I am a CLI hacker passionate about the terminal.
Tools I find essential at my work every day (totally incomplete with no particular order):
- iTerm2 for terminal emulation
- zsh + oh-my-zsh + powerlevel10k
- neovim + LazyVim + some of my favourite plugins
- see my current config in my dotfiles
- I also use vscode sometimes but 🤫
- jq and my jq-zsh-plugin for wrangling with JSON
- fzf for a bunch of my interactive needs
- direnv to handle contextual things instead of me
- eza because ls is sooooo last millennium...
- ripgrep + fd for finding things
- coreutils + findutils + moreutils because of course, duh!
- gawk + gsed for the quick and dirty stuff
- curl because obviously, DUUUH!
- git and delta for those pretty diffs! 🤩
Languages I prefer to work with (in no particular order):
I'm working a lot with kubernetes and aws.