IpToCountry server for Unreal Tournament servers
- Node.js v14 or greater
- Extract the contents of the archive.
- Open command prompt.
- Type npm install This will install all dependencies.
- You can specify a different port in app.mjs defaults to 1999.
- You can also specify a default country code for people that don't have one(lan users, and unknown ip locations) by changing the variable defaultCountryCode to a two letter country code such as us. Defaults to "" aka Unknown
- Go to the folder called ipToCOuntryMutator in the archive.
- Place ipToCountry.u and ipToCountry_AOL.u in your Unreal Tournament System folder.
- Place CountryFlags2.utx in your UnrealTournament Textures folder.
- Add the following lines to the [Engine.GameEngine] block in UnrealTournament.ini
- Restart Server
- Open IpToCountry.ini in your Unreal Tournament System folder.
- QueryServerHost should be set to your website host not your ut server host unless they are on the same machine. e.g www.example.com
- QueryServerFilePath should be set to /iptocountry
- QueryServerPort Should be set to the port specified in app.mjs(1999 by default)
- Restart Server
- In the directory you installed the archive open the command prompt.
- Type the command node app.mjs to start the service.