create a
*ask for values to the team and pass them
navigate to your repo directory and install the dependencies:
npm install
Install the Ganache CLI
npm install -g ganache-cli
Fork and mirror mainnet into your Ganache instance. You can fork mainnet and use each protocol's production contracts and production ERC20 tokens. Replace
with the value in the following and run:ganache-cli --fork https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/INFURA_API_KEY -i 1
In a new terminal window in your repo directory, run:
truffle console
Migrate your FlashLoan contract to your instance of Ganache with:
migrate --reset
*After a few minutes, your contract will be deployed.
truffle console --network mainnet
You are now connected to the mainnet. Now, use the migrate command to deploy your contract:
migrate --reset
You might get the error below:
/aave-flash-loans/node_modules/@trufflesuite/web3-provider-engine/index.js:219 number: ethUtil.toBuffer(jsonBlock.number), ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'number' of null
Call your contract's flashLoan function within the truffle console.
let instance = await FlashLoan.deployed()
const DAI = "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f";
const amount = 20; // specify the amount
const USDC = "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48";
await instance.flashLoan(DAI, amount, USDC)
If your implementation is correct, then the transaction will succeed. If it fails/reverts, a reason will be given.
*Make sure that this contract has enough of _reserve
funds of a token you borrow to payback the _fee
*if the above operation takes an unreasonably long time or timesout, try CTRL+C
to exit the Truffle console, run truffle console
again, then try this step agin. You may need to wait a few blocks before your node can 'see' the deployed contract.
We are using this EOA address 0xcc84e428b30ea976f932d77293df4ba8edd7307f
If you are using Ganache to fork a network, then you may have issues with the blockchain archive state every 30 minutes. This is due to your node provider (i.e. Infura) only allowing free users access to 30 minutes of archive state. You can either 1) upgrade to a paid plan or 2) restart your ganache instance and redploy your contracts.
The Truffle debugger does not work too well with proxy / complex calls. You may find that the Truffle debugger returns an error such as:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'version' of undefined
at ...
- In this case you can try calling your
function directly, instead of having Aave'sLendingPool
contract invoke the function. This will allow you to debug the function directly, however you will need to supply the relevant parameters (e.g._amount
, etc). - Alternatively, see the 'Troubleshooting' link.
$ truffle --version
Truffle v5.1.51
$ ganache-cli --version
Ganache CLI v6.12.1 (ganache-core: 2.13.1)
See our Troubleshooting Errors documentation.
Here is an example transaction that followed the above steps on
using Dai. -
Here is an example transaction that followed the above steps on
using ETH.