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Cookbook Version CI State OpenCollective OpenCollective License

Installs node.js/npm and includes a resource for managing npm packages


This cookbook is maintained by the Sous Chefs. The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working together to maintain important cookbooks. If you’d like to know more please visit sous-chefs.org or come chat with us on the Chef Community Slack in #sous-chefs.



  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • RHEL/CentOS/Scientific/Amazon/Oracle
  • openSUSE
  • Windows

Note: Source installs require GCC 4.8+, which is not included on older distro releases


  • Chef Infra Client 15.3+


  • ark


Include the nodejs recipe to install node on your system based on the default installation method:

include_recipe "nodejs"

Install methods


Install node from packages:

node['nodejs']['install_method'] = 'package' # Not necessary because it's the default
include_recipe "nodejs"
# Or
include_recipe "nodejs::nodejs_from_package"

By default this will setup deb/rpm repositories from nodesource.com, which include up to date NodeJS packages. If you prefer to use distro provided package you can disable this behavior by setting node['nodejs']['install_repo'] to false.


Install node from official prebuilt binaries:

node['nodejs']['install_method'] = 'binary'
include_recipe "nodejs"

# Or
include_recipe "nodejs::nodejs_from_binary"

# Or set a specific version of nodejs to be installed
node.default['nodejs']['install_method'] = 'binary'
node.default['nodejs']['version'] = '5.9.0'
node.default['nodejs']['binary']['checksum'] = '99c4136cf61761fac5ac57f80544140a3793b63e00a65d4a0e528c9db328bf40'

# Or fetch the binary from your own location
node.default['nodejs']['install_method'] = 'binary'
node.default['nodejs']['binary']['url'] = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/node-v7.8.0-linux-x64.tar.gz'
node.default['nodejs']['binary']['checksum'] = '0bd86f2a39221b532172c7d1acb57f0b0cba88c7b82ea74ba9d1208b9f6f9697'


Install node from sources:

node['nodejs']['install_method'] = 'source'
include_recipe "nodejs"
# Or
include_recipe "nodejs::nodejs_from_source"


Install node from chocolatey:

node['nodejs']['install_method'] = 'chocolatey'
include_recipe "nodejs"
# Or
include_recipe "nodejs::nodejs_from_chocolatey"


Npm is included in nodejs installs by default. By default, we are using it and call it embedded. Adding recipe nodejs::npm assure you to have npm installed and let you choose install method with node['nodejs']['npm']['install_method']

include_recipe "nodejs::npm"

Warning: This recipe will include the nodejs recipe, which by default includes nodejs::nodejs_from_package if you did not set node['nodejs']['install_method'].



note: This resource was previously named nodejs_npm. Calls to that resource name will still function, but cookbooks 8000 should be updated for the new npm_package resource name.

npm_package lets you install npm packages from various sources:

  • npm registry:

    • name: property :package
    • version: property :version (optional)
  • url: property :url

    • for git use git://{your_repo}
  • from a json (package.json by default): property :json

    • use true for default
    • use a String to specify json file

Packages can be installed globally (by default) or in a directory (by using attribute :path)

You can specify an NPM_TOKEN environment variable for accessing NPM private modules by using attribute :npm_token

You can specify a NODE_ENV environment variable, in the case that some element of your installation depends on this by using attribute :node_env. E.g., using node-config as part of your postinstall script. Please note that adding the --production option will override this to NODE_ENV=production.

You can append more specific options to npm command with attribute :options array :

You can specify auto_update as false to stop the npm install command from running and updating an installed package. Running the command will update packages within restrictions imposed by a package.json file. The default behavior is to update automatically.

  • use an array of options (w/ dash), they will be added to npm call.
  • ex: ['--production','--force'] or ['--force-latest']

You can specify live_stream true for the resource to have the package install information included in the chef-client log outout for better npm package diagnostics and trouble shooting.

This LWRP attempts to use vanilla npm as much as possible (no custom wrapper).


npm_package 'express'

npm_package 'async' do
  version '0.6.2'

npm_package 'request' do
  url 'github mikeal/request'

npm_package 'grunt' do
  path '/home/random/grunt'
  json true
  user 'random'
  node_env 'staging'

npm_package 'my_private_module' do
  path '/home/random/myproject' # The root path to your project, containing a package.json file
  json true
  npm_token '12345-abcde-e5d4c3b2a1'
  user 'random'
  options ['--production'] # Only install dependencies. Skip devDependencies

Working Examples

Or add packages via attributes (which accept the same attributes as the LWRP above):

"nodejs": {
  "npm_packages": [
      "name": "express"
      "name": "async",
      "version": "0.6.2"
      "name": "request",
      "url": "github mikeal/request"
      "name": "grunt",
      "path": "/home/random/grunt",
      "json": true,
      "user": "random"


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


Thank you to all our backers!



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