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What is Tree++?

Tree++ is a C++17 template library that implements algorithms for working with:

What is AVL Tree?

AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree that supports insertion, erasure and lookup of an element with O(log(n)) complexity, where n is the total number of elements stored in the tree. It is described in detail on Wikipedia and many other internet resources.

What is indexed AVL Tree?

An indexed AVL tree is an AVL tree that in addition to all the operations supported by simple AVL trees supports lookup of an element by its index with O(log(n)) complexity. By index here we mean the ordinal number of an element (node) when traversing the tree in ascending order, that is from left to right. For a tree with n nodes, the leftmost node has index 0, whereas the rightmost node's index is n-1, exactly as is customary in the C++ standard library containers, e.g. std::vector.

What is Offset Tree?

An offset tree is a slightly modified binary search tree whose elements (nodes) are ordered by their offsets. Offsets from what point? Does not matter indeed. Offset is just a numeric spatial characteristic that describes how nodes are stored one after another. Like any balanced binary search tree an offset tree supports insertion of a node at the specified offset, erasure of a node and lookup by offset. All these operations have O(log(n)) complexity. But besides these, it can shift all nodes or a butch of nodes also in O(log(n)). By shifting nodes we mean incrementing or decrementing their offsets. Basically you can shift all nodes staring from some node to the right or to the left by a specified value. It is called shifting the suffix. A suffix starting with the leftmost node represents the entire tree.

Where does Offset Tree help?

Here is an example illustrating a problem solvable with offset tree. Consider there is a long list of items we have to display. The items might be, for example, e-mail messages, chat messages, images or something like that. Let us call them widgets. Widgets are placed one after another back-to-back. That is, where one widget ends, the next one begins. The list is too long and does not fit our screen, so we have to display only the part of the list that intersects the viewport.

List of widgets and viewport

                              |                         Viewport                   |
              |               |  |        |                  |                     |
  Widget i-2  |    Widget i-1 |  |Widget i|    Widget i+1    |       Widget i+2    |
              |               |  |        |                  |                     |
                              |                                                    |

We have to find the leftmost widget that hits the viewport, render it and then iterate over the list rendering each subsequent widget until we find a widget, which is completely out of the viewport, or the list ends. In the picture above the widgets to be rendered are widgets from i-1 to i+2 inclusively. Widgets have different sizes.

How to solve this problem? Well, we can store the widgets (or pointers to them) in, for instance, std::vector in ascending order. Then we'll employ std::lower_bound to find the leftmost widget that hits the viewport and begin rendering from it. Alternatively we can instantiate std::map that will map offsets to widgets.

The proposed solution works perfectly well if the content of the list is static. But what if it is not? Consider, for example, insertion of a new widget somewhere in the middle of the list, or erasure of an arbitrary widget. Since we need the widgets to be placed back-to-back, we have to shift the suffix - all elements to the right of the newly inserted of erased one. The same applies to the resize operation. If a widget changes its size, all the following widgets will have to be shifted. Inserting a new widget at the front of the list requires the entire list to be shifted. With std::vector shifting a suffix has linear complexity in the size of the suffix being shifted. Does std::map solve the problem better? No, with it things get even worser, since it does not allow modifying keys of the stored elements. With map all the elements representing the suffix will have to be erased and then inserted back with the new offsets.

Offset tree solves this task in the logarithmic complexity, it can shift a suffix without updating all the nodes comprising it.

How does Offset Tree work?

First off, let us consider the solution with a vanilla binary search tree ordered by offsets of the items. It is by no means better than the solution with std::vector or something similar, because to shift all nodes starting from some of them we still need to visit all of them and update their offsets.

But offset tree is a little different. It does not store offsets explicitly. Instead, it stores so-called relative (or implicit) offsets. The relative offset of a node represents the offset of the node from the ancestry node in whose right subtree the node resides. If no such ancestry node exists (for example, the root and the leftmost nodes do not have such ancestors) the absolute offset is stored within the node.

Binary search Tree and Offset Tree corresponding to it

                                |  55 |
                               /       \
                              /         \
                    +--------+           +---------+
                   /                                \
                  /                                  \
              +--+--+                              +--+--+
              |  30 |                              |  75 |
              +-----+                              +-----+
             /       \                            /       \
            /         \                          /         \
           /           \                        /           \ 
          /             \                      /             \
         /               \                    /               \
     +--+--+           +--+--+            +--+--+           +--+--+
     |  20 |           |  45 |            |  65 |           |  85 |
     +-----+           +-----+            +-----+           +-----+
    /       \         /       \          /       \         /       \
+--+--+   +--+--+ +--+--+   +--+--+  +--+--+   +--+--+ +--+--+   +--+--+
|  10 |   |  25 | |  40 |   |  50 |  |  60 |   |  70 | |  80 |   |  90 |
+-----+   +-----+ +-----+   +-----+  +-----+   +-----+ +-----+   +-----+

                                |  55 |
                               /       \
                              /         \
                    +--------+           +---------+
                   /                                \
                  /                                  \
              +--+--+                              +--+--+
              |  30 |                              | +20 |
              +-----+                              +-----+
             /       \                            /       \
            /         \                          /         \
           /           \                        /           \ 
          /             \                      /             \
         /               \                    /               \
     +--+--+           +--+--+            +--+--+           +--+--+
     |  20 |           | +15 |            | +10 |           | +10 |
     +-----+           +-----+            +-----+           +-----+
    /       \         /       \          /       \         /       \
+--+--+   +--+--+ +--+--+   +--+--+  +--+--+   +--+--+ +--+--+   +--+--+
|  10 |   |  +5 | | +10 |   |  +5 |  |  +5 |   |  +5 | |  +5 |   |  +5 |
+-----+   +-----+ +-----+   +-----+  +-----+   +-----+ +-----+   +-----+

Nodes that store relative offsets are marked with +.The picture exhibits that only nodes at the left edge contain their real (absolute) offsets.

This trick makes the deal. Now to shift all nodes starting from some node we do not need to update offsets stored in all these nodes. We only have to update the offset of the first node and then walk to the root node. During the walk if we come to a node from its left subtree, the offset of the node is to be updated. The amount of the required computations is proportional to the height of the tree. For balanced trees it yields the complexity logarithmic in the size of the tree.

How to use Tree++?

Tree++ is a template library, all i 9E88 ts functionality resides in header files. All the functional headers are placed at c++/main/inc, just add this folder to the list of include paths of your project. No need to build Tree++ separately.

Tree++ does not implement a tree or any data structure at all. Instead, it implements algorithms - template functions that work with trees. You need to define a node class and a tree class that meet the specific requirements. This is essentially the same as concepts, but in C++17. This documentation contains a very detailed step-by-step instruction on how to define the node class and the tree class.

By implementing algorithms instead of data structures Tree++ provides high degree of flexibility. It is you to decide how to organize nodes and trees. Meantime this flexibility entails the necessity to write quite a bit of boilerplate code. This code is simple, typically does not contain any logic and represents a bunch of accessor and setter methods, but still needs to be written. This is OK, because the primary intention of Tree++ is to be a building block for higher level classes. For example, with Tree++ you can easily implement std::map and std::set, but not only them.

The documentation is quite detailed, I tried to write it well, with details and examples, and hope you will enjoy the reading. The folder c++/examples contains several ready-to-use examples. They do not cover all the functionality of the library, whereas this documentation does. There is also a bunch of unit tests that cover the entire functionality of Tree++. They can help understand how to use the library. But reading the test code is not a piece of cake, I'd better read the documentation.

How to implement a Tree

To implement a tree you have to define a class for the tree node and a class for the tree itself. The next sections contain a step-by-step instruction on how to define such classes for a simple AVL tree. To make your AVL tree indexed read here. To make offset tree atop of your AVL tree read here.

Common enums

These enums are used throughout the library.


Declared in header <treexx/compare_result.hh>

namespace treexx
  enum class Compare_result : char unsigned
    equal = 0u,


Declared in header <treexx/bin/side.hh>

namespace treexx::bin
  enum class Side : char unsigned
    left = 0u,


Declared in header <treexx/bin/avl/balance.hh>

namespace treexx::bin::avl
  enum class Balance : char unsigned
    poised = 0u, // The subtree is balanced.
    overright,   // The subtree rooted at the right child is higher.
    overleft     // The subtree rooted at the left child is higher.

Node class

Node class is to store per node data:

  • Pointer to parent
  • Pointers to children
  • Balance of the subtree rooted at this node
  • Side that indicates how the node relates to its parent, whether it is the left or the right child of the parent
  • Whatever user-defined value per node


#include <treexx/bin/side.hh>
#include <treexx/bin/avl/balance.hh>

template<class Value>
struct My_node
  using Side = ::treexx::bin::Side;
  using Balance = ::treexx::bin::avl::Balance;

  My_node* parent = nullptr;
  My_node* left_child = nullptr;
  My_node* right_child = nullptr;
  Balance balance = Balance::poised;
  Side side = Side::left;
  Value value;

Please note that this is only an example. The node fields are not accessed directly by the Tree++ algorithms. Instead Tree++ accesses or modifies them through the appropriate methods defined in the Tree class. It basically means that it is you to decide how to store the information in the node class. For example, side and balance can be stored in bit fields, or in the least significant bits of pointers, which are always zeros because of the alignment. Nothing is imposed!

Node pointer

Node pointer does not have to be a C++ pointer, though it typically is.


template<class Value>
using My_node_pointer = My_node<Value>*; // Might be a user-defined class.

To implement a user-defined node pointer read here.

Tree class

Tree class is to store per tree data, like pointers to the root node, the leftmost and the rightmost nodes. The stored data is never accessed by Tree++ directly. The tree class has to implement methods for accessing and modifying per tree data as wel as per node data.

Example of Tree data

template<class Value>
struct Tree
  My_node_pointer<Value> root_node_ptr_ = nullptr;
  My_node_pointer<Value> leftmost_node_ptr_ = nullptr;
  My_node_pointer<Value> rightmost_node_ptr_ = nullptr;

Methods to access and modify the root Node


template<class Value>
struct Tree
  My_node_pointer<Value> const& root() noexcept
    return root_node_ptr_;

  void set_root(My_node_pointer<Value> const& node_ptr) noexcept
    root_node_ptr_ = node_ptr;

Return type of the root() method is used to infer the Node_pointer type. It is basically a decay of this return type:

template<class Tree>
using Node_pointer = std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<Tree>().root())>;

Method to convert Node pointer to Node address

Node pointer type does not have to be a C++ pointer. Alternatively it, for example, can store index of the node in a pool of nodes or an offset in a movable memory block. To get address of a node from its pointer Tree++ invokes the method address of the tree class.


template<class Value>
struct Tree
  My_node<Value>* address(My_node_pointer<Value> const& node_ptr) noexcept
    return node_ptr;

For a user-defined pointer class this method might have more complex implementation.
This method might be static, but this is not mandated.

Return type of the address method is used to infer the Node type:

template<class Tree>
using Node = std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_pointer_t<std::decay_t<
  decltype(std::declval<Tree>().address(std::declval<Node_pointer<Tree> const&>()))>>>;

Methods to access and modify the leftmost and the rightmost Nodes


template<class Value>
struct Tree
  template<Side side>
  My_node_pointer<Value> const& extreme() noexcept
    if constexpr(Side::left == side)
      return leftmost_node_ptr_;
    else if constexpr(Side::right == side)
      return rightmost_node_ptr_;

  template<Side side>
  void set_extreme(My_node_pointer<Value> const& node_ptr) noexcept
    if constexpr(Side::left == side)
      leftmost_node_ptr_ = node_ptr;
    else if constexpr(Side::right == side)
      rightmost_node_ptr_ = node_ptr;

Methods to access and modify Node parent


template<class Value>
struct Tree
  My_node_pointer<Value> const& parent(My_node<Value> const& node) noexcept
    return node.parent;

  void set_parent(
    My_node<Value>& node,
    My_node_pointer<Value> const& parent_ptr) noexcept
    node.parent = parent_ptr;

These methods might be static, but this is not mandated.

Methods to access and modify Node children


template<class Value>
struct Tree
  template<Side side>
  My_node_pointer<Value> const& child(My_node<Value> const& node) noexcept
    if constexpr(Side::left == side)
      return node.left_child;
    else if constexpr(Side::right == side)
      return node.right_child;

  template<Side side>
  void set_child(
    My_node<Value>& node,
    My_node_pointer<Value> const& child_ptr) noexcept
    if constexpr(Side::left == side)
      node.left_child = child_ptr;
    else if constexpr(Side::right == side)
      node.right_child = child_ptr;

These methods might be static, but this is not mandated.

Methods to access and modify Node balance


#include <treexx/bin/avl/balance.hh>

template<class Value>
struct Tree
  using Balance = ::treexx::bin::avl::Balance;

  Balance balance(My_node<Value> const& node) noexcept
    return node.balance;

  void set_balance(My_node<Value>& node, Balance const balance) noexcept
    node.balance = balance;

These methods might be static, but this is not mandated.

Methods to access and modify Node side


#include <treexx/bin/side.hh>

template<class Value>
struct Tree
  using Side = ::treexx::bin::Side;

  Side side(My_node<Value> const& node) noexcept
    return node.side;

  void set_side(My_node<Value>& node, Side const side) noexcept
    node.side = side;

These methods might be static, but this is not mandated.

Method to swap auxiliary information stored in Node

The swap_aux() method is meant to swap auxiliary information stored in two tree nodes. The information includes balance, side and optionally stored index and offset if the tree is indexed or an offset tree respectively.


#include <algorithm>

template<class Value>
struct Tree
  void swap_aux(My_node<Value>& node_x, My_node<Value>& node_y) noexcept
    std::swap(node_x.balance, node_y.balance);
    std::swap(node_x.side, node_y.side);
    std::swap(node_x.index, node_y.index); // For indexed tree.
    std::swap(node_x.offset, node_y.offset); // For offset tree.

This method is only needed for the nodes swapping functionality, see Swapping nodes. Other algorithms do not require this method to be implemented. This method might be static, but this is not mandated.

Making the Tree indexed

Defining Index type

To make the tree indexed you have to define Index type inside your tree class.


#include <cstddef>

using My_index = std::size_t;

template<class Value>
struct My_tree
  using Index = My_index;

Your can use any integral type for the index, or even a user-defined class that behaves like an integral type.

Storing index per node

Each node of an indexed tree has to store a value of type Index.


template<class Value>
struct My_node
  My_index index = 0u;

Note! The value stored inside the node is not the node's real index. It is so-called implicit index that is used for computing the real index.

Methods to access and modify indices stored in nodes

An indexed tree class has to implement methods for accessing and modifying index values stored within nodes.


template<class Value>
struct My_tree
  Index const& index(My_node<Value> const& node) noexcept
    return node.index;

  template<unsigned index>
  void set_index(My_node<Value>& node) noexcept
    node.index = static_cast<Index>(index);

  void set_index(My_node<Value>& node, Index const& index) noexcept
    node.index = index;

  void increment_index(My_node<Value>& node) noexcept

  void decrement_index(My_node<Value>& node) noexcept

  void add_to_index(My_node<Value>& node, Index const& increment) noexcept
    node.index += increment;

  void subtract_from_index(My_node<Value>& node, Index const& decrement) noexcept
    node.index -= decrement;

These methods might be static, but this is not mandated.

Method to instantiate Index

An indexed tree class has to implement a static method that instantiates Index with a compiled-time unsigned integral value.


template<class Value>
struct My_tree
  template<unsigned index>
  static Index make_index() noexcept
    return static_cast<Index>(index);

This method must be static.

Turning the Tree into Offset Tree

Defining Offset type

To make an offset tree you have to define Offset type inside your tree class.


using My_offset = double;

template<class Value>
struct My_tree
  using Offset = My_offset;

Your can use any arithmetic type for the offset, or even a user-defined class that behaves like an arithmetic type.

Storing offset per node

Each node of an offset tree has to store a value of type Offset.


template<class Value>
struct My_node
  My_offset offset = -1.0;

Note! The value stored inside the node is not the node's real offset. It is so-called implicit offset that is used for computing the real offset.

Methods to access and modify offsets stored in nodes

An offset tree class has to implement methods for accessing and modifying offset values stored within nodes.


template<class Value>
struct My_tree
  Offset const& offset(My_node<Value> const& node) noexcept
    return node.offset;

  void set_offset(My_node<Value>& node, Offset const& offset) noexcept
    node.offset = offset;

  void add_to_offset(My_node<Value>& node, Offset const& increment) noexcept
    node.offset += increment;

  void subtract_from_offset(My_node<Value>& node, Offset const& decrement) noexcept
    node.offset -= decrement;

These methods might be static, but this is not mandated.

Method to instantiate Offset

An offset tree class has to implement a static method that instantiates Offset with a compiled-time unsigned integral value.


template<class Value>
struct My_tree
  template<unsigned offset>
  static Offset make_offset() noexcept
    return static_cast<Offset>(offset);

This method must be static.
In fact Tree++ instantiates this template method with only 0 value.

Please note that an offset tree can be indexed. There is no problem combining these two pieces of functionality in ono tree class. To make an indexed offset tree you have to define both Index and Offset types within your tree class and implement all the methods described here and here.

Custom Node pointer class

As has already been stated node pointer type can be a user defined class. Such a class must be:

  • Default constructible
  • Copy constructible
  • Constructible with nullptr
  • Destructible
  • Copy assignable
  • Assignable from nullptr
  • Explicitly convertible to bool; used to detect whether a pointer is null
  • Equally comparable

Custom Node pointer Example

template<class T>
struct Pointer
  Pointer() = default;

  Pointer(std::nullptr_t const) noexcept :

  // Must be const!
  explicit operator bool() const noexcept
    return real_address_blah_blah ? true : false;

  Pointer& operator =(std::nullptr_t const) noexcept
    real_address_blah_blah = nullptr;
    return *this;

  // Must be capable of comparing const values!
  friend bool operator ==(Pointer const& x, Pointer const& y) noexcept
    return x.real_address_blah_blah == y.real_address_blah_blah;

  // This field may be named however you want,
  // the library  will never try to access it.
  T* real_address_blah_blah;

As you see the pointer class does not even need to be dereferencable. Tree++ never tries to dereference a pointer. Instead, it invokes the method address of the tree class to obtain addresses of nodes.

Note! User-defined node pointers allow the nodes to reside in movable memory. That is, two invocations of the address methods with the same node pointer can return different addresses. But please exercise caution when working with such trees. A library function may, for example, obtain the address of the root node by invoking the address method and then use the obtained address multiple times until the function returns. That is, nodes of a tree must not be moved in memory while an invocation of a Tree++ function is being carried out on that tree. Moving the nodes between calls to library functions is safe, because each call invokes the address method and obtains the actual address.



Lookup and insert

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree, class Compare, class Create_node>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::try_insert(
  Tree&& tree,
  Compare&& compare,
  Create_node&& create_node) -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Applicable only if the tree is not an offset tree.

Searches for a matching node using the provided compare function object. If the node is found in the tree, returns a pointer to that node. If no matching node is found, creates the node by invoking the create_node function object, inserts the newly created node at the spot where it should reside and returns a pointer to that node.

compare is a unary comparator. It is invoked with a reference to the node being examined for matching. It must return something that is implicitly convertible to treexx::Compare_result.

create_node gets invoked if and only if the matching node is not found. The invocation parameters are a pointer to the parent node and the side of the node being created. create_node must return a pointer to the created node, or something that is implicitly convertible to it.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.


using Value = int;
using Node = My_node<Value>;
using Node_pointer = My_node_pointer<Value>;
using treexx::Compare_result;
using treexx::bin::Side;
using treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo;

My_tree<Value> tree;
Value const value = 8377;

auto const compare = [&value](Node const& node) noexcept -> Compare_result
  if(node.value < value)
    return Compare_result::less;
  return value < node.value ?
    Compare_result::greater : Compare_result::equal;

bool inserted = false;
auto const create_node = [&value, &inserted](
  Node_pointer const& parent, Side const side) -> Node_pointer
  auto* const node = new Node;
  node->parent = parent;
  node->value = value;
  node->side = side;
  inserted = true;
  return node;

Tree_algo::try_insert(tree, compare, create_node);

  std::cout << "The value " << value << " has just been inserted";
  std::cout << "The value " << value << " already exists";

Insert before another Node

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::insert(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& spot_ptr,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr) noexcept;

Applicable only if the tree is not an offset tree.

Inserts the node pointed to by node_ptr right before the node pointed to by spot_ptr. The later one must either be present in the tree or be null, otherwise the behavior is undefined. If spot_ptr is null the node pointed to by node_ptr is placed at the rightmost position in the tree. The node being inserted must have been allocated beforehand. If node_ptr points to a node that is already present in the tree the behavior is undefined.

Amortized constant if the tree is not indexed. Logarithmic in the size of the tree in the worst case.

Insert at index

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::insert_at_index(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr,
  Index<Tree>::Type const& index) noexcept;

Applicable only if the tree is indexed and is not an offset tree.

Inserts the node pointed to by node_ptr at the specified index. The index must be less than the size of the tree. The node being inserted must have been allocated beforehand. If node_ptr points to a node that is already present in the tree the behavior is undefined.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Insert at offset

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::insert_at_offset(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr,
  Offset<Tree> const& offset) noexcept;

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::insert_at_offset(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr,
  Offset<Tree> const& offset,
  Offset<Tree> const& shift) noexcept;

Applicable only if the tree is an offset tree.

Inserts the node pointed to by node_ptr at the specified offset. The second version of this function accepts an additional parameter shift that instructs to right-shift all the nodes to the right of the offset by the specified value. The node being inserted must have been allocated beforehand. If node_ptr points to a node that is already present in the tree the behavior is undefined. If a node with the specified offset is already present in the tree, a positive shift must be provided. In such a case the node that previously resided at the offset (as well as all the nodes to the right of it) will be right-shifted by the value of shift. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Push back

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::push_back(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr) noexcept;

Applicable only if the tree is not an offset tree.

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::push_back(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr
  Offset<Tree> const& offset) noexcept;

Applicable only if the tree is an offset tree.

Inserts the node pointed to by node_ptr at the rightmost position in the tree. If the tree is an offset tree, an offset must be provided that specifies the offset of the node being inserted relative to the offset of the current rightmost node. If the tree is empty the offset is treated as the absolute offset of the first node being inserted into the tree. If the tree is not empty and the offset is not positive the behavior is undefined.
The node being inserted must have been allocated beforehand. If node_ptr points to a node that is already present in the tree the behavior is undefined.

Note! Draw attention at the fact that the specified offset is not an absolute offset. This delivers us from the need to compute the offset and decreases the computation complexity.

Amortized constant. Logarithmic in the size of the tree in the worst case.

Example with offset tree

using Value = int;
using Offset = My_offset;
using Node = My_node<Value>;
using treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo;

auto const push_back_offsets = {-10.5, 5.0, 8.5};

for(auto const& offset: push_back_offsets)
  auto node_ptr = std::make_unique<Node>();
  node_ptr->value = static_cast<Value>(offset * 2.0);
  Tree_algo::push_back(tree, node_ptr.release(), offset);

  [&tree](Node& node)
    Offset const node_offset = Tree_algo::node_offset(tree, node);
    std::cout <<
      "Node at offset " << node_offset <<
      " has value " << node.value << std::endl;


Node at offset -10.5 has value -21
Node at offset -5.5 has value 10
Node at offset 3 has value 17

Push front

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::push_front(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr) noexcept;

Applicable only if the tree is not an offset tree.

Inserts the node pointed to by node_ptr at the leftmost position in the tree. The node being inserted must have been allocated beforehand. If node_ptr points to a node that is already present in the tree the behavior is undefined.

Amortized constant if the tree is not indexed. Logarithmic in the size of the tree in the worst case.



Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::erase(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_ptr) noexcept;

Erases the node pointed to by node_ptr. The node must be present in the tree, otherwise the behavior is undefined.

Amortized constant if the tree is not indexed and not an offset tree. Logarithmic in the size of the tree in the worst case.

Pop back

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::pop_back(
  Tree&& tree) noexcept -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Erases the rightmost node from the tree and returns a pointer to that node. If the tree is empty the behavior is undefined.

Amortized constant. Logarithmic in the size of the tree in the worst case.

Pop front

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::pop_front(
  Tree&& tree) noexcept -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Erases the leftmost node from the tree and returns a pointer to that node. If the tree is empty the behavior is undefined.

Amortized constant if the tree is not indexed and not an offset tree. Logarithmic in the size of the tree in the worst case.


Defined in header <treexx/bin/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree, class Destroy>
void treexx::bin::Tree_algo::clear(
  Tree&& tree,
  Destroy&& destroy);

Traverses the tree visiting each node and invoking the destroy function object with pointers to the visited nodes. After the invocation of destroy with a pointer to a node, that node is never accessed during this call, therefore it is safe to deallocate the node inside the call to destroy.

Since this function can be applied not only to an AVL, but to any binary tree, it is placed inside the class treexx::bin::Tree_algo.

Linear in the size of the tree.


#include <treexx/bin/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Value>
struct My_tree
  void clear() noexcept
      [](auto const& node_ptr)
        delete node_ptr;
    root_node_ptr_ = nullptr;
    leftmost_node_ptr_ = nullptr;
    rightmost_node_ptr_ = nullptr;


Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<Side side, class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::shift_suffix(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node<Tree>& node,
  Offset<Tree> const& shift) noexcept;
template<class Tree>
void treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::shift_suffix(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node<Tree>& node,
  Offset<Tree> const& shift,
  Side side) noexcept;

Applicable only if the tree is an offset tree.

Shifts all nodes starting from the node in the direction specified by side, either to the left or to the right. If the node is not present in the tree the behavior is undefined.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Note! This function can break your offset tree if used incorrectly. When moving nodes too far to the left (or to the right by a negative shift value, which effectively means to the left) the ordering of the tree can get broken. If the shift results in a reordering of the nodes or two nodes at the same offset, the behavior is undefined.


Lookup by index

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::at_index(
  Tree&& tree,
  Index<Tree> const& index) -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Applicable only if the tree is indexed.

Searches for a node with the specified index. Returns a pointer to the node if it is found, otherwise returns null pointer.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.


The lookup functions accept comparators. A Comparator is a function object that returns an object of type treexx::Compare_result or something that is implicitly convertible to such object. The comparator is invoked with one, two or three arguments depending on the compile-time flags provided to the lookup function. These flags are:

  • with_node - The comparator's first argument is a reference to the node being examined.
  • with_index - The comparator's next argument is the node's index. This is the real (computed) index of the node, not just the value stored within it.
  • with_offset - The comparator's last argument is the node's offset. This is the real (computed) offset of the node, not just the value stored within it.

Of course with_index and with_offset flags apply only to indexed and offset trees respectively. Setting with_index to true when searching in a not indexed tree results in a compile-time error. The similar rule applies to the with_offset flag.

Binary search

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

  bool with_node = true,
  bool with_index = false,
  bool with_offset = false,
  class Tree,
  class Compare>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::binary_search(
  Tree&& tree,
  Compare&& compare) -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Searches for a node that compares equally, according to the compare comparator. If such a node is found, returns a pointer to it, otherwise returns null pointer. If the tree contains multiple nodes that fulfil the search criterion, returns a pointer to any of them. Meaning of the parameters with_node, with_index and with_offset is as described in the Comparator subsection.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Search by value example

#include <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree, class T>
auto find_by_value(Tree& tree, T const& x)
  using treexx::Compare_result;

  return treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::binary_search(
    [&x](auto const& node) -> Compare_result
      if(node.value < x)
        return Compare_result::less;
      return x < node.value ?
        Compare_result::greater :

Search by offset example

#include <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree, class T>
auto find_by_offset(Tree& tree, T const& offset)
  using treexx::Compare_result;

  return treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::binary_search<false, false, true>(
    [&offset](auto const& node_offset) -> Compare_result
      if(node_offset < offset)
        return Compare_result::less;
      return offset < node_offset ?
        Compare_result::greater :

Note! Do not use the exact search by offset if the offset has a floating point type. The computed real offset might slightly differ from the correct value because of the rounding error. Prefer Lower bound or employ an approximate comparison instead of the equality operator.

Lower bound

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

  bool with_node = true,
  bool with_index = false,
  bool with_offset = false,
  bool unique = false,
  class Tree,
  class Compare>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::lower_bound(
  Tree&& tree,
  Compare&& compare) -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Searches for the leftmost node that compares equally or greater, according to the compare comparator. If such a node is found, returns a pointer to it, otherwise returns null pointer. Meaning of the parameters with_node, with_index and with_offset is as described in the Comparator subsection. The unique hint if set to true indicates that there are no duplicates in the tree. This is a performance hint. If unique is true and lower_bound finds a node that compares equally, the search terminates and a pointer to that node is returned. Be careful with this hint. If it is set and the tree contains multiple nodes that fulfil the search criterion, a pointer to any of these nodes may be returned, whereas the correct behavior would be to return the leftmost one.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Search by offset example

#include <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree, class T>
auto lower_bound_by_offset(Tree& tree, T const& offset)
  using treexx::Compare_result;

  // The `unique` hint is set to true because each node has a unique offset.
  return treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::lower_bound<false, false, true, true>(
    [&offset](auto const& node_offset) -> Compare_result
      if(node_offset < offset)
        return Compare_result::less;
      return offset < node_offset ?
        Compare_result::greater :

Upper bound

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

  bool with_node = true,
  bool with_index = false,
  bool with_offset = false,
  class Tree,
  class Compare>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::upper_bound(
  Tree&& tree,
  Compare&& compare) -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Searches for the leftmost node that compares greater, according to the compare comparator. If such a node is found, returns a pointer to it, otherwise returns null pointer. Meaning of the parameters with_node, with_index and with_offset is as described in the Comparator subsection.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Node Queries

Query node index

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::node_index(
    Tree&& tree,
    Node<Tree>& node) noexcept -> Index<Tree>;

Applicable only if the tree is indexed.

Computes the index of the specified node. If the node is not present in the tree the behavior is undefined.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.

Query node offset

Defined in header <treexx/bin/avl/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::avl::Tree_algo::node_offset(
    Tree&& tree,
    Node<Tree>& node) noexcept -> Offset<Tree>;

Applicable only if the tree is an offset tree.

Computes the offset of the specified node. If the node is not present in the tree the behavior is undefined.

Logarithmic in the size of the tree.


The functions described in this subsection can be applied not only to an AVL, but to any binary tree, therefore they are placed inside the class treexx::bin::Tree_algo.

Go to next/previous node

Defined in header <treexx/bin/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::Tree_algo::next_node(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node<Tree>& node) noexcept -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

template<class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::Tree_algo::previous_node(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node<Tree>& node) noexcept -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

template<Side side, class Tree>
auto treexx::bin::Tree_algo::adjacent_node(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node<Tree>& node) noexcept -> Node_pointer<Tree>;

Returns a pointer to the next or the previous node. If such node does not exist a null pointer is returned. If the node is not present in the tree the behavior is undefined.
The function adjacent_node with side parameter set to Side::left is equivalent to previous_node. With side set to Side::right it is equivalent to next_node.

Amortized constant. Logarithmic in the size of the tree in the worst case.

For each

Defined in header <treexx/bin/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree, class Fun>
void treexx::bin::Tree_algo::for_each(
  Tree&& tree,
  Fun&& fun);

Visits each node of the tree in ascending order (i.e. from left to right) and invokes the fun function object with a reference to the visited node.

template<class Tree, class Fun>
void treexx::bin::Tree_algo::for_each_backward(
  Tree&& tree,
  Fun&& fun);

Visits each node of the tree in descending order (i.e. from right to left) and invokes the fun function object with a reference to the visited node.

Linear in the size of the tree.

Swapping nodes

This function can be applied not only to an AVL, but to any binary tree, therefore it is placed inside the class treexx::bin::Tree_algo.

Defined in header <treexx/bin/tree_algo.hh>

template<class Tree>
void swap(
  Tree&& tree,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_x_ptr,
  Node_pointer<Tree> const& node_y_ptr) noexcept;

Swaps two nodes of the tree. node_x_ptr and node_y_ptr must be present in the tree and must not be null. If any of these conditions is not satisfied the behavior is undefined.
