Listview Wrapper for B4A (Basic4Android) Requires List or Cursor Adapter - JSDataAdapter
==Copy .jar, .xml to your additional library folder==
The provided sample (source) (Generic Sample folder) requires additional library:
- AppCompat
- Picasso
- SQLiteDatabase (private, use SQL library instead)
You can find the additional library in B4A Forum
'sample list from json file
Dim json As JSONParser
json.Initialize(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "drug_list.json"))
Dim dataSource As List = json.NextArray
'initialize adapter
adapter.Initialize("adapter", dataSource)
'Initialize JSListView2 and set the adapter
Dim LV As JSListView2
Activity.AddView(LV, 0dip, 0dip, 100%x, 100%y)
LV.Adapter = Adapter
- click/ripple effect on the item will not work if your viewholder.container contains buttons.
- Click event will also not be triggered if your viewholder.container contains buttons.
- How to click items when your viewholder.container contains buttons?
- How to handle the events of my views (buttons, label, imageview, etc) inside viewholder.container? - *on the
_onBindView(position As Int, viewHolder As JSViewHolder)
of your adapter, just remember the position and set it to tag property of your views - (checkout With Button Sample project) *
btnMinus.Tag = position
Sub btnMinus_Click
Dim btn As Button = Sender
Dim position As Int = btn.Tag
Dim mapData As Map = adapter.getItem(position)
Dim qty As Int = mapData.Get("quantity")
' modify data
qty = qty - 1
mapData.Put("quantity", qty)
adapter.ItemUpdateAt(position, mapData)
End Sub