8000 GitHub - robb-j/repo-api-service at v0.3.4
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Wrap a git repo with an HTTP API to read and write files

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Repository files navigation


Ever wanted an HTTP API to query what's in a git repo and retrive files? And maybe even write back to the repo and commit changes upstream? Repo Api Service does that. It is a service that checks out a git repo and keeps it up to date. There is then an API to get and query files in the repository and another endpoint to write changes to the repo and commit and push them upstream.

This is designed to be run as a single container bound to a single git repository. So to support multiple repositories you run multiple containers with different configurations.


Examples are written with httpie with robb-j/r0b-blog as the repository being queried.


Check the app is online and find out the app version.

GET /healthz

Ensure the app is healthy, useful for Kubernetes checks.

GET /query

Search and retrieve files from the git repository. You can either get a specific file or get multiple files using a glob pattern.

get a specific file

Use the file search parameter to get a specific file and it will response will be the body of the request.

http $URL/query file==content/index.md
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 12:52:25 GMT
transfer-encoding: chunked
vary: Accept-Encoding

title: r0b's random ramblings
layout: home

# r0b's random ramblings

This is a place for me to jot down thing's I've experimented with
and document them for my future self ... or other people too I guess.

query with a glob

Use the glob parameter to retrieve multiple files and it will return them as a multipart/form-data response where each entry is an item in the form data where the name is the path of the matched file and the body is the contents of the file.

http $URL/query "glob==content/post/*.md"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----3515918059508545431921584621
date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 12:56:27 GMT
transfer-encoding: chunked
vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content/post/bundle-javascript-with-eleventy-and-esbuild.md"; filename="content/post/bundle-javascript-with-eleventy-and-esbuild.md"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

title: Bundle JavaScript with Eleventy and esbuild
date: 2021-06-27
draft: false
summary: >
  How to add JavaScript and bundle it together for an Eleventy project plus integration with the development server for automatic reloading.

[Static site generators are great...](https://blog.r0b.io/post/compile-sass-with-eleventy/)
as I have previously mentioned,
here is how to bundle JavaScript into your Eleventy site too.

parsing data

You can tell the service to parse the file contents for you for both file and glob queries by using the format parameter. These formats are supported: json, yaml,csv,markdown,toml, ini and binary. If not specified it defaults to binary.

http $URL/query file==content/index.md format==markdown
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-encoding: gzip
content-length: 207
content-type: application/json
date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 12:57:58 GMT
vary: Accept-Encoding

    "attrs": {
        "layout": "home",
        "title": "r0b's random ramblings"
    "body": "# r0b's random ramblings\n\nThis is a place for me to jot down thing's I've experimented with\nand document them for my future self ... or other people too I guess.\n",
    "frontMatter": "title: r0b's random ramblings\nlayout: home"

CSV columns

When getting CSV files you can also specify columns to convert CSV records into objects rather than just arrays in the JSON.

http $URL/query file==some.csv format==csv columns==date,title,age
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-encoding: gzip
content-length: 207
content-type: application/json
date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 12:57:58 GMT
vary: Accept-Encoding

  {"date": "2023-06-01", "title": "Something", "age": 42},
  {"date": "2023-06-01", "title": "Something", "age": 42},
  {"date": "2023-06-01", "title": "Something", "age": 42}

PUT /file

Use the file endpoint to write a file to repository, commit it to git and push the change upstream. It will write the file in the request body at the location specified by the file parameter.

Use the message parameter to set the commit message, this will be prefixed with repo-api-service and defaults to repo-api-service: automated commit if not set.

cat page.md | http put $URL/file file==page.md message=="Update page"

It will return a http/200 if everything went ok. If it failed, it will rollback the git back to the state to before the file was written.

GET /expand

If you want to see whats in a repository without retrieving the whole files, you can ask the API to expand a glob for you.

http $URL/expand "glob==content/post/*.md"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-encoding: gzip
content-length: 587
content-type: application/json
date: Sun, 02 Jul 2023 13:06:06 GMT
vary: Accept-Encoding


GET /changed

new in 0.2.0

Find out which files changed at certain times and/or at certain paths or globs.

http :9000/changed since=="10 days ago" paths=="content/post/*"

There are these URL search parameters available, you can specify any combination or none of them:

  • since — specify the lower bound of the date range, only showing files that were changed after this date
  • until — specify the higher bound of the date range, to only show files changed before this date
  • paths — narrow down the paths you wish to search within. This can be set multiple times to look at different files or use multiple glob patterns. The request will fail if a path is specified that doesn't exist in the repository.

Git dates — You can see the accepted formats from this git commit

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-encoding: gzip
content-length: 136
content-type: application/json
date: Wed, 02 Aug 2023 13:49:09 GMT
vary: Accept-Encoding



The service can be configured by a configuration file, CLI arguments or environment variables.

To see how to configure the app, run deno run -A source/config.ts which shows the default configuration, how it is configured and the table below. The JSON configuration file should be placed at the root of the project as config.json.

name type flag variable fallback
auth.key string ~ ~
env string ~ DENO_ENV development
git.commit boolean ~ GIT_COMMIT false
git.commitPrefix string ~ ~ repo-api-service
git.pull boolean ~ GIT_PULL false
git.push boolean ~ GIT_PUSH false
git.remote string ~ GIT_REMOTE https://github.com/robb-j/r0b-blog.git
git.syncInterval number ~ ~ 300000
meta.name string ~ APP_NAME robb-j/repo-api-service
meta.version string ~ APP_VERSION 1.2.3
port number --port APP_PORT 8000
  • env — Set the "mode" of the service, set to development to enable debug logging.
  • git.remote — The remote of the git repository for the service.
  • git.pull — Whether to pull the git repository while synchronising.
  • git.push — Whether to push back to the git remote.
  • git.syncInterval — How often to synchronise the git repository, in milliseconds.
  • auth.key — Turn on authentication, if set all requests will need to have a Authorization: Bearer $KEY header with the same value for them to be accepted. Setting to empty string "" disables this

Git permissions

The user that runs the repo-api-service needs to the correct permissions to pull/push from the the repository in question. This can be an ssh key for example. If using the container, this is the deno user and the credentials should be put into /home/deno/.ssh and you need to make sure they have the correct file permissions and ownership.


Each version is released as a container on ghcr.io, built automatically with GitHub Actions. These images are currently build to amd64 and arm64 architectures. You could use a docker-compose.yml file like this to run the container:

version: '2.4'

    image: ghcr.io/robb-j/repo-api-service:0.1.0
      NO_PUSH: 'true'
      NO_PULL: 'true'
      REMOTE_URL: git@github.com:robb-j/r0b-blog.git
      - ./repos/blog:/app/repo
      - ~/.ssh:/home/deno/.ssh
      - 8000:8000

The container runs on port 8000 by default and the repository goes into /app/repo. You can configure git access to the deno user by mounting credentials into /home/deno/.ssh.

Make sure any SSH credentials or files in the .ssh folder have the correct file permissions and ownership otherwise they will be ignored. It is also useful to add in .ssh/known_hosts so that the container doesn't need to confirm the hosts.

If you want to use a config file, mount that at /app/config.json in the container.

API Client

There is an API client at https://esm.r0b.io/repo-api-client@0.3.0/mod.js, you can see the source code at client/repo-api-client.js.

import { RepoApi } from 'https://esm.r0b.io/repo-api-client@0.3.0/mod.js'

const api = new RepoApi('https://example.com')

const indexFile = await api.queryFile('content/index.md', {
  format: 'markdown',

const csv = await api.queryCsvFile('products.csv', ['id', 'date', 'name'])

const pages = await api.queryGlob('**/*.md', { format: 'markdown' })

const usage = await api.queryCsvGlob('**/usage.csv', ['id', 'date', 'amount'])

const contents = 'hello there'
await api.write('hello.txt', contents, 'add hello.txt file')

const fileNames = await api.expandGlob('**/*.md')


There are deno tasks for local development and they are configured to run the app on port 9000 and have the repository in repo. Git pull & push are disabled by default so can manually check out the repository in question or just work with static files. You can set environment variables by creating a .env file at the root of the project.

deno task dev

release process

  1. Make sure the CHANGELOG.md and Configuration is up to date
  2. Bump the version in app.json
  3. Commit the change as vX.Y.Z
  4. Tag the commit as vX.Y.Z
  5. Push the commit & tag and it'll build the container.
  6. Publish the latest version of the client JavaScript by uploading to the S3 bucket with public-read and the current version in the comment.