A git addon to manage Jira from git.
Create a Jira API token: https://support.atlassian.com/atlassian-account/docs/manage-api-tokens-for-your-atlassian-account/
The easiest (and best) way to install git-jira is through pip:
pip install git-jira
To make it work, you need a config.yml
with your authentication credentials and default project.
Run git jira configure
to generate this file.
The Jira server url should have the format https://yourservername.atlassian.net
. For now, the authentication only supports API tokens.
The project id should have the format XX
and is the one that you can find at the beginning of the issues (e.g. TP-123
During the config you can also specify custom branch names. See Branch>Format
section for more information.
Use git jira branch
to create an issue in Jira and checkout to a branch with the format TP-1234-summary-of-issue
The creation will ask the required fields interactively.
For now, the supported field types are:
- Short text, paragraph
- Number
- Dropdown (single choice)
- Checkbox (multiple choice)
You can also create a branch from an existing issue, using the issue code (TP-XX). For this, use git jira branch -k <issue_key>
The default branch name format is issue_key-issue_summary
replacing all non alphanumeric characters for -
You can override this by using the option -f
or --format
. This option will prompt a select menu that will show the formats you've specified while running configure
. You can also select a custom format (using the last option).
For example, if you want the format to be feat/TP-123/summary-of-issue
just pass feat/issue_key/issue_summary
. The replacement for -
in the summary can't be changed.
Use git jira list
to list issues and their branches. By default, it list all issues in planned. You can use the flag -s
or --status
to show issues with other statuses.
Use git jira issue
to check the info of an issue specified in a branch. If you're in a branch TP-10-issue-summary
this command will show you the info related to the Jira issue TP-10
or --status
: update the issue status.
or --assignee
: assign the issue to you or someone else.
-c <text>
or --comment <text>
: add a comment to the issue.
git jira --help
won't work. To see the global help, run git jira
or git-jira --help
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e ".[dev]"