- 🏠 blog, csdn - my homepage
- 🐳 docker-centos 、 docker-ubuntu - dev environment and emr component image
- 🔧 shell-tools - for quickly install some dev components like golang、gcc、zsh
- 📊 hue 、 azkaban 、 datalink - fork emr service and bug fix
- ⌨️ go_common 、 python_basic 、 go_basic - lang learn demo
- 📊 data collect and storage: use rss to collect data, and filter data which is useful for myself
- 🧑💻 devops: build cloud develop environment ( remote develop ) and easily release service, can develop anywhere, anytime
- 🧭 monitor: prometheus + grafana + log system, to know system status and focus critical metrics
- 📃 learn vue and create self micro-app
- 🍉 making some project which are more than tech, but for life, such as HowToLiveLonger