learn this "super-theory" in only a few seconds thanks to the efficiency of its Top Program Construction algorithm (TPC) that avoids an expensive search of the Hypothesis Space and instead directly constructs a unique object. The TPC algorithm runs in polynomial time and can learn efficiently regardless of the size of the Hypothesis Space.See
for themove/2
Louise comes with a number of libraries for tasks that are useful when learning programs with MIL, e.g. metarule generation, program reduction, lifting of ground predicates, etc. These will be discussed in detail in the upcoming Louise manual.
In this section we give a few examples of learning simple logic programs with
Louise. The examples are chosen to demonstrate Louise's usage, not to convince
of Louise's strengths as a learner. All the examples in this section are in the
directory louise/data/examples
. After going through the examples here, feel
free to load and run the examples in that directory to better familiarise
yourself with Louise's functionality.
SWI-Prolog is a popular, free and open-source Prolog interpreter and development environment. Louise was written for SWI-Prolog. To run the examples in this section you will need to install SWI-Prolog. You can download SWI-Prolog from the following URL:
Louise runs with any of the latest stable or development releases listed on that page. Choose the one you prefer to download.
It is recommended that you run the examples using the SWI-Prolog graphical IDE, rather than in a system console. On operating systems with a graphical environment the SWI-Prolog IDE should start automaticaly when you open a Prolog file.
In this section, we assume you have cloned this project into a directory called
. Paths to various files will be given relative to the louise
root directory and queries at the SWI-Prolog top-level will assume your current
working directory is louise
Louise learns Prolog programs from examples, background knowledge and second order logic clauses called metarules. Together, examples, background knowledge and metarules form the elements of a MIL problem.
Louise expects the elements of a MIL problem to be in an experiment file
which is a Prolog module file with a standard format. The following is an
example showing how to use Louise to learn the "ancestor" relation from the
examples, background knowledge and metarules defined in the experiment file
using the learning predicate learn/1
In summary, there are four steps to running an example: a) start Louise; b) edit the configuration file to select an experiment file; c) load the experiment file into memory; d) run a learning query. These four steps are described in detail below.
Consult the project's load file into SWI-Prolog to load necessary files into memory:
In a graphical environment:
?- [load_project].
In a text-based environment:
?- [load_headless].
The first query will also start the SWI-Prolog IDE and documentation browser, which you probably don't want if you're in a text-based environment.
Edit the project's configuration file to select an experiment file.
in the SWI-Prolog editor (or your favourite text editor) and make sure the name of the current experiment file is set totiny_kinship.pl
The above line will already be in the configuration file when you first clone Louise from its github repository. There will be a few more clauses of
, each on a separate line and commented-out. These are there to quickly change between different experiment files without having to re-write their paths every time. Make sure that only a singleexperiment_file/2
clause is loaded in memory (i.e. don't uncomment any otherexperiment_file/2
clause except for the one above). -
Reload the configuration file to pick up the new experiment file option.
The easiest way to reload the configuration file is to use SWI-Prolog's
predicate to recompile the project (don't worry- this takes less than a second). To recompile the project withmake/0
enter the following query in the SWI-Prolog console:?- make.
Note again: this is the SWI-Prolog predicate
. It's not the make build automation tool! -
Perform a learning attempt using the examples, background knowledge and metarules defined in
.Execute the following query in the SWI-Prolog console; you should see the listed output:
?- learn(ancestor/2). ancestor(A,B):-parent(A,B). ancestor(A,B):-ancestor(A,C),ancestor(C,B). true.
The learning predicate
takes as argument the predicate symbol and arity of a learning target defined in the currently loaded experiment file.ancestor/2
is one of the learning targets defined intiny_kinship.pl
, the experiment file selected in step 2. The same experiment file defines a number of other learning targets from a typical kinship relations domain.
Metarules are used in MIL as second-order background knowledge. Metarules are second-order definite clauses, similar to first-order definite clauses, but have second-order variables existentially quantified over the set of predicate symbols.
Below are some examples of metarules in the H22
language of metarules, with at
most three literals of arity at most 2 (as output by Louise's metarule
?- print_metarules([abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]).
(Abduce) ∃.P,X,Y: P(X,Y)←
(Chain) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
(Identity) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
(Inverse) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(y,x)
(Precon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x),R(x,y)
(Postcon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y),R(y)
The words in parentheses preceding metarules are identifiers used by Louise to find metarules declared in an experiment file.
MIL systems like Louise learn by instantiating the existentially quantified variables in metarules to form the first-order clauses of a logic program. The instantiation is performed during a refutation-proof of the positive examples, by SLD-resolution with the metarules and the clauses in the background knowledge. Positive examples are first unified with the head literals of metarules, then the metarules' body literals are resolved with the background knowledge. When resolution succeeds metarules become fully-ground. The substitutions of metarules' universally quantified variables are discarded to preserve the "wiring" between metarule literals, while metasubstitutions of their existentially quantified variables are kept to create first-order clauses with ground predicate symbols.
In the example below, the metasubstitution Theta = {P/grandfather,Q/father,R/parent}
is applied to the Chain metarule to produce
a first-order clause:
Chain = P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
Theta = {P/grandfather,Q/father,R/parent}
Chain.Theta = grandfather(x,y)← father(x,z),parent(z,y)
Metarules can also have existentially quantified first-order variables. The metasubstitutions of such variables are also kept, and become constants in the learned theories.
In the example below, the metasubstitution Theta = {P/father,X/kostas,Y/stassa}
is applied to the metarule Abduce to produce a
ground first-order clause with constants:
Abduce = P(X,Y)←
Theta = {P/father,X/kostas,Y/stassa}
Abduce.Theta = father(kostas,stassa)←
Metarules are usually defined by hand, and are tailored to a possible solution of a learning problem. Louise is capable of learning its own metarules.
Metarule learning in Louise is implemented by a sub-system called TOIL (an acronym for Third-Order Inductive Learner). TOIL learns metarules from examples, background knowledge and generalised metarules. Unlike user-defined metarules, the generalised metarules used by TOIL do not have to be closely tailored to a problem.
For more information on TOIL see (Patsantzis & Muggleton 2021b).
TOIL recognises three taxa of metarules. Listed by degrees of generality, these are: sort, matrix and punch metarules. Their names are derived from typeset printing where successive levels of molds for letters to be typed are carved in metals of decreasing hardness.
Sort metarules are the kind of metarules normally defined by a user and found throughout the MIL literature. They are also widely used in ILP more generally as well as in data mining and program synthesis.
Sort metarules are specialised, in the sense that their universally quantified
first-order variables are shared between literals. For example, in the Chain
metarule, below, the variable x
is shared between its head literal and its
first body literal, the variable y
is shared between its head literal and last
body literal, and the variable z
is shared between its two body literals:
P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
`-|-----' `----' |
The sharing of universally quantified variables (the "wiring" of the clause)
determines the metarule's semantincs. For example, Chain denotes a
transitivity relation between the predicates P,Q
and R
(more precisely, the
predicates whose symbols are subsituted for P,Q
and R
during learning).
Sort metarules may also have some, or all, of their existentially quantified variables shared. For example, the existentially quantified second-order variables in the metarule Tailrec are shared between its head literal and its last body literal, forcing Tailrec to be instantiated so as to produce tail-recursive clauses:
(Tailrec) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),P(z,y)
The "wiring" of metarules' variables, both first- and second-order, is preserved
in their first-order instances learned by MIL. In the example below, the
substitution Theta = {P/ancestor,Q/parent}
is applied to Tailrec to produce
a tail-recursive clause:
Tailrec = P(x,y)← Q(x,z),P(z,y)
Theta = {P/ancestor,Q/parent}
Tailrec.Theta = ancestor(x,y)← parent(x,z),ancestor(z,y)
Sort metarules are usually fully-connected, meaning that the variables in the head are shared with variables in the body and every literal in the body is "connected" through a sharing of variables to the head literal.
Thanks to the specialised "wiring" of their variables sort metarules are used to fully-define the set of clauses that will be considered during a MIL-learning attempt. At the same time, the wiring can be too-specific resulting in the elimintation of clauses necessary to solve a problem.
Matrix metarules are a generalisation of the sort metarules. Matrix metarules are also second-order clauses, like the sort metarules, but each variable appears exactly once in a matrix metarule. The following are examples of matrix metarules:
?- print_metarules([meta_monadic,meta_dyadic,meta_precon,meta_postcon]).
(Meta-monadic) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y,z,u: P(x,y)← Q(z,u)
(Meta-dyadic) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z,u,v,w: P(x,y)← Q(z,u),R(v,w)
(Meta-precon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z,u,v: P(x,y)← Q(z),R(u,v)
(Meta-postcon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z,u,v: P(x,y)← Q(z,u),R(v)
Note how the metarules above generalise multiple of the H22
metarules in
previous sections. For example, Meta-Monadic generalises Identity and
Inverse while Meta-Dyadic generalises Chain, Switch and Swap (the
latter two are defined in configuration.pl
but ommitted here for brevity).
In practice, for each set of sort metarules, S
, there exists some minimal set
of matrix metarules M
, such that each sort metarule in S
has a
generalisation in M
. Conversely, each sort metarule in S
can be derived by
specialisation of a metarule in M
. This specialisation is performed by TOIL
to learn sort metarules from matrix metarules. We show examples of this in a
following section.
We can generalise sort metarules to matrix metarules by replacing each variable in a sort metarule by a new, "free" variable. Matrix metarules can themselves be generalised by replacing each of their literals by a variable. The resulting metarules are the punch metarules:
(TOM-1) ∃.P: P
(TOM-2) ∃.P,Q: P ← Q
(TOM-3) ∃.P,Q,R: P ← Q,R
Punch metarules have variables quantified over the set of atoms and so they are third-order logic clauses. Just as matrix metarules can be specialised to sort metarules, sets of punch metarules can be specialised to matrix metarules with the same number of literals.
TOIL learns metarules by exploiting the generality relation between the three taxa of metarules described in the previous sections. TOIL takes as input the examples and background knowledge in a MIL Problem and sets of either matrix, or punch metarules. The matrix or punch metarules are specialised by SLD-resolution to produce second-order sort metarules.
Specialisation of matrix and punch metarules in TOIL is performed by the Top Program Construction algorithm, which is the same algorithm used to learn first-order clauses from sort metarules in Louise's other learning predicates. In other words, TOIL learns metarules for MIL by MIL.
TOIL defines two new families of learning predicates: learn_metarules/[1,2,5]
and learn_meta/[1,2,5]
The learn_metarules/[1,2,5]
family of predicates is used to learn and output
sort metarules.
Below is an example of specialising the matrix metarules Meta-Monadic and
Meta-Dyadic to learn a new set of sort metarules for the ancestor
The necessary examples, background knowledge and matrix metarules are defined in
the experiment file data/examples/tiny_kinship_toil.pl
% experiment_file('data/examples/tiny_kinship_toil.pl',tiny_kinship_toil).
?- learn_metarules(ancestor/2).
(Meta-dyadic-1) ∃.P,P,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(x,z),P(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-2) ∃.P,P,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(z,y),P(x,z)
(Meta-dyadic-3) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(x,z),Q(y,z)
(Meta-dyadic-4) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(x,z),Q(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-5) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(z,y),Q(x,z)
(Meta-dyadic-6) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(z,y),Q(z,x)
(Meta-dyadic-7) ∃.P,Q,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),P(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-8) ∃.P,Q,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(y,z),P(x,z)
(Meta-dyadic-9) ∃.P,Q,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,x),P(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-10) ∃.P,Q,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,y),P(x,z)
(Meta-dyadic-11) ∃.P,Q,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),Q(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-12) ∃.P,Q,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,y),Q(x,z)
(Meta-monadic-13) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
Ouch! That's a lot of metarules! Indeed, the most severe limitation of TOIL's
metarule specialisation approach is that it can easily over-generate
metarules. The reason for that is that there are many possible specialisations
of a set of matrix (or punch) metarules into sort metarules that allow a correct
hypothesis to be learned. In practice, we usually want to keep only a few of
those metarules, for instance, in the example above, just the two metarules
Meta-monadic-13 and Meta-dyadic-7 suffice to learn a correct hypotesis for
(according to the MIL problem elements in the experiment file we're
To control over-generation, TOIL employs a number of different strategies that
can be chosen with the two configuration options
and metarule_learning_limits/1
The option metarule_learning_limits/1
recognises the following settings:
, coverset
, sampling(S)
and metasubstitutions(K)
. Briefly, option
places no limit on metarule learning; coverset
first removes the
examples "covered" by instances of the last learned metarule before attempting
to learn a new one; sampling(S)
learns metarules from a sub-sample of examples
according to its single argument; and metasubstitutions(K)
only attempts the
specified number of metasubstitutions while specialising each matrix or punch
We show examples of each metarule_learning_limits/1
option below. We ommit the
result for the setting none
which is identical with the example of
given earlier in this section:
?- learn_metarules(ancestor/2), metarule_learning_limits(L).
(Meta-monadic-1) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
(Meta-dyadic-2) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(z,y),Q(z,x)
(Meta-dyadic-3) ∃.P,P,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(z,y),P(x,z)
(Meta-dyadic-4) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(x,z),Q(y,z)
L = coverset.
?- learn_metarules(ancestor/2), metarule_learning_limits(L).
(Meta-dyadic-1) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(x,z),Q(y,z)
(Meta-dyadic-2) ∃.P,Q,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(y,z),P(x,z)
(Meta-monadic-3) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
L = sampling(0.1).
?- learn_metarules(ancestor/2), metarule_learning_limits(L).
(Meta-dyadic-1) ∃.P,P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(x,z),Q(y,z)
(Meta-monadic-2) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
L = metasubstitutions(1).
Note that option metasubstitutions(1)
allows one metasubstitution of each
matrix or punch metarule.
A different restriction to the set of metarules learned by TOIL can be applied
by setting the option generalise_learned_metarules/1
to true
. The example
below shows the effect of that setting on the ancestor
?- learn_metarules(ancestor/2), metarule_learning_limits(L), generalise_learned_metarules(G).
(Meta-dyadic-1) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(y,z)
(Meta-dyadic-2) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-3) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(y,z),R(x,z)
(Meta-dyadic-4) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,x),R(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-5) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,y),R(x,z)
(Meta-dyadic-6) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,y),R(z,x)
(Meta-monadic-7) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
L = none,
G = true.
Note that in the sort metarules learned by TOIL this time around, none of the
second-order variables are shared between literals. By contrast, in the first
example of learn_metarules/1
earlier in this section, where
was left to its default of false
learned metarules with some second-order variables shared between literals, for
instance the two metarules below that only have one second-order variable each:
(Meta-dyadic-1) ∃.P,P,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(x,z),P(z,y)
(Meta-dyadic-2) ∃.P,P,P ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← P(z,y),P(x,z)
Matrix metarules still require some intuition, from the part of the user, about the structure of clauses in a target theory. In particular, while no variables are shared between the literals of matrix metarules, the user still needs to define those literals, with their correct arities.
TOIL can also specialise punch metarules, for which we only need to know the
number of literals, regardless of arity. The following is an example of using
punch metarules, again with the ancestor
example from
(and with metarule_learning_limits/1
again set to "none"):
?- learn_metarules(ancestor/2), metarule_learning_limits(L), generalise_learned_metarules(G).
(Hom-1) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
(Hom-2) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(y,z)
(Hom-3) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
(Hom-4) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(y,z),R(x,z)
(Hom-5) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,x),R(z,y)
(Hom-6) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,y),R(x,z)
(Hom-7) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,y),R(z,x)
L = none,
G = true.
You can tell that the sort metarules above were learned from punch metarules
from their automatically generated identifiers- but you can also list the
learning problem for ancestor/2
?- list_mil_problem(ancestor/2).
Positive examples
Negative examples
Background knowledge
(TOM-2) ∃.P,Q: P ← Q
(TOM-3) ∃.P,Q,R: P ← Q,R
The learn_metarules/[1,2,5]
family of predicates outputs metarules rather than
first-order clauses, and so it can be used to suggest metarules to the user.
That is, the user can copy any of the metarules learned by TOIL into an
experiment file.
When you use TOIL to suggest metarules, remember to set the
configuration option to user_friendly
, so that TOIL
prints out its learned metarules in a format that you can directly copy/paste
into an experiment file:
?- learn_metarules(ancestor/2), metarule_formatting(F).configuration:hom_1 metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,y)'.
configuration:hom_2 metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,z),R(y,z)'.
configuration:hom_3 metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,z),R(z,y)'.
configuration:hom_4 metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(y,z),R(x,z)'.
configuration:hom_5 metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(z,x),R(z,y)'.
configuration:hom_6 metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(z,y),R(x,z)'.
configuration:hom_7 metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(z,y),R(z,x)'.
F = user_friendly.
To immediately pass the learned metarules to one of Louise's other learning
predicates, the learn_meta/[1,2,5]
family of predicates can be used. We show
this below.
?- learn_meta(ancestor/2), metarule_learning_limits(L), generalise_learned_metarules(G).
L = coverset,
G = true.
The predicates in the learn_meta/[1,2,5]
family pass the metarules learned by
TOIL to the learning predicate defined in the configuration option
. If this is set to one of the learn_meta
itself, and to avoid an infinite recursion tearing a new one to the underlying
superstructure of the universe, the learn/5
learning predicate is invoked
instead, which passes the metarules learned by TOIL to Louise's basic Top
Program Construction learning algorithm.
The current implementation of TOIL is still a prototype, but we think it goes a long way towards addressing an important limitation of MIL, the need to define metarules by hand. In this section we discuss some limitations of TOIL itself.
We have already discussed the tendency of TOIL to over-generalise. Counter-intuitively TOIL can also over-specialise to its training examples.
TOIL is the first learning system that can learn metarules without first generating every possible metarule pattern and testing it against the training examples. Rather, TOIL uses the TPC algorithm to efficiently construct metarules by SLD-resolution.
In the same way that sort metarules are fully-ground by TPC when learning first-order clauses, matrix and punch metarules are fully-ground when learning sort metarules. To ensure that the resulting sort metarules are fully-connected, TOIL forces the first-order variables in matrix metarules (and in the specialisations of punch metarules) to be replaced by constants in literals earlier in the clause. This can cause a form of over-specialisation where the metarules learned by TOIL overfit to the training examples.
This overfitting can be seen in the examples of learn_metarules/1
shown in the earlier sections. The following example calls
with the options metarule_learning_limits/1
chosen so as to force over-specialisation and
better illustrate overfitting:
?- learn_meta(ancestor/2), metarule_learning_limits(L), generalise_learned_metarules(G).
L = metasubstitutions(1),
G = true.
A further limitation of TOIL is that its current implementation does not perform
predicate invention when learning new metarules. However, it is often possible
to learn metarules without predicate invention that suffice to perform predicate
invention. In the following example, we modify the data/examples/anbn.pl
experiment file to learn the two new metarules, one of which is identical to
Chain and is then used to learn a correct hypothesis with predicate
invention. We activate the learned_metarules
debugging subject to show the
metarules learned by TOIL and passed to learn_dynamic/5
?- debug(learned_metarules).
?- learn_meta('S'/2).
% Learned metarules:
% (Hom-1) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
% (Hom-2) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(z,y),R(x,z)
This is possible because of the generality of metarules, even sort metarules.
In a previous section we have used Louise's pretty-printer for metarules,
to print metarules in an easy-to-read format.
Louise can pretty-print metarules in three formats: quantified, user-friendly, or expanded.
The quantified metarule format is identical to the formal notation of metarules that can be found in the MIL literature. Quantified metarules are preceded by an identifying name and have their variables quantified by existential and universal quantifiers.
We repeat the example from the previous section but this time we use the
two-arity print_metarules/2
to specify the metarule printing format:
?- print_metarules(quantified, [abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]).
(Abduce) ∃.P,X,Y: P(X,Y)←
(Chain) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
(Identity) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
(Inverse) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(y,x)
(Precon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x),R(x,y)
(Postcon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y),R(y)
The first argument of print_metarules/2
is used to choose the printing format
and can be one of: quantified, user_friendly
, or expanded
. We describe the
latter two formats below.
The user-friendly metarule format is used to manually define metarules for
learning problems. User-friendly metarules can be defined in experiment files,
or in the main configuration
file, configuration.pl
. In either case, metarules
always belong to the configuration module, so when they are defined outside
, they must be preceded by the module identifier
. print_metarules/2
automatically adds the configuration
identifier in front of metarules it prints in user-friendly format:
?- print_metarules(user_friendly, [abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]).
configuration:abduce metarule 'P(X,Y)'.
configuration:chain metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,z),R(z,y)'.
configuration:identity metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,y)'.
configuration:inverse metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(y,x)'.
configuration:precon metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x),R(x,y)'.
configuration:postcon metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,y),R(y)'.
This is particularly useful when learning new metarules, as described in a later section.
The expanded metarule format is Louise's internal representation of metarules, in a form that is more convenient for meta-interpretation. Expanded metarules are encapsulated and have an encapsulation atom in their head, holding the metarule identifier and the existentially quantified variables in the metarule.
The following is an example of pretty-printing the H22
metarules from the
previous examples in Louise's internal, expanded representation:
?- print_metarules(expanded, [abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]).
Metarules printed in expanded format are useful when debugging a learning attempt, at which point it is more informative to inspect Louise's internal representation of a metarule to make sure it matches the user's expectation.
Louise can also pretty-print metarules to a debug stream. In SWI-Prolog, debug
streams are associated with debug subjects and so the debug_metarules
of predicates takes an additional argument to determine the debug subject.
In the following example we show how to debug metarules in quantified format to
a debug subject named pretty
?- debug(pretty), debug_metarules(quantified, pretty, [abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]).
% (Abduce) ∃.P,X,Y: P(X,Y)←
% (Chain) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
% (Identity) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
% (Inverse) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(y,x)
% (Precon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x),R(x,y)
% (Postcon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y),R(y)
In the output above, the lines preceded by Prolog's comment character, %
, are
printed by SWI-Prolog's debugging predicates. Debugging output can be directed
to a file to keep a log of a learning attempt. This is described in a later
The preferred metarule pretty-printing format for both top-level output and
debugging output can be specified in the configuration, by setting the option
to one of the three metarule formats recognised by
and debug_metarules
. We show how this works below:
?- print_metarules([abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]), metarule_formatting(F).
(Abduce) ∃.P,X,Y: P(X,Y)←
(Chain) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
(Identity) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y)
(Inverse) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(y,x)
(Precon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x),R(x,y)
(Postcon) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y: P(x,y)← Q(x,y),R(y)
F = quantified.
?- print_metarules([abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]), metarule_formatting(F).
configuration:abduce metarule 'P(X,Y)'.
configuration:chain metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,z),R(z,y)'.
configuration:identity metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,y)'.
configuration:inverse metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(y,x)'.
configuration:precon metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x),R(x,y)'.
configuration:postcon metarule 'P(x,y):- Q(x,y),R(y)'.
F = user_friendly.
?- print_metarules([abduce,chain,identity,inverse,precon,postcon]), metarule_formatting(F).
F = expanded.
At the heart of Louise is a MIL meta-interpeter called "Vanilla", found in the
file <louise root>/src/vanilla.pl
. This section describes Vanilla and the
configuration options used to control its behaviour in Louise.
The name Vanilla is a reference to the "vanilla" Prolog meta-interpreter. A Prolog meta-interpreter is a Prolog interpreter written in Prolog and a "vanilla" Prolog meta-interpreter is a Prolog meta-interpreter that does only that, implement Prolog in Prolog. Prolog meta-interpreters that are not vanilla include ones that change the depth-first search execution order to a breadth-first search, that keep a trace of goal execution, impose a depth limit to resolution, etc. A vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter looks like this:
The first clause in the Vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter stops
meta-interpretation when the leaf of a proof tree is found, signalled by the
atom true
. The second clause splits the proof in two branches, one for the top
literal, L
, on the proof-stack, (L,Ls)
, and one for the remaining literals,
. The last clause calls the built-in clause/2
to "fetch" clauses from the
Prolog program database whose heads match the last literal popped from the proof
stack, L
. Then the body literals of that clause are placed on the stack and
the proof goes on its merry way, until there are no more literals to prove. If
the literal, L
, in the third clause is a "fact" (a definite clause with a head
but no body, very Halloween) then clause/2
returns the atom true
as its
body, which will then stop the proof at the leaf-handling first clause.
The use of a stack of goals makes the meta-interpretation into a depth-first
search of a tree where the nodes are goals (literals) and the edges are
resolution steps, with unification and backtracking handled by the Prolog
engine. Prolog execution by depth-first search ("top-down") may cause the proof
to go into an infinite recursion when trying to prove a left-recursive
predicate. If meta-interpretation terminates and the atom true
is the last
atom that remains to be proved, the proof succeeds, refuting the initial goal
literal given at the start of the proof, the so-called "top goal". Backtracking
then returns each set of bindings of the variables in the top-goal that make the
proof succeed: these are called "answers" in logic programming parlance.
In short, a vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter is an implementation of Prolog's SLD-Resolution in Prolog; and a successful proof by a vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter is a proof by SLD-Refutation of the top-goal.
SLD-Resolution is sound and complete; meaning that each answer found by SLD-Resolution is correct, and that if any correct answer exists it is returned by SLD-Resolution. The implementation of SLD-Resolution by depth-first search, as in Prolog, however, is not complete: because it can get stuck into infinite left-recursions, it can fail to find a proof when one exists. On the other hand, depthf-rist search is computationally cheap.
Though it's named Vanilla, the meta-interpreter in Louise is not really a vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter: it is capable of not only deduction, as ordinary Prolog, but also induction and abduction. Here's what those arcane terms mean in the context of the definite clauses used in Prolog:
Given a definite clause C
with head literal H
and body literals B_1, ..., B_n
Deduction is the derivation of an atom
with the same predicate symbol and arity asH
, the head ofC
. -
Induction is the derivation of a clause
with a head literalH_1
with the same predicate symbol and arity asH
. -
Abduction is the derivation of an atom
with the same predicate symbol and arity as one ofB_1, ..., B_n
, the body literals ofC
Seen another way, given a clause C
representing an implication, deduction is
the derivation of new consequents of the implication, induction is the
derivation of new implications, and abduction is the derivation of new
antecendents (conditions) of the implication.
Ordinary Logic Programming is, of course, deductive, so a successful proof by a vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter is a deductive proof. Inductive Logic Programming studies the use of logic programming for induction and MIL, in particular, is a form of ILP that performs induction by SLD-Resolution. This is achieved by what is essentially an inductive Prolog meta-interpreter. In Louise, this inductive Prolog meta-interpreter is Vanilla.
"Vanilla" is named so because its structure is the same as that of the vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter. There are only two differences between Vanilla and a vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter:
the vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter only has one argument, for a stack of goals to be proved, whereas Vanilla has additional arguments for bookkeeping and depth limiting.
Vanilla has a special implementation of a clause-fetching predicate, to replace
in the vanilla Prolog meta-interpreter. This one fetches clauses not only from the Prolog program database but also a) from the set of second-order definite clauses we call "metarules" and b) from the clauses of a hypothesis learned so-far.
The inclusion of second-order definite clauses in the background knowledge is what makes Vanilla an inductive meta-interpreter. With Vanilla, learning begins with an SLD-Refutation proof of the positive examples. During the proof, by unification, the second-order variables in the metarules, become bound to predicate symbols thus producing the clauses of a first-order hypothesis.
It is worth noting that the proof only searches for substitutions of the variables in the background knowledge, including the second-order variables in the metarules. That means there is no need to search for a first-order program. A first-order program naturally "falls off" the proof, when the second-order variables in the metarules are substituted for predicate symbols.
We will not go through all the extra arguments in Vanilla, but it is useful to understand the options to control its clause-fetching predicate. We will call this predicate "the clause-fetch" for simplicity.
The clause fetch is controlled with a configuration option, fetch_clauses/1
This takes as argument either the atom all
, or a list of clause-fetching
options, as follows:
Below we attempt to elucidate the use of the fetch_clauses/1
options to
control inductive meta-interpretation in Vanilla.
Option "all".
The option "all" is equivalent to [builtins,bk,hypothesis,metarules]. It means that clauses will be fetched during meta-interpretation from all possible sources: the Prolog progam database, including builtins and library predicates, and first-order background knowledge, the set of clauses in the hypothesis learned so-far, and the metarules in the second-order background knowledge.
Option "builtins".
This option means that Prolog builtins and library predicates will be called during meta-interpretation. The call of such predicates is handed off to the Prolog engine. In general, you want to always set this option to avoid errors about missing predicates during meta-interpretation, but it may be useful in debugging and experimentation.
Option "bk".
This option means that all the predicates declared as first-order background knowledge for a learning target will be used in resolution by meta-interpretation. Again, you probably want to always set this option.
Option "hypothesis".
This option means that the set of clauses in the hypothesis so-far will be used in resolution by meta-interpretation. This setting allows learning arbitrary recursive hypotheses, with clauses that resolve with each other. Without this setting, only recursive clauses that resolve with the positive examples can be derived.
Option "metarules".
This option means that the definite clauses in the second-order background knowledge, the "metarules", will be used in resolution. Resolution with the metarules is how Vanilla constructs new clauses in a hypothesis, so leaving this settnig out essentially turns Vanilla into a deductive meta-interpreter.
Below we discuss some subtleties of this set of options, and their combinations.
Including "hypothesis" in the fetch_clauses/1
option allows Vanilla to resolve
the clauses of a hypothesis derived so-far with each other (and each clause with
itself) in a recursive call. The depth of recursion between the clauses of the
hypothesis so-far is not limited in any way. This makes it possible to learn
recursive hypotheses of arbitrary structure (given the right first- and
second-order background knowledge) but it also makes it possible to enter an
infinite recursion.
This is particularly the case under two conditions:
A left-recursive clause is added to the current hypothesis.
A recursive hypothesis does not exist that entails all the positive examples, with respect to the background knowledge.
When the first condition, left-recursion, obtains, the depth-first search in Vanilla will enter an infinite left-recursion. The result is an ugly error informing the user that the Prolog engine's call-stack has been blown up.
When the second condition obtains, Church and Turing wag their finger at the user and admonish: "didn't we tell you there are logical statements whose truth cannot be decided in finite time?". Sadly, if a recursive program that covers our training example does not exist, the only way to find that out is to try and prove one anyway, resulting in an infinite recursion.
These two problems are addressed in Louise by, respectively: tabling (a.k.a. SLG-Resolution); and constraints on the substituions of variables in metarules during resolution (we call those "meta-substitutions").
Tabling is an alternative model of execution for Prolog programs that a) replaces depth-first search with breadth-first search, and b) stores interediate goals of a proof in a table so they don't have to be re-derived (a process also known as "memoization"). The combination of memoization and breadth-first search makes it possible for left-recursive Prolog programs to terminate (unless they can't termiante because of right-recursion, that is).
XSB Prolog is best known for its tabling facilities, but SWI-Prolog (used to implement Louise) has included tabling for a while now, thanks to the indefatigable work of Jan Wielemaker (one of my personal all-time programming heroes). Vanilla can take advantage of SWI-Prolog's tabling to avoid going into infintie left-recursions during learning.
Tabiling Vanilla is managed by two configuration options, shown here with their default settings:
The first option table_meta_interpreter/1
, causes Vanilla to be tabled before
execution. The second option, untable_meta_interpreter/1
removes Vanilla from
tabling after execution.
When table_meta_interpreter/1
is set to true
, the entire meta-interpreter is
tabled. This is a bit of a hack to allow tabling's defense against
left-recursion to be extended to the predicates in the background knowledge
(which would otherwise have to be tabled individually).
The option untable_meta_interpreter/1
is useful because it is possible, when
an experiment file is updated, that the definition of examples and background
knowledge in it is not correctly updated in the Prolog database. This seems to
be a bit of a bug in the way Louise handles experiment files as Prolog modules.
Setting both options to true
has the effect of making learning queries, after
the first, run considerably faster for some problems.
Tabling itself comes at a cost: breadth first search has exponential (asymptotic) space complexity. In real terms this means that, for hard learning problems, where the proof tree built by Vanilla during Resolution grows too large, Prolog will run out of RAM for tabling. This can be addressed, partly, by increasing the tabling space, e.g. as follows:
:-set_prolog_flag(table_space, 34_359_738_368). % 32 GB
You will find a few of those directives in load_project.pl
at the root of Louise's installation directory.
Unfortunately, there are learning problems for which you'll never have enough RAM.
The aletarnative to tabling is imposing constraints on the set of clauses that can be constructed during a proof with Vanilla; in other words, blocking some clauses from being learned in the first place.
Such constraints are currently implemented in Louise using the predicate
. This is declared as a multifile and dynamic predicate
in the configuration option, and so its clauses can be declared by each
individual experiment file that needs it. You can find examples of metarule
constraints in the configuration module, in configuration.pl
(in Louise's
project root directory).
The perceptive reader will note that imposing constraints on the clauses that can be constructed during an inductive proof makes the process incomplete meaning that not all programs are possible to learn anymore. Still, there may be an acceptable trade-off in being able to learn some programs, while ensuring termination. Metarule constraints offer this trade-off.
The use of constraints to avoid constructing left-recursive clauses during Resolution is explained in the following example:
<louise root>/data/examples/constraints.pl
Constraints can also be used to shape a hypothesis to make it shorter, easier to learn and easier to read. An example of this can be found in:
<louise root>/data/examples/recipes.pl
There is a third way in which Vanilla can be made to learn recursive predicates
of arbitrary structure, but without tabling or constraints. This way is to avoid
resolving the clauses in the hypothesis learned so-far with each other (and each
clause with itself). This is done by leaving hypothesis
out of the list of
options in fetch_clauses/1
% All sets of clauses, except "hypothesis"
With the hypothesis
option left out, Vanilla can still learn recursive
hypotheses, in two ways:
By recursion with positive examples
By recursion with the metarules
The first option only allows a limited form of recursive hypotheses to be
learned, specifically, hypotheses whose clauses resolve with the positive
examples, in a single step of recursion. This kind of recursion is enabled when
the setting clause_limit(0)
is set in the configuration. This setting will
cause the positive examples to be added to the Prolog database, and restrict
resolution between metarules and examples to a single resolution step.
Recursive clauses learned in this way can still be resolved, recursively, with
other clauses in the completed hypothesis, so they are not as limited as it
may initially appear. For example, the experiment files hello_world.pl
show how a recursive theory of the ancestor
family relation
can be learned with clause_limit(0)
Recursion with the metarules is enabled by adding the option metarules
to the
list of options in fetch_clauses/1
. Unlike recursion with the positive
examples, resolving the metarules with each other and the first-order background
knowledge allows for arbitrary recursion to be learned, but there is a catch: a
metarule can infinitely resolve with itself as long as it has any body literals
that have the same arity, and therefore, can unify, with its head literal.
To avoid this infinite recursion, louise imposes a limit on the number of times
that a metarule can resolve with itself. This limit is set in the configuration
option clause_limit/1
When metarules resolve with each other and the first-order backrgound knowledge,
the instances of metarules derived become clauses in the hypothesis so-far.
Including the option hypothesis
to the options for fetch_clauses/1
those clauses to resolve with each other, as discussed earlier. Each of those
clauses needs to be derived once, then can resolve an arbitrary number of times
with itself or other clauses.
Thus, as long as the option hypothesis
is included in the options for
, the value of clause_limit/1
controls the cardinality of
the set of program clauses participating in any refutation sequence of a
positive example.
The flip side of that is that leaving hypothesis
out of the options for
will effectively restrict the number of times clauses in
the hypothesis so-far can resolve with themselves, to 0.
In turn, the value of k
in clause_limit(k)
will now effectively become the
total number of program clauses included in any one refutation sequence. If
some of those clauses are recursive, multiple instances of those clauses will
be included in a refutation sequence: one for each step of recursion.
What this means is that in order for a recursive program to be learned without
included in the options for fetch_clauses/1
the value of
must be large enough for sufficient recursive steps to be
taken, to successfully complete a proof.
In a sense, keeping the clauses in the hypothesis so far from participating in resolution turns the clause limit into a resolution depth limit.
This is best explained with an example.
Consider the following learning
problem, defined in data/examples/findlast.pl
?- list_mil_problem(list_last/2).
Positive examples
Negative examples
Background knowledge
(Tailrec) ∃.P,Q ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),P(z,y)
(Midcon) ∃.P,Q,R,S ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z),S(x,y)
Louise can learn the target predicate for this learning problem with the following configuration options:
?- _Options = [clause_limit/1, fetch_clauses/1, table_meta_interpreter/1, untable_meta_interpreter/1], nl, list_options(_Options).
?- learn(list_last/2).
The target theory for this problem consists of two clauses, one recursive and
one the base-case, so the clause limit must be set to 2. These clauses obviously
have to be able to resolve with each other so the option hypothesis
is added
to the list of options in fetch_clauses/1
. Unconstraint resolution between the
clauses of the hypothesis might well lead to an infinite recursion, especially
as left-recursive clauses are tried during the proof, so
is set to true
Now, suppose we remove tabling by setting table_meta_interpreter(false)
. If
you try to run the learning query above, now, the proof will go into an infinite
recursion and eventually blow the call stack:
?- learn(list_last/2).
Failed to print resource exception due to lack of space
ERROR: Stack limit (2.0Gb) exceeded
ERROR: Stack sizes: local: 1.0Gb, global: 0.9Gb, trail: 52.0Mb
ERROR: Stack depth: 2,725,024, last-call: 0%, Choice points: 4,087,498
ERROR: Possible non-terminating recursion:
ERROR: [2,725,008] vanilla:prove(<compound m/3>, 2, [length:2], [length:1], [length:4], [length:2], _245253924)
ERROR: [2,725,007] vanilla:prove(<compound (',')/2>, 2, [length:2], [length:1], [length:4], [length:2], _245253984)
Exception: (2,723,523) vanilla:prove((m(list_last, [], _245120092), m(list_last, _245120092, _245119912)), 2, [(m(tailrec, _3182, _3184):-m(_3182, _3196, _3198), m(_3184, _3196, _3212), m(_3182, _3212, _3198)), (m(midcon, _3110, _3112, _3114, _3116):-m(_3110, _3128, _3130), m(_3112, _3128, _3144), m(_3114, _3144), m(_3116, _3128, _3130))], [list_last], [bk, builtins, hypothesis, metarules], [m(tailrec, list_last, list_last), m(tailrec, list_last, tail)], _245119982) ? abort
% Execution Aborted
The infinite recursion is happening during resolution of the clauses in the
hypothesis with each other, and each clause with itself, so let's remove
from the list of options in fetch_clauses/1
and see what happens;
note that we keep not-tabling the meta-interpreter:
?- _Options = [clause_limit/1, fetch_clauses/1, table_meta_interpreter/1, untable_meta_interpreter/1], nl, list_options(_Options).
?- learn(list_last/2).
This time learning terminates, but no clauses are learned (the empty list printed at the end of the learning query is the empty hypothesis). That happens because Vanilla cannot prove the target theory without resolving its recursive clause with itself, and finally with the base-case clause.
More precisely, in order to compute the necessary recursion in the target theory, Vanilla must resolve the recursive clause in it once for each element in the list given as an example, the list [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i]. This list has nine elements, so the recursive clause in the target theory must resolve eight times with itself, and one final time with the base-case clause, before it can refute (and prove) the example.
Suppose then that we set clause-limit to 9:
?- _Options = [clause_limit/1, fetch_clauses/1, table_meta_interpreter/1, untable_meta_interpreter/1], nl, list_options(_Options).
?- learn(list_last/2).
Note we change nothing else- no hypothesis
in the fetch_clauses/1
and no tabling. And yet, the proof terminates and the target theory is learned.
Why is this?
That's because even without allowing the clauses in the hypothesis to resolve with each other, and themselves, the same result can be obtained by allowing the metarules to resolve with each other. After all, the clauses in the hypothesis are specialisations of the metarules with respect to the background knowledge. More to the point, each of thos clauses is derived by resolution between the metarules, and the first-order background knowledge, in the first place. Thus, we don't need to store those clauses in the hypothesis so-far and reuse them, we can just derive them "on the fly" from the metarules at each step of the proof as needed.
Unfortunately, each such clause needs to be derived "on the fly" a sufficient number of times to complete the proof. Hence the need for a sufficiently high clause limit: the clause limit is now the total number of clauses that will be constructed during resolution. Or, in other words, it is an absolute limit on the number of resolution steps from the start to the end of a proof.
Here are some further learning queries to help clarify the semantics of
, when hypothesis
is excluded from the list of options in
?- _Options = [clause_limit/1, fetch_clauses/1, table_meta_interpreter/1, untable_meta_interpreter/1], nl, list_options(_Options).
?- learn(list_last/2).
Above, the clause limit of 8 is not sufficient for the proof in Vanilla to "walk over" all the nine elements in the list [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i]. Suppose we were to remove one element from the list:
% First element removed from the list
?- findlast:positive_example(list_last/2, E).
E = list_last([b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i], i).
?- _Options = [clause_limit/1, fetch_clauses/1, table_meta_interpreter/1, untable_meta_interpreter/1], nl, list_options(_Options).
?- learn(list_last/2).
With one element removed, only eight steps of resolution are needed to "walk
over" the entire list, so clause_limit(8)
now suffices to learn the target
Suppose we put back the missing element and set the clause limit to 10. That is, we will allow one more resolution step to be taken, beyond what is sufficient to walk over the entire list. What will happen now?
?- findlast:positive_example(list_last/2, E).E = list_last([a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h|...], i).
?- _Options = [clause_limit/1, fetch_clauses/1, table_meta_interpreter/1, untable_meta_interpreter/1], nl, list_options(_Options).
?- learn(list_last/2).list_last(A,B):-tail(A,C),list_last(C,B).
This time resolution goes on for too long and the result is a hypothesis with over-general clauses.
As can be seen from the discussion and examples in the previous sections, there are several trade-offs to be made between allowing arbitrary recursion, ensuring termination, having enough RAM, and impose strict resolution depth limits.
These trade-offs are managed by setting appropriate values for the configuration
options clause_limit/1
and fetch_clauses/1
, that control the behaviour of
the Vanilla meta-intepreter (metarule constraints can also be used).
In this section we discuss the facilities offered by Louise to debug learning problems.
Most of the functionality in Louise is controlled by the settings of
configuration options in a configuration file, configuration.pl
, at the top
directory of the Louise installation.
The current settings of configuration options can be inspected with a call to
the predicate list_config/0
. We show an example below:
?- list_config.
Consult the documentation of the configuration.pl
file to learn about the
various configuration options listed above.
Various sub-systems and libraries in Louise also have their own configuration,
some of which are imported by configuration.pl
. These options are not listed
by list_config/0
. You can inspect those options with print_or_debug/3
the last argument all
?- print_config(print,user_output,all).
The configuration options listed by print_or_debug/3
are preceded by the
module identifier of the module in which they are defined.
Louise has many configuration options. When only a few of those need to be
inspected, the predicate list_options/1
can be used instead of list_config/0
and print_config/3
. list_options/1
takes as argument a list of configuration
options, as predicate indicators (a predicate symbol and arity) and prints out
only those options' values:
?- _Options = [experiment_file/2, clause_limit/1, fetch_clauses/1, max_invented/1, max_error/2, reduction/1, resolutions/1], nl, list_options(_Options).
The elements of a MIL problem defined in an experiment file can be listed to the
console with a call to the predicate list_mil_problem/1
. This predicate takes
as argument the symbol and arity of a learning target defined in the currently
loaded experiment file and prints out the examples, background knowledge and
metarules declared for that target in that experiment file.
In the following example we call list_mil_problem/1
to list the elements of
the MIL problem for the grandmother/2
learning target, defined in the
experiment file:
?- list_mil_problem(grandmother/2).
Positive examples
Negative examples
Background knowledge
(Chain) ∃.P,Q,R ∀.x,y,z: P(x,y)← Q(x,z),R(z,y)
Listing a MIL problem is particularly helpful when multiple learning targets are defined in an experiment file, at which point it can be confusing to look at the experiment file itself and try to determine exactly what training data goes to what learning target.
At the start of any learning attempt the elements of a MIL problem are
transformed by Louise to an internal representation by encapsulation.
Encapsulation "wraps" the predicate symbol and arguments of literals in a clause
into a new predicate, so that, for example, the atom p(x,y)
becomes m(p,x,y)
and the clause p(x,y):- q(x,y)
becomes m(p,x,y):- m(q,x,y)
. Encapsulation
facilitates resolution between metarules, that are second-order, and the
first-order background knowledge and examples. Encapsulation also makes
resolution between metarules and other clauses decidable by "lowering" them to
the first-order (even unification is undecidable in second order logic).
The encapsulated elements of a MIL Problem can be listed for inspection with a
call to the predicate list_encapsulated_problem/1
. This predicate, too, takes
as argument the predicate symbol and arity of a learning target in the currently
loaded experiment file.
In the following example we show how to list the encapsulated elements of the
MIL problem for the grandmother/2
target in data/examples/tiny_kinship.pl
?- list_encapsulated_problem(grandmother/2).
Positive examples
Negative examples
Background knowledge
Note that only the of clauses in the Background knowledge
section are
encapsulated, while their bodies are left alone. More precisely, the only
literals that are encapsulated are the literals of the predicates defined as
background knowledge for a learning target, in background_knowledge/2
. That is
because those literals will be unified with the literals of metarules during
resolution. Literals of other predicates do not directly participate in
resolution with metarules and so do not need to be encapsulated. This also makes
it easier to use arbitrary Prolog predicates in the body of background
predicates, whereas the heads of background predicates' clauses must be strictly
datalog (i.e. they cannot include functions, or what Prolog calls "compound
In the example above, the heads of the clauses of mother/2
and parent/2
encapsulated because they are declared as background knowledge for the learning
target, grandmother/2
. mother/2
is defined extensionally, as a set of ground
atoms and so it does not have a body to encapsulate.
Note that there is a second set of mother/2
clauses that are not
encapsulated. These are found in the closure of parent/2
along with the
extensional definition of father/2
. During learning, clauses that are not
encapsulated will not be unified, and so resolved, with metarules' literals, but
instead will be interpreted only to complete the learning proof.
When the elements of a MIL problem are too large (e.g. when there are many
examples or many clauses in the background knowledge) listing them is not very
helpful. The predicate list_problem_statistics/1
lists only the numbers of
examples and the numbers and predicate symbols or identifiers of background
predicates and metarules declared for a learning target.
Below we show an example of listing the problem statistics for the ancstor/2
target defined in data/examples/tiny_kinship/pl
?- list_problem_statistics(ancestor/2).
Positive examples: 10
Negative examples: 10
Background knowledge: 1 [parent/2]
Metarules: 2 [tailrec,identity]
The Top Program constructed by Louise's Top Program Construction algorithm can
be inspected by a call to the predicate list_top_program/1
. This predicate
takes as argument the symbol and arity of a learning target and outputs the
results of the two steps of Top Program Construction, the generalisation step,
where all the clauses that entail positive examples with respect to background
knowledge are constructed; and the specialisation step, where all the clauses in
the previous step that entail negative examples are thrown out.
Below, we list the Top Program for the grandfather/2
learning target defined
in data/examples/tiny_kinship.pl
?- list_top_program(grandfather/2).
Note how the Specialisation
step has removed two over-general clauses, found
to entail negative examples with respect to background knowledge.
The implementation of the TPC algorithm in Louise constructs a Top Progam in successive stages: first a set of ground metasubstitutions is derived, which are then applied to the corresponding metarules to derive a set of encapsulated clauses. Finally, clause are excapsulated, turning them back to clauses of the learning targets.
Similar to list_top_program/1
the predicate list_top_program/3
can list the
Top Program but this time in varying stages of its construction, particularly
with respect to application of metasubstitutions and encapsulation. The first
argument of list_top_program/3
is the symbol and arity of a learning target,
as in list_top_program/1
. The second argument determines whether to show the
application of derived metasubstitutions to their corresponding metarules. The
third argument determines whether to excapsulate the resulting clauses, or not.
In the example below we list the Top Program learned from the elements of the
MIL problem for grandfather/2
in data/examples/tiny_kinship.pl
. The second
and third argument are given as "false" to show the ground metasubstitutions
derived during learning before they are applied to their corresponding
?- list_top_program(grandfather/2,false,false).
In the output above, the ground metasubstitutions are the atoms
etc. The first argument in such a
metasubstitution atom is the identifier of a metarule and the remaining
arguments are predicate symbols and constants to be substituted for
existentially quantified variables in the metarule. The literals of the metarule
(in encapsulated form with a non-ground metasubstitution atom in its head) are
associated to the ground metasubstitution by the operator -/2
In the following example we repeat the same call but with the second argument set to "true" to apply the ground metasubstitutions to their corresponding metarules:
?- list_top_program(grandfather/2,true,false).
Setting the third argument of list_top_program/3
to true
will produce the
same result as calling list_top_program/1
Inspecting the stages of Top Program construction with list_top_program/1
is useful to understand the inner workings of the Top
Program Construction algorithm.
Note however that both predicates must first build the Top Program for a learning target, before they can list it. If the Top Program is very large, this can take a while and the resulting listing will flood the SWI-Prolog console and most of it will be lost.
You can log many steps of the learning algorithms in Louise to the console, or redirect the logs to a file.
Much of the code in Louise includes logging statements ultimately calling on the
SWI-Prolog predicate debug/3
. This predicate takes as argument the name of a
debug subject associated with a debug stream, which can be either the default
debug stream or a file on disk.
The debug messages available to the user (at least those available without
having to read the source code) are listed near the top of the main
configuration file, configuration.pl
, as arguments of debug/1
directives. We
copy the relevant lines of the configuration file below:
:-nodebug(_). % Clear all debug topics.
%:-debug(learn). % Debug learning steps.
%:-debug(metasubstitution). % Debug metasubstitutions.
%:-debug(top_program). % Debug Top program construction.
%:-debug(reduction). % Debug Top program reduction.
%:-debug(dynamic). % Debug dynamic learning.
%:-debug(predicate_invention). % Debug predicate invention.
%:-debug(learn_metarules). % Debug metarule learning
%:-debug(learned_metarules). % Debug new metarules
%:-debug(metarule_grounding). % Debug metarule template specialisation
%:-debug(examples_invention). % Debug examples invention.
%:-debug(evaluation). % Debug learned program evaluation
By default, only the directive :-nodebug(_)
is uncommented, which deactivates
all debugging messages. To activate a debug subject, uncomment the directive
that has that subject as an argument. For example, to activate the learn
subject, uncomment the following line:
:-debug(learn). % Debug learning steps.
To activate a debug subject you can also call debug/1
at the SWI-Prolog
In the example below we show the logging outputs for the debug subjects learn
and reduction
produced during an attempt of learning the
relation from the elements of the MIL problem defined in
?- debug(learn), debug(top_program), debug(reduction), learn(grandfather/2).
% Encapsulating problem...
% Constructing Top program...
% Constructing Top program...
% Generalised Top program
% m(chain,grandfather,father,father)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,father,parent)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,husband,grandmother)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,parent,father)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,parent,parent)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% Specialised Top program
% m(chain,grandfather,father,father)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,father,parent)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,husband,grandmother)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% Applied metarules
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(father,A,C),m(father,C,B)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(father,A,C),m(parent,C,B)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(husband,A,C),m(grandmother,C,B)
% Reducing Top program...
% Reducing Top program by Plotkin's algorithm...
% Reduced Top program:
% m(father,stathis,kostas)
% m(father,stefanos,dora)
% m(father,kostas,stassa)
% m(parent,A,B):-m(father,A,B)
% m(parent,A,B):-mother(A,B)
% m(husband,A,B):-m(father,A,C),mother(B,C)
% m(grandmother,A,B):-mother(A,C),m(parent,C,B)
% mother(alexandra,kostas)
% mother(paraskevi,dora)
% mother(dora,stassa)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(father,A,C),m(parent,C,B)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(husband,A,C),m(grandmother,C,B)
% m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E)
% Excapsulating hypothesis...
In the example above, the debug outputs are similar to the output of the
predicates discussed in a previous section, however it
is possible to produce considerably more, and more diverse, output during
logging, than with those two predicates.
In fact, it is possible to produce too much output while logging a learning
attempt, particularly when there are many clauses that can be constructed and
when many debug subjects are activated (the debug subject metasubstitution
particularly prolific). The SWI-Prolog console has a limited-size buffer and
text that overflows this buffer is discarded. The result is that the early
logging output of very long learning attempts will be lost.
To retain the debugging output you can increase the size of the SWI-Prolog
console buffer (consult the SWI-Prolog documentation on how to do that).
Alternatively, you can redirect debugging output to a file on disk by appending
the name of the file to the debug subject with the operator >/2
. You can do
that either in one of the debug/1
directives in the configuration file, or in
the console. Below we repeat the above example showing how to redirect output to
a log file on disk from the console:
?- nodebug(_), _F = 'log_file.log', debug(learn>_F), debug(top_program>_F), debug(reduction>_F), learn(grandfather/2).
The log_file.log
file will now have been written to disk in the directory
where you started the current SWI-Prolog process. If you've been starting Louise
by clicking the load_project.pl
or load_headless.pl
project load files, the
SWI-Prolog process will have started in the top-directory of the Louise
installation, so you should find your log file in that directory.
Below, we cat the contents of the log_file.log
file that was written in the
previous example to disk at the top-directory of the Louise installation:
PS C:\...\louise> cat .\log_file.log
% Encapsulating problem...
% Constructing Top program...
% Constructing Top program...
% Generalised Top program
% m(chain,grandfather,father,father)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,father,parent)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,husband,grandmother)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,parent,father)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,parent,parent)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% Specialised Top program
% m(chain,grandfather,father,father)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,father,parent)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% m(chain,grandfather,husband,grandmother)-(m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E))
% Applied metarules
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(father,A,C),m(father,C,B)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(father,A,C),m(parent,C,B)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(husband,A,C),m(grandmother,C,B)
% Reducing Top program...
% Reducing Top program by Plotkin's algorithm...
% Reduced Top program:
% m(father,stathis,kostas)
% m(father,stefanos,dora)
% m(father,kostas,stassa)
% m(parent,A,B):-m(father,A,B)
% m(parent,A,B):-mother(A,B)
% m(husband,A,B):-m(father,A,C),mother(B,C)
% m(grandmother,A,B):-mother(A,C),m(parent,C,B)
% mother(alexandra,kostas)
% mother(paraskevi,dora)
% mother(dora,stassa)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(father,A,C),m(parent,C,B)
% m(grandfather,A,B):-m(husband,A,C),m(grandmother,C,B)
% m(chain,A,B,C):-m(A,D,E),m(B,D,F),m(C,F,E)
% Excapsulating hypothesis...
Note that in the examples above, the logging output for the specified debug
subjects was not output to the SWI-Prolog console anymore. This is because we
called debug(_)
turning off all debug subjects, first, and SWI-Prolog takes
and debug(learn>_F)
to be different bebug subjects. This means
that you can mirror the logging output to the SWI-Prolog console by activating
the two debug subjects separately. We show how to do this below for the learn
debug subject:
?- nodebug(_), debug(learn), debug(learn>'log_file.log'), learn(grandfather/2).
% Encapsulating problem
% Constructing Top program...
% Reducing Top program...
% Excapsulating hypothesis
Note that you have to call debug(_)
at the start of the query above, to turn
off the debugging subject for debug(learn>_F)
that was previously activated,
and that would otherwise suck up the logging output.
Now, if you cat the log file you should see the following log output:
PS C:\...\louise> cat .\log_file.log
% Encapsulating problem
% Constructing Top program...
% Reducing Top program...
% Excapsulating hypothesis
You can also redirect debug output to a log file in a sub-directory of the
Louise installation. The default installation creates a directory louise/logs
for just this purpose. For example, you can redirect the logging output of the
debug subject learn
to the file louise/logs/logging_file_2.log
as follows:
?- nodebug(_), debug(learn), debug(learn>'logs/log_file.log'), learn(grandfather/2).
% Encapsulating problem
% Constructing Top program...
% Reducing Top program...
% Excapsulating hypothesis
Now we can inspect that file to find our output logs:
PS C:\...\louise> cat .\logs\log_file.log
% Encapsulating problem
% Constructing Top program...
% Reducing Top program...
% Excapsulating hypothesis
Remember to leave computer memory tidy and close a log file when you're done with it:
?- close('logs/log_file.log').
Louise stores experiment scripts in the directory data/scripts
. An experiment
script is the code for an experiment that you want to repeat perhaps with
different configuration options and parameters. Louise comes with a "learning
curve" script that runs an experiment varying the number of examples (or
sampling rate) while measuring accuracy. The script generates a file with some R
data that can then be rendered into a learning curve plot by sourcing a plotting
script, also included in the scripts directory, with R.
The following are the steps to run a learning curve experiment with the data
from the mtg_fragment.pl
example experiment file and produce a plot of the
Start the project:
In a graphical environment:
?- [load_project].
In a text-based environment:
?- [load_headless].
Edit the project's configuration file to select the
experiment file.experiment_file('data/examples/mtg_fragment.pl',mtg_fragment).
The learning curve script is not normally loaded with the rest of the project. Load it with the following query at the SWI-Prolog command line:
?- use_module(data(scripts/learning_curve/learning_curve)). true.
Edit the learning curve script's configuration file to select necessary options and output directories. The script is in the following file:
<louise project root>/data/scripts/learning_curve/learning_curve_configuration.pl
In that file, set the following options:
copy_plotting_scripts(scripts(learning_curve/plotting)). logging_directory('output/learning_curve/'). plotting_directory('output/learning_curve/'). r_data_file('learning_curve_data.r'). learning_curve_time_limit(300).
The option
tells the experiment script whether to copy the R plotting script from thescripts/learning_curve/plotting
directory, to an output directory, listed in the option's single argument. Setting this option tofalse
means no plotting script is copied. You can specify a different directory for plotting scripts to be copied from if you want to write your own plotting scripts.The options
determine the destination directory for output logs, R data files and plotting scripts. They can be separate directories if you want. Above, they are the same which is the most convenient.The option
determines the name of the R data file generated by the experiment script. Data files are clobbered each time the experiment re-runs (it's a bit of a hassle to point the plotting script to them otherwise) so you may want to output an experiment's R data script with a different name to preserve it. You'd have to manually rename the R data file so it can be used by the plotting script in that case.The option
sets a time limit for each learning attempt in a learning curve experiment. If a hypothesis is not learned successfully until this limit has expired, the accurracy (or error etc) of the empty hypothesis is measured instead. -
Reload all configuration files to pick up the new options.
?- make.
Note that loading the main configuration file will turn off logging to the console. The next step directs you to turn it back on again so you can watch the experiment's progress.
Enter the following queries to ensure logging to console is turned on.
The console output will log the steps of the experiment so that you can keep track of the experiment's progress (and know that it's running):
?- debug(progress). true. ?- debug(learning_curve). true.
Logging for the learning curve experiment script will have been turned off if you reloaded the main configuration file (because it includes the directive
). The two queries above turn it back on. -
Enter the following query to run the experiment script:
_T = ability/2, _M = acc, _K = 100, float_interval(1,9,1,_Ss), findall(S/0.0,member(S,_Ss),_Ss_Zs), learning_curve(_T,_M,_K,_Ss_Zs,_Ms,_SDs), writeln(_Ms), writeln(_SDs).
_M = acc
tells the experiment code to measure accuracy. You can also measure error, the reate of false positives, precision or recall, etc._K = 100
runs the experiment for 100 steps.float_interval(1,9,1,_Ss)
generates a list of floating-point values used as sampling rates in each step of the experiment:[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9]
dataset has no negative examples so the list is zipped with a list of0.0
's in afindall/3
call. The sampling library inlib/sampling
that is used by the learning curve script can accept a sampling rate in two different formats: as a single number used as the sampling rate for both positive and negative examples, or as a pair, P/N, where P is the sampling rate for the positive examples and N the sampling rate for the negative examples. However, when there are no negative examples, passing a single number as a sampling rate will cause the sampling library code to raise an error. One way to avoid this error is to pass the sampling rate as a pair with the negative sampling rate set to 0, which is what the zipping with0.0
in the query above does.The experiment code averages the accuracy of hypotheses learned with each sampling rate for all steps and also calculates the standard deviations. The query above will write the means (argument
) and standard deviations (_SDs
) in the console so you can have a quick look at the results. The same results are saved in a timestamped log file saved in the logging directory chosen inloggign_directory/1
. Log files are not clobbered (unlike R data files, that are) and they include a copy of the R data saved to the R data file. That way you always have a record of each experiment completed and you can reconstruct the plots if needed (by copying the R data from a log file to an R data script and sourcing the plotting script). -
Start R and source the plotting script in the R console to generate an image:
You can save the plot from the R console: select the image and go to File > Savea As > Png... (or other file format). Then choose a location to save the file.
The figure below is the result of sourcing the R plotting script for the learning curve experiment with the
More information about Louise, how it works and how to use it is coming up in
the project's manual. For the time being, you can peruse the structured comments
in the project's source files. It's also possible to generate a .pdf
file from
structured documentation, as follows:
Load the project as usual.
Load the
module:?- use_module(doc/latex/make_tex). true.
Run the following query to generate latex files from structure documentation in the project's source code:
?- make_tex. true.
Pass the main latex documentation file to pdflatex. By default the main documentation file is
cd /doc/latex/ pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode .\documentation.tex pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode .\documentation.tex
Run the pdflatex command twice to generate a ToC and bookmarks. You will probably see lots of errors but you will still get a .pdf file. Probably (this hasn't been tested extensively).
Note that the structured documentation included in the Prolog source is a work in progress. Most of the time it is mostly accurate, but there are parts of it that are obsolete. Still- better than nothing.
Additionally to all this you may get some useful information from the current
draft of the manual stored in the file MAN.md
in the directory louise/doc
Keep in mind that MAN.md
is a draft and as such may contain incomplete or
inaccurate information. On the other hand, it will probably give a general idea
of how to use Louise and what it can do.
If you decide to use Louise in your own work, you will probably want to cite earlier work that gives more details about it. In that case, you are welcome to use the reference to the original Top Program Construction paper, listed below (in bib format) and which contains the most complete discussion of the Top Program Construction algorithm:
author = {Patsantzis, Stassa and Muggleton, Stephen},
title = {Top Program Construction and Reduction for Polynomial-Time Meta-Interpretive Learning},
journal = {Machine Learning},
year = {2021},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10994-020-05945-w}
To clarify, you are not required to cite our work to use Louise. You're also not required to wash your hands after going to the loo, it's just good form to do so :P
S.H. Muggleton, D. Lin, N. Pahlavi, and A. Tamaddoni-Nezhad. Meta-interpretive learning: application to grammatical inference. Machine Learning, 94:25-49, 2014
S.H. Muggleton, D. Lin, and A. Tamaddoni-Nezhad. Meta-interpretive learning of higher-order dyadic datalog: Predicate invention revisited. Machine Learning, 100(1):49-73, 2015
S.H. Muggleton. Inductive Logic Programming. New Generation Computing, 8(4):295-318, 1991
S. Patsantzis and S. H. Muggleton. Top Program Construction and Reduction for Polynomial-Time Meta-interpretive Learning. Machine Learning, 2021
S. Patsantzis and S. H. Muggleton. Meta-Interpretive Learning as Metarule Specialisation. Machine Learning, 2021