8000 GitHub - sjmoller/check_netatmo: Netatmo health check for Nagios
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    Nagios / OP5 plugin for checking values from your Netatmo Weatherstation.

    I have no relation with the Netatmo company. I wrote this because I needed something to notify me when my Netatmo needed service, like new batteries.


    1. Create an App at https://dev.netatmo.com/

      Save the client_id and client_secret in netatmo.conf JSON file. See example file.
      Store netatmo.conf as /usr/local/etc/netatmo.conf. Make sure it's only readable for the monitor user:

        chown monitor /usr/local/etc/netatmo.conf     (assuming your monitor user is 'monitor')
        chmod 400 /usr/local/etc/netatmo.conf
    1. Install check_netatmo in the monitor plugin directory.

    Configure Monitor

    1. Configure your monitor.

    Add "check_netatmo" as a new Command.

    command_name: check_netatmo
    command_line: $USER1$/check_netatmo $ARG1$

    When using Check_MK monitoring, add Netatmo as a host without IP and define a "Individual program call instead of agent access" datasource program.

    1. Define "Netatmo" host and services.

      • Add "Netatmo" as a host. Replace the host-alive check with

      check_netatmo -d 01:02:03:04:05:06 -a '{status}' -e ok

    2. Define Netatmo service checks

    Assuming one device and one Outdoor module (module 0), one rain gauge (module 1) and one wind gauge (module 2).
    See also https://dev.netatmo.com/resources/technical/reference/weather/getstationsdata for thresholds.
    Also https://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT for Nagios threshold parameter format.

    • Indoor timestamp:

      check_netatmo -d aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -a '{last_status_store}' -T -w3600 -c7200 -p '3600:7200' -m 'Indoor last seen %t ago'

    • Outdoor RF status:

      check_netatmo -d aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -M Outdoor -a '{rf_status}' -w120 -c150 -p '120:150:40:200'

    • Outdoor battery voltage:

      check_netatmo -d aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -M Outdoor -a '{battery_vp}' -w4500: -c4000: -p '4500:4000:3500:6500'

    • Outdoor timestamp:

      check_netatmo -d -d aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -M Outdoor -a '{last_seen}' -T -w3600 -c7200 -p '3600:7200' -m 'Outdoor last seen %t ago'

    • ... the same from rain and wind gauge, just with module name 'Rain Gauge' or 'Wind Gauge'

    • WIFI status:

      check_netatmo -d aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -a '{wifi_status}' -w75 -c86 -p '75:86:40:100'

    If you prefer, you can also check battery using percent:

    check_netatmo -d aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -a '{battery_percent}' -w12: -c6: -p '12:6:0:100'

    Exotic checks can also be done:
    Give a warning if wind angle is between 220 and 280, and a critical if wind angle is between 281 and 330

    check_netatmo -d aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff -M 'Wind Gauge' -a '{dashboard_data}->{WindAngle}' -w@220:280 -c@281:330 -m 'Wind angle is %v degrees'

    See $HOME/var/netatmo/weatherstation.json for possible values to check. $HOME is the home for the user running your monitoring. Also see check_all_netatmo script used in CheckMK as an example.


    Usage: check_netatmo -a attr [-w INT:INT -c INT:INT -T -e equal-str -n not-equal-str -p perfdata -m message-template]
     -?, --usage
       Print usage information
     -h, --help
       Print detailed help screen
     -V, --version
       Print version information
       Read options from an ini file. See http://nagiosplugins.org/extra-opts
       for usage and examples.
     -d, --deviceid MAC-address
       You mush specify the MAC address of your Indoor module here.
     -M, --module module-name
       If accessing module data.
     -a, --attribute {attr}->{attr}->....
     -L, --label check_mk_service_label
       When used as a check_mk_agent plugin, use -L to specify check_mk format and service name.
     -w, --warning INT:INT
     -c, --critical INT:INT
     -T, --timestamp
       value is an epoch. Compare to epoch now (diff in seconds)
     -e, --equals str
       critical if not equal
     -n, --notequals str
       critical if equal
     -p, --perfdata [thresholds]
       Nagios performance data format: name=value[:warnlevel[:critlevel[:min[:max]]]]   Format defaults to "label=value"
       threshold:  warn[;crit[;min[;max]]] - example: -p '25:50:25:50'
     -m, --message message-template
       Format: 'Value %a is %v' or 'device seen %t ago'
       where %a is attribute name, %v is value and %t is duration
     -t, --timeout=INTEGER
       Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
     -v, --verbose
       Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
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