Build repository for smokserwis/build
This contains the tool. Please read how it works if you use smokserwis/build+GitLab CI for building Docker images.
All tags can be found here.
- update apt cache, install given packages with -y, clean upclean-pip-install
- install given Python packages via pip, clean up
- docker-it - makes sense only with how we use GitLab CI for images.
- check-syntax - verify that all JSON and YAML files are valid.
Basic Linux utilities and pip-ready Python 2.7
base + latex + pandoc
base + has Docker and docker-compose
docker-only + usual build tools
latest + typical NodeJS 7 utils for websites
latest + typical NodeJS 18 for
latest + JDK 8
jdk8 + Android toolkit + Cordova + NodeJS 5
Python 3.9 on x86_64 with Satella, Sphinx, Snakehouse and the wheel toolkit
Python 3.9 on armv7l with Satella, Sphinx, Snakehouse and the wheel toolkit