A Statistical Toolbox for QTL Analysis
is a package that makes it easier to perform
quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis in Julia. It consists of
three components streamline the QTL analysis workflow:
preprocessing, genome scans, and visualization.
Preprocessing: The preprocessing functions are designed to seamlessly import and convert genomic data into an efficient and memory-conservative format. This component also offers function capabilities for quickly calculating kinship matrices, ensuring data readiness for subsequent analysis phases.
Genome Scans: We provide the capabilities to perform a large number of univariate genome scans using
. For analyses involving multiple traits, we provide an interface toFlxQTL.jl
to analyze longitudinal traits and complex trait correlations. -
Visualization: The third component of the package offers plotting tools designed to visualize genome scans including eQTL scans using the
To install BigRiverQTL.jl
, you can use Julia's package manager. Here
is the command:
using Pkg
Contributions to BigRiverQTL.jl are welcome and appreciated. If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository, make your changes, and send us a pull request. If you have a question or think you have found a bug, please open an issue.
This example is also available as a notebook in the 'example' directory.< 9345 /p>
In this example, we will use a dataset available from the R/qtl2
package. Specifically, we will use the BXD dataset, which is obtained
from the GeneNetwork website.
You can download the BXD genotype data from the following link: Download BXD Genotype Data
# Libraries
using BigRiverQTL
using Plots
We assume that the data is stored in ..\data\BXD
# Data #
data_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "../data/BXD/");
file = joinpath(data_dir, "bxd.json");
Load bxd data using the function get_geneticstudydata()
# Load bxd data
data = get_geneticstudydata(file);
# The current version of `BigRiverQTL` does not have imputation functions.
# Remove the missing data
data = get_data_completecases(data);
# Data types
# gmap contains
# makers info
gInfo = data.gmap;
# phenotype info
pInfo = data.phenocov;
# phenotype values
pheno = data.pheno.val;
# We can get the genotype matrix using the following command.
# For computing reasons, we need to convert the geno matrix in Float64.
# One way to do it is to multiply by 1.0
geno = reduce(hcat, data.geno.val).*1.0;
# Preprocessing #
traitID = 1112;
pheno_y = pheno[:, traitID];
pheno_y2 = ones(length(pheno_y));
idx_not_missing = findall(!ismissing, pheno_y)
pheno_y2[idx_not_missing] = pheno_y[idx_not_missing];
# Kinship #
kinship = kinship_gs(geno,.99);
# Scan #
single_results_perms = scan(
permutation_test = true,
nperms = 1000,
# Plots #
# QTL plots
plot_QTL(single_results_perms, gInfo, mbColname = "Pos")
# Manhattan plots
plot_manhattan(single_results_perms, gInfo, mbColname = "Pos")