An implementation of SPARQL for RDF.rb.
- 100% free and unencumbered public domain software.
- Complete SPARQL 1.1 Query parsing and execution
- SPARQL results as XML, JSON, CSV, TSV or HTML.
- SPARQL CONSTRUCT or DESCRIBE serialized based on Format, Extension of Mime Type using available RDF Writers (see Linked Data)
- SPARQL Client for accessing remote SPARQL endpoints (via sparql-client).
- SPARQL 1.1 Protocol (via {SPARQL::Server}).
- SPARQL 1.1 Update
- Rack and Sinatra middleware to perform HTTP content negotiation for result formats
- Compatible with any Rack or Sinatra application and any Rack-based framework.
- Helper method for describing SPARQL Service Description
- Helper method for setting up datasets as part of the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol.
- Implementation Report: {file:etc/earl.html EARL}
- Compatible with Ruby >= 3.0.
- Supports Unicode query strings both on all versions of Ruby.
- Provisional support for SPARQL 1.2.
The {SPARQL} gem implements SPARQL 1.1 Query, and SPARQL 1.1 Update, and provides Rack and Sinatra middleware to provide results using HTTP Content Negotiation and to support SPARQL 1.1 Protocol.
- {SPARQL::Grammar} implements a SPARQL 1.1 Query and SPARQL 1.1 Update parser generating SPARQL S-Expressions (SSE).
- {SPARQL::Algebra} executes SSE against Any
, including compliant RDF.rb repository adaptors such as RDF::DO and RDF::Mongo. - {Rack::SPARQL} and {Sinatra::SPARQL} provide middleware components to format results using an appropriate format based on HTTP content negotiation.
- {SPARQL::Server} implements the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol using {Sinatra::SPARQL}.
SPARQL 1.1 Query Extensions and Limitations
The {SPARQL} gem uses the SPARQL 1.1 Query {file:etc/sparql11.html EBNF grammar}, which provides much more capability than SPARQL 1.0, but has a few limitations:
- The format for decimal datatypes has changed in RDF 1.1; they may no longer have a trailing ".", although they do not need a leading digit.
- BNodes may now include extended characters, including ".".
The SPARQL gem now implements the following SPARQL 1.1 Query operations:
- Functions
- Aggregates
- Subqueries
- Inline Data
- Inline Data
- Exists
- Negation
- Property Paths
The gem also includes the following SPARQL 1.1 Update operations:
Not supported:
- Federated Query,
- Entailment Regimes, and
- Graph Store HTTP Protocol but the closely related Linked Data Platform implemented in rdf-ldp supports these use cases.
Starting with version 1.1.2, the SPARQL gem uses the 1.1 version of the RDF.rb, which adheres to RDF 1.1 Concepts rather than RDF 1.0. The main difference is that there is now no difference between a Simple Literal (a literal with no datatype or language) and a Literal with datatype xsd:string; this causes some minor differences in the way in which queries are understood, and when expecting different results.
Additionally, queries now take a block, or return an Enumerator
; this is in keeping with much of the behavior of RDF.rb methods, including Queryable#query
, and with version 1.1 or RDF.rb, Query#execute. As a consequence, all queries which used to be of the form query.execute(repository)
may equally be called as repository.query(query)
. Previously, results were returned as a concrete class implementing RDF::Queryable
or RDF::Query::Solutions
, these are now Enumerators
The gem supports some of the extensions proposed by the SPARQL Dev Community Group. In particular, the following extensions are now implemented:
- SEP-0002: better support for Durations, Dates, and Times
- This includes full support for
, andxsd:yearMonthDuration
along with associated XPath/XQuery functions including a newADJUST
builtin. (Note: This feature is subject to change or elimination as the standards process progresses.)
- This includes full support for
- SEP-0003: Property paths with a min/max hop
- This includes support for non-counting path forms such as
to match the union of pathsrdf:rest
, andrdf:rest/rdf:rest/rdf:rest
. (Note: This feature is subject to change or elimination as the standards process progresses.)
- This includes support for non-counting path forms such as
Extension functions may be defined, which will be invoked during query evaluation. For example:
# Register a function using the IRI <https://rubygems#crypt>
crypt_iri = RDF::URI("https://rubygems#crypt")
SPARQL::Algebra::Expression.register_extension(crypt_iri) do |literal|
raise TypeError, "argument must be a literal" unless literal.literal?
Then, use the function in a query:
PREFIX rsp: <https://rubygems#>
PREFIX schema: <>
SELECT ?crypted
[ schema:email ?email]
BIND(rsp:crypt(?email) AS ?crypted)
See {SPARQL::Algebra::Expression.register_extension} for details.
A call to execute a parsed query can include pre-bound variables, which cause queries to be executed with matching variables bound as defined. Variable pre-binding can be done using a Hash structure, or a Query Solution. See Query with Binding example and {SPARQL::Algebra::Query#execute}.
The gem supports SPARQL 1.2 where patterns may include sub-patterns recursively, for a kind of Reification.
For example, the following Turtle* file uses a statement as the subject of another statement:
@prefix : <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
:bob foaf:name "Bob" .
<<:bob foaf:age 23>> ex:certainty 0.9 .
This can be queried using the following query:
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?age ?c WHERE {
?bob foaf:name "Bob" .
<<?bob foaf:age ?age>> ex:certainty ?c .
This treats <<:bob foaf:age 23>>
as a subject resource, and the pattern <<?bob foaf:age ?age>>
to match that resource and bind the associated variables.
Note: This feature is subject to change or elimination as the standards process progresses.
There is an alternate syntax using the BIND
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE {
?bob foaf:name "Bob" .
BIND( <<?bob foaf:age ?age>> AS ?a ) .
?t ?b ?c .
When binding, the triple can be either in Property Graph (:PG
) or Separate Assertions (:SA
) mode, as the query matches based on the pattern matching as a subject (or object) and does not need to be specifically asserted in the graph. When parsing in Property Graph mode, such triples will also be added to the enclosing graph. Thus, querying for <<?bob foaf:age ?age>>
and ?bob foaf:age ?age
may not represent the same results.
When binding an embedded triple to a variable, it is the matched triples which are bound, not the pattern. Thus, the example above with SELECT ?a ?b ?c
would end up binding ?a
to :bob foaf:name 23
As well as a CONSTRUCT
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
?bob foaf:name "Bob" .
<<?bob foaf:age ?age>> ?b ?c .
?bob foaf:name "Bob" .
<<?bob foaf:age ?age>> ?b ?c .
Note that results can be serialized only when the format supports [SPARQL 1,2][].
The SPARQL results formats are extended to serialize quoted triples as described for RDF4J:
"head" : {
"vars" : ["a", "b", "c"]
"results" : {
"bindings": [
{ "a" : {
"type" : "triple",
"value" : {
"s" : {"value" : "", "type": "uri"},
"p" : {"value" : "", "type": "uri"},
"o" : {
"value" : "23",
"type" : "literal",
"datatype" : ""
"b": {"value": "", "type": "uri"},
"c" : {
"value" : "0.9",
"type" : "literal",
"datatype" : ""
{Rack::SPARQL} is a superset of Rack::LinkedData to allow content negotiated results
to be returned any RDF::Enumerable
or an enumerator extended with RDF::Query::Solutions
compatible results.
You would typically return an instance of RDF::Graph
, RDF::Repository
or an enumerator extended with RDF::Query::Solutions
from your Rack application, and let the Rack::SPARQL::ContentNegotiation
take care of serializing your response into whatever format the HTTP
client requested and understands.
Content negotiation also transforms application/x-www-form-urlencoded
to either application/sparql-query
or application/sparql-update
as appropriate for SPARQL 1.1 Protocol.
{Sinatra::SPARQL} is a thin Sinatra-specific wrapper around the
{Rack::SPARQL} middleware, which implements SPARQL
content negotiation for Rack applications. {Sinatra::SPARQL} also supports
SPARQL 1.1 Service Description (via {Sinatra::SPARQL::Helpers.service_description} and protocol-based dataset mangement via {Sinatra::SPARQL::Helpers.dataset} for default-graph-uri
and named-graph-uri
The using-graph-uri
and using-named-graph-uri
query parameters are managed through {SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Modify#execute}.
The middleware queries RDF.rb for the MIME content types of known RDF serialization formats, so it will work with whatever serialization extensions that are currently available for RDF.rb. (At present, this includes support for N-Triples, N-Quads, Turtle, RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, JSON-LD, RDFa, TriG and TriX.)
A simple Sinatra-based server is implemented in {SPARQL::Server.application} using {Rack::SPARQL} and {Sinatra::SPARQL} completes the implementation of SPARQL 1.1 Protocol and can be used to compose a server including other capabilities.
A SPARQL query containing FROM
(also UPDATE
) will load the referenced IRI unless the repository already contains a graph with that same IRI. This is performed using RDF.rb RDF::Util::File.open_file
passing HTTP Accept headers for various available RDF formats. For best results, require Linked Data to enable a full set of RDF formats in the GET
request. Also, consider overriding RDF::Util::File.open_file
with an implementation with support for HTTP Get headers (such as Net::HTTP
Queries using datasets are re-written to use the identified graphs for FROM
by filtering the results, allowing the use of a repository that contains many graphs without confusing information.
may be used on it's own, or in conjunction with {Rack::SPARQL} or {Sinatra::SPARQL}
to provide content-negotiated query results. For basic SELECT
and ASK
this includes HTML, XML, CSV, TSV and JSON formats.
create an RDF::Graph
, which can be serialized through HTTP Content Negotiation
using available RDF writers. For best results, require Linked Data to enable
a full set of RDF formats.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sparql'
queryable = RDF::Repository.load("etc/doap.ttl")
query = SPARQL.parse("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }")
queryable.query(query) do |result|
queryable = RDF::Repository.load("etc/doap.ttl")
query = SPARQL.parse("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }")
query.execute(queryable) do |result|
queryable = RDF::Repository.load("etc/doap.ttl")
update = SPARQL.parse(%(
PREFIX doap: <>
INSERT DATA { <https://rubygems> doap:implements <>}
), update: true)
queryable = RDF::Repository.load("etc/doap.ttl")
solutions = SPARQL.execute("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", queryable)
solutions.to_json #to_xml #to_csv #to_tsv #to_html
query = SPARQL.parse("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }")
query.to_sxp #=> (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))
# Note: if the SSE uses extension functions, they either must be XSD casting functions, or custom functions which are registered extensions. (See [SPARQL Extension Functions](#sparql-extension-functions))
query = SPARQL::Algebra.parse(%{(bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))})
sparql = query.to_sparql #=> "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"
bindings = {page: RDF::URI("")}
queryable = RDF::Repository.load("etc/doap.ttl")
query = SPARQL.parse(%(
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?person
?person foaf:homepage ?page .
solutions = query.execute(queryable, bindings: bindings)
solutions.to_sxp #=> (((person <>)))
sparql execute --dataset etc/doap.ttl etc/from_default.rq
sparql execute --dataset etc/doap.ttl -e "SELECT * FROM <etc/doap.ttl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"
# Generate SPARQL Algebra Expression (SSE) format
sparql parse etc/input.rq
sparql parse -e "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"
# Generate SPARQL Query from SSE
sparql parse --sse etc/input.sse --format sparql
sparql parse --sse --format sparql -e "(dataset (<etc/doap.ttl>) (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))"
# Run query using SSE input
sparql execute --dataset etc/doap.ttl --sse etc/input.sse
sparql execute --sse -e "(dataset (<etc/doap.ttl>) (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))"
# Run a local SPARQL server using a dataset
sparql server etc/doap.ttl
# config/application.rb
require 'rack/sparql'
class Application < Rails::Application
config.middleware.use Rack::SPARQL::ContentNegotiation
#!/usr/bin/env rackup
require 'rack/sparql'
repository = do |graph|
graph << [, RDF::Vocab::DC.title, "Hello, world!"]
results = SPARQL.execute("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", repository)
use Rack::SPARQL::ContentNegotiation
run lambda { |env| [200, {}, results] }
# Sinatra example
# Call as http://localhost:4567/sparql?query=uri,
# where `uri` is the URI of a SPARQL query, or
# a URI-escaped SPARQL query, for example:
# http://localhost:4567/?query=SELECT%20?s%20?p%20?o%20WHERE%20%7B?s%20?p%20?o%7D
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/sparql'
require 'uri'
get '/' do
settings.sparql_options.replace(standard_prefixes: true)
repository = do |graph|
graph << [, RDF::Vocab::DC.title, "Hello, world!"]
if params["query"]
query = params["query"].to_s.match(/^http:/) ? RDF::Util::File.open_file(params["query"]) : ::URI.decode(params["query"].to_s)
SPARQL.execute(query, repository)
settings.sparql_options.merge!(prefixes: {
ssd: "",
void: ""
service_description(repo: repository)
Find more examples in {SPARQL::Grammar} and {SPARQL::Algebra}.
Full documentation available on
- {SPARQL::Algebra}
- {SPARQL::Algebra::Expression}
- {SPARQL::Algebra::Query}
- {SPARQL::Algebra::Operator}
- {SPARQL::Grammar}
- {SPARQL::Grammar::Parser}
- {SPARQL::Algebra}
- {Sinatra::SPARQL}
- {Rack::SPARQL}
- {Rack::SPARQL::ContentNegotiation}
- Ruby (>= 3.0)
- RDF.rb (~> 3.3)
- SPARQL::Client (~> 3.3)
- SXP (~> 2.0)
- Builder (~> 3.2)
- JSON (~> 2.6)
- Soft dependency on Linked Data (>= 3.3)
- Soft dependency on Nokogiri (~> 1.15) Falls back to REXML for XML parsing Builder for XML serializing. Nokogiri is much more efficient
- Soft dependency on Equivalent XML (>= 0.6) Equivalent XML performs more efficient comparisons of XML Literals when Nokogiri is included
- Soft dependency on Rack (~> 2.2)
- Soft dependency on Sinatra (~> 2.1)
The recommended installation method is via RubyGems.
To install the latest official release of the SPARQL
gem, do:
% [sudo] gem install sparql
To get a local working copy of the development repository, do:
% git clone git://
- Gregg Kellogg -
- Arto Bendiken -
- Pius Uzamere -
This repository uses Git Flow to mange development and release activity. All submissions must be on a feature branch based on the develop branch to ease staging and integration.
- Do your best to adhere to the existing coding conventions and idioms.
- Don't use hard tabs, and don't leave trailing whitespace on any line.
- Do document every method you add using YARD annotations. Read the tutorial or just look at the existing code for examples.
- Don't touch the
files. If you need to change them, do so on your private branch only. - Do feel free to add yourself to the
file and the corresponding list in the theREADME
. Alphabetical order applies. - Do note that in order for us to merge any non-trivial changes (as a rule of thumb, additions larger than about 15 lines of code), we need an explicit public domain dedication on record from you, which you will be asked to agree to on the first commit to a repo within the organization. Note that the agreement applies to all repos in the Ruby RDF organization.
This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying {file:UNLICENSE}.
A copy of the SPARQL EBNF and derived parser files are included in the repository, which are not covered under the UNLICENSE. These files are covered via the W3C Document License.
A copy of the SPARQL 1.0 tests and SPARQL 1.1 tests are also included in the repository, which are not covered under the UNLICENSE; see the references for test copyright information.