This is a collection of Pagedown plugins to enable support for
Markdown Extra syntax. Open demo/demo.html
to try it yourself.
To run the tests, just open spec/SpecRunner.html
in your browser. Or, to
run a browser-less test from the command line as travis-ci would, run bundle install
by bundle exec rake
. You'll need Ruby and the rake gem if you use
the second method.
// include iso-pagedown-extra module
// ...
// create a pagedown converter - regular and sanitized versions are both supported
var converter = new Markdown.Converter();
// tell the converter to use Markdown Extra
// convert some markdown
var html = converter.makeHtml("| A | B |\n| :-: | :-: |\n| 1 | 2 |");
// include iso-pagedown-extra module
var pagedown = require("iso-pagedown-extra");
// create a pagedown converter - regular and sanitized versions are both supported
var converter = new pagedown.Converter();
// tell the converter to use Markdown Extra
// convert some markdown
var html = converter.makeHtml("| A | B |\n| :-: | :-: |\n| 1 | 2 |");
once for each converter and you're all set.
If you want, you can choose to use only a subset of the extensions currently supported:
Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {extensions: ["tables", "fenced_code_gfm", "def_list"]});
See the Extension/Option Reference BCF2 below for a complete list.
The following markdown:
| Item | Value | Qty |
| --------- | -----:|:--: |
| Computer | $1600 | 5 |
| Phone | $12 | 12 |
| Pipe | $1 |234 |
will render to something like this depending on how you choose to style it:
Item | Value | Qty |
Computer | $1600 | 5 |
Phone | $12 | 12 |
Pipe | $1 | 234 |
You can also specify a class for the generated tables using
Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {table_class: "table table-striped"})
for instance.
Span-level markdown inside of table cells will also be converted.
Fenced code blocks are supported à la GitHub. This markdown:
var x = 2;
Will be transformed into:
<code>var x = 2;</code>
You can specify a syntax highlighter in the options object passed to Markdown.Extra.init
in order to generated html compatible with either google-code-prettify
or Highlight.js:
// highlighter can be either `prettify` or `highlight`
Markdown.Extra.init(converter, {highlighter: "prettify"});
If either of those is specified, the language type will be added to the code tag, e.g.
<code class="language-javascript">
, otherwise you just get the standard
<code class="javascript">
as in PHP Markdown Extra. If prettify
is specified,
also becomes <pre class="prettyprint">
. Otherwise, the markup is the
same as what Pagedown produces for regular indented code blocks. For example, when using
{highlighter: "prettify"}
as shown above, this:
var x = 2;
Would generate the following html:
<pre class="prettyprint">
<code class="language-javascript">var x = 2;</code>
Term 1
: Definition 1
Term 2
: This definition has a code block.
code block
<dt>Term 1</dt>
Definition 1
<dt>Term 2</dt>
This definition has a code block.
<pre><code>code block</code></pre>
Definitions can contain both inline and block-level markdown.
Here is a footnote[^footnote].
[^footnote]: Here is the *text* of the **footnote**.
<p>Here is a footnote<a href="#fn:footnote" id="fnref:footnote" title="See footnote" class="footnote">1</a>.</p>
<div class="footnotes">
<li id="fn:footnote">Here is the <em>text</em> of the <strong>footnote</strong>. <a href="#fnref:footnote" title="Return to article" class="reversefootnote">↩</a></li>
You can add class and id attributes to headers and gfm fenced code blocks.
``` {#gfm-id .gfm-class}
var foo = bar;
## A Header {#header-id}
### Another One ### {#header-id .hclass}
Underlined {#what}
SmartyPants extension converts ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities. For example:
Single backticks | 'Isn't this fun?' |
‘Isn’t this fun?’ |
Quotes | "Isn't this fun?" |
“Isn’t this fun?” |
Dashes | This -- is an en-dash and this --- is an em-dash |
This – is an en-dash and this — is an em-dash |
Newlines à la GitHub (without the need of two white spaces):
Roses are red
Violets are blue
<p>Roses are red <br>
Violets are blue</p>
Strikethrough à la GitHub:
~~Mistaken text.~~
<p><del>Mistaken text.</del></p>
You can enable all of the currently supported extensions with {extensions: "all"}
. This is also
the default. If specifying multiple extensions, you must provide them as an array. Here
is a list of the current and planned options and extensions. I've chosen to use the
same naming scheme as the excellent Python Markdown library.
Extension | Description |
fenced_code_gfm | GFM fenced code blocks |
tables | Pretty tables! |
def_list | Definition lists |
attr_list | Special attributes list for headers and fenced code blocks |
footnotes | Footnotes |
smartypants | SmartyPants |
newlines | GFM newlines |
strikethrough | GFM strikethrough |
smart_strong | No strong emphasis in the middle of words |
abbr | Abbreviations |
fenced_code | PHP Markdown Extra fenced code blocks |
Option | Description |
table_class | Class added to all markdown tables. Useful when using frameworks like bootstrap. |
highlighter | Code highlighter. Must be one of highlight and prettify for now |
Italicized extensions are planned, and will be added in roughly the order shown
See PHP Markdown Extra's documentation for a more complete overview of syntax. In situations where it differs from how things are done on GitHub -- alignment of table headers, for instance -- I've chosen compatibility with gfm, which seems to be quickly becoming the most widely used markdown implementation.
Markdown Extra adds two new special characters, |
and :
, that can be escaped
by preceding them with \
. Doing so will cause the escaped character to be ignored when determining
the extent of code blocks and definition lists.