rezip - rezip file into other format (.lz)
Unzip and zip again input files into specified format. Unless it is requested by -f, directories and .zip files are kept alongside the rezipped file. Default target format is .lz.
Zipped repositories are automatically renamed to the repo-date.tar with the date of the last modification in the repo.
-h This help.
-n No zip.
-f Force delete directories and .zip files after rezipping.
-lz Lzip format.
-bz2 Bzip2 format.
-zst Zstd format.
directories input
.gz/.tgz/.Z input
.bz2 input/output
.xz input
.lz input/output
.zst input/output
.zip input
perl,tar essential
coreutils essential (stat,du,ls,mkdir,mv,rm,nice)
gunzip for .gz handling
unzip for .zip handling
unxz for .xz handling
bzip2/bunzip2 for .bz2 handling
lzip/lunzip for .lz handling
zstd/unzstd for .zst handling
Put the rezip file into your /bin or ~/bin.
rezip file.tgz # to rezip given file
rezip * # to rezip all files/dirs in current directory
rezip.0.4 (c) R.Jaksa 2020, GPLv3