Verifies the secret that is sent in GitHub Webhooks. The secret
will be used as the key to generate the HMAC hex digest value in the X-Hub-Signature
$ npm install --save verify-github-webhook-secret
or if you use Yarn ๐
$ yarn add verify-github-webhook-secret
The exported function needs a http.IncomingMessage and your personal secret
string. It returns a Promise that fulfills with a boolean if the received secret is valid or not.
You can use it for example with micro as follows:
import micro from "micro";
import { verifySecret } from "verify-github-webhook-secret";
const server = micro(async (req) => {
const valid = await verifySecret(req, "my-secret");
return valid ? "Allowed" : "Not allowed";
Another way to call the function is directly with the HTTP body and the x-hub-signature
HTTP header. This is useful in an scenario where you don't have an IncomingMessage
like in some serverless environments.
import { verifySecret } from "verify-github-webhook-secret";
async function myFunc() {
const valid = await verifySecret('{"foo":"bar"}', "my-secret", "sha1=30a233839fe2ddd9233c49fd593e8f1aec68f553");
return valid ? "Allowed" : "Not allowed";