8000 GitHub - robinst/taglib-ruby: Ruby interface for the TagLib C++ library, for reading and writing meta-data (tags) of many audio formats
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Ruby interface for the TagLib C++ library, for reading and writing meta-data (tags) of many audio formats


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Ruby interface for the TagLib C++ library, for reading and writing meta-data (tags) of many audio formats.

In contrast to other libraries, this one wraps the full C++ API, not only the minimal C API. This means that all tag data can be accessed, e.g. cover art of ID3v2 or custom fields of Ogg Vorbis comments.

taglib-ruby currently supports the following:

  • Reading/writing common tag data of all formats that TagLib supports
  • Reading/writing ID3v1 and ID3v2 including ID3v2.4 and Unicode
  • Reading/writing Ogg Vorbis comments
  • Reading/writing MP4 tags (.m4a)
  • Reading audio properties (e.g. bitrate) of the above formats

Contributions for more coverage of the library are very welcome.

Gem version ci


Before you install the gem, make sure to have taglib 1.11.1 or higher installed with header files (and a C++ compiler of course):

  • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libtag1-dev
  • Fedora/RHEL: sudo dnf install taglib-devel
  • Brew: brew install taglib
  • MacPorts: sudo port install taglib

Then install the latest taglib-ruby 1.x by running:

gem install taglib-ruby --version '< 2'

If you are using TagLib 2.0.1 or higher, you need to install taglib-ruby 2.x instead:

gem install taglib-ruby --version '>= 2'


Depending on your brew setup, TagLib might be installed in different locations, which makes it hard for taglib-ruby to find it. To get the library location, run:

$ brew info taglib
taglib: stable 1.13 (bottled), HEAD
Audio metadata library
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/taglib/1.13 (122 files, 1.6MB) *

Note the line with the path at the end. Provide that using the TAGLIB_DIR environment variable when installing, like this:

TAGLIB_DIR=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/taglib/1.13 gem install taglib-ruby

If you're using bundler, like this:

TAGLIB_DIR=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/taglib/1.13 bundle install

Another problem might be that clang++ doesn't work with a specific version of TagLib. In that case, try compiling taglib-ruby's C++ extensions with a different compiler:

TAGLIB_RUBY_CXX=g++-4.2 gem install taglib-ruby


Complete API documentation can be found on rubydoc.info.

Begin with the TagLib namespace.

Release Notes





sudo dnf install taglib-devel ruby-devel gcc-c++ redhat-rpm-config swig


Install dependencies (uses bundler, install it via gem install bundler if you don't have it):

bundle install

Regenerate SWIG wrappers if you made changes in .i files (use version 3.0.7 of SWIG - 3.0.8 through 3.0.12 will not work):

rake swig

Force regeneration of all SWIG wrappers:

touch ext/*/*.i
rake swig

Compile extensions:

rake clean compile

Run tests:

rake test

Run irb with library:

irb -Ilib -rtaglib

Build and install gem into system gems:

rake install

Build a specific version of Taglib:

PLATFORM=x86_64-linux TAGLIB_VERSION=1.11.1 rake vendor

The above command will automatically download Taglib 1.11.1, build it and install it in tmp/x86_64-linux/taglib-1.11.1.

The swig, compile and test tasks can then be executed against that specific version of Taglib by setting the TAGLIB_DIR environment variable to $PWD/tmp/x86_64-linux/taglib-1.11.1 (it is assumed that taglib headers are located at $TAGLIB_DIR/include and taglib libraries at $TAGLIB_DIR/lib).

To do everything in one command:

PLATFORM=x86_64-linux TAGLIB_VERSION=1.11.1 TAGLIB_DIR=$PWD/tmp/x86_64-linux/taglib-1.11.1 rake vendor compile test


  • Check out the latest main branch to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone hasn't already requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch from main.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so that I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Run rubocop locally to lint your changes and fix the issues. Please refer to .rubocop.yml for the list of relaxed rules. Try to keep the liniting offenses to minimum. Preferably, first run rubocop on your fork to have a general idea of the existing linting offenses before writing new code.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Robin Stocker and others, see Git history.

taglib-ruby is distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for details.

In the binary gem for Windows, a compiled TagLib is bundled as a DLL. TagLib is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL) and Mozilla Public License (MPL).


Ruby interface for the TagLib C++ library, for reading and writing meta-data (tags) of many audio formats







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