8000 GitHub - skyCloud-CN/jdbcTemplatePlus: 基于SpringJdbcTemplate的ORM框架,比Mybatis更方便,更简单,仅需定义Model就可支持各种SQL查询和动态SQL,不再用拼写XML文件和SQL语句,可以通过各种注解式插件扩展,目前主要支持Mysql数据库
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Spring based Persistence Framewok for Java Web developers, By using this, you Can

  • Never write Sql
  • Develop Dao in 1 minute
  • Write Dynamic Sql just like Stream Api
  • ReflectASM inside, 3 times faster then mybatis
  • Sharding, LogicDelete and Other Functions only By One Annotation

Table Of Contents


Developing Persistence Layer is really Boooooring , If you are a Java web developer, then you will definitely agree with what I said.

I have tried a log Persisitence Frame work such as Mybatis, JdbcTemplate, SpringDataJPA. They are all Excellent Framewok, but still have some shortcomings.

Mybatis support dynamic Sql but need to write lots of xml files, which cost lots of time.By using MybatisGenerator xml files can be generated but they are unmaintainable and it's annoying to have so many xml in Project

JdbcTemplate do lots of low level job for you, so you can only write SQL, but I always get runtime error tell me SQL Syntax Error when developing because a missing "," or "`" and really hard to find where is wrong.

SpringDataJPA is my favourate framework. But it is too heavy and generated SQL is a little cumbersome(For a developer at Internet company, 99% of SQL is single table query ). Dynamic sql is supported but readability is not so good

So this is why I wrote this framework

This project is just getting start, please commit Issue and STAR to support, thank you


I will use a example of a user table to tell you how to get start with this framework

model look like this

@Data and @ToString annotation is from Lombok, they have nothing to do with this framework

public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private Date updated;
    private Date created;
    private Boolean deleted;

1. Add Maven Dependency

currently this project is not deployed to central repo, but soon it will


2. Add Annotation

add @Table and @PrimaryKey annotion like below

@Table(tableName = "user")
public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private Date updated;
    private Date created;
    private Boolean deleted;

3. Define Helper Class

this class is for help you write sql condition, param in Column must be exactlly same with you column name in database

public class Columns {
    public static final Column ID = new Column("id");
    public static final Column NAME = new Column("name");
    public static final Column UPDATED = new Column("updated");
    public static final Column CREATED = new Column("created");
    public static final Column DELETED = new Column("deleted");

4. Define DAO

Basic Method is all in BaseStorage class so No Code is need

public class UserDAO extends BaseStorage<User, Long>{



This step is depends on your Java Model and database column name mapping, if your Java Model property is exactly same with database column name, this step is not need.

If your database column naming by underScore like sky_cloud and Java Model property is naming by camelCase like skyCloud, you need to call method below before any SQL are executed


Otherwise, you need to tell framework you Database column name by annotation like below

@Table(tableName = "user")
public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    @ColumnMap(jdbcType = JDBCType.TIMESTAMP)
    private Long updated;
    private Date created;
    @ColumnMap(column = "deleted")
    private Boolean exist;

@ColumnMap used in exist field tells exist field should map to column deleted

@ColumnMap used in updated field tells this field is actually TIMESTAMP type in database but not BIGINT


Method Supported by BaseStorage

    DATA selectByPrimaryKey(PRIM_KEY key);

    List<DATA> selectByPrimaryKeys(Collection<PRIM_KEY> keys);

    List<DATA> selectByPrimaryKeys(PRIM_KEY... keys);

    int insert(DATA t);

    int insertSelective(DATA t);

    int updateByPrimaryKey(DATA t);
    int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(DATA t);

    int deleteByPrimaryKey(PRIM_KEY t);

    List<DATA> select(QueryRequest queryRequest);

    int count(CountRequest countRequest);

    int update(UpdateRequest updateRequest);

    int delete(DeleteRequest deleteRequest);

Dynamic SQL API

here is a example for a query demand. I want to find User data created within a period of time, and also want to find user by name, these condition is optional, and I need all data are not logic deleted, data should be sort by Id, and with a page limit of 20.

QueryRequest request=Request.queryRequest()
                .addSort(ID, OrderEnum.ASC)


Lots of useful functions is supported by plugins and can be active by only one Annotation


AutoFill is useful when you need to set updated,created field to db, by annotation @AutoFill these field can be autofilled when insert and updated if these property is null

@AutoFill(fillValue = AutoFillValueEnum.NOW,onOperation = {AutoFillOperation.INSERT,AutoFillOperation.UPDATE})
private Long updated;
@AutoFill(fillValue = AutoFillValueEnum.NOW,onOperation= AutoFillOperation.INSERT)
private Date created;


LogicDelete can automaticly add condition logicDelete=false when query, update, count if there is no other condition about logicDelete property, and autoFill logicDeleteField to 0 or false when insert.

currently only Integer, Boolean, Long are supported

private Boolean deleted;


execute ShardUtil.setShardSuffixOnce(suffixHere) before execute a SQL request, suffix will automaticly add to your table name in sql;


JdbcTemplatePlus is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the Apache License 2.0 file for details.






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